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Fever Suppression/Autism Article

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I had the fever dysfunction from childhood thru late

20s, without taking tylenol or ibuprofen as a child.

People who use only homeopathy w/no antibiotics

whatsover also end up w/children with autism.

While the practice of antibiotics can certainly

contribute towards autism by the exacerbation of

yeast, it is not a specific cause. There can be

triggers, but again, it is more likely that the

chronic infections requiring these antibiotics were a

result of the dysfunction already existing from in


Dr G has had parents of his patients who were going to

have another baby be on strict diet and an

adjusted vaccine schedule w/ further diet restrictions

during infancy and prevented the disorder, but he has

not withheld antibiotics if indicated, and has not

seen these children go on to develop autism. It truly

seems to begin in utero and progress from there.

Perhaps we could have prevented this with more

knowledge, but until this is able to be identified

very early on and guidelines put out for diet and

health management for children at risk, more and more

of us will be trying to figure out that 'mistake' we

made that caused this. There was no way for us to

know. I hope you are able to make peace and overcome

the regret. It's hard enough as it is without taking

a gut-punch everytime we look back.


--- lrfschr <elfischer@...> wrote:

It kind of spooks me because

> I gave my son

> way too much ibuprofen in hindsight, every time he

> was vaccinated,

> for toothaches, and it seems like his pediatritian

> told me to give

> it to him all the time when he was having chronic

> ear infections

> from 15-20 months of age along with chronic

> anitbiotic use. It

> literally makes me ill thinking of this, because my

> son would never

> spike high fevers with illnesses or with his ear

> infections like

> many children do.


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Re: Fever Suppression/Autism Article


Jerri Gann <njgann@...>


Mon, 03 Jul 2006 20:01:44 -0700


< >

I just wanted to add to what said. My son had extremely high

fevers 105 degrees almost every time he got sick. We did not give him a

lot of ibuprofen. Only when it reached sky high and we often gave

acetaminophen also. He did have a lot of antibiotics pumped into him at

birth because I tested high for strep B, and he was three weeks early,

was jaundiced and had to use the " bililights " , he was given many

five-in-one vaccinations through a research program our pediatricians

recommended because I hated the constant shots. It all makes me very,

very sick when I think of all the stuff they stuck into my baby from

birth on. I always feel bad and wonder what the cause was. I quit the

vaccinations after 4 of them with my younger son because I was just

starting to learn everything and was extremely freaked out that every

time I went to the pediatricians office they were militant about the

shots. I quit going to the pediatrician too. My younger son started

showing signs also at 20 months. I jumped on ABA and Dr G. With just a

very little bit of both, he is absolutely fine. So I often blame all the

vaccinations given to a child who probably had a weakened immune system

to start with. And I always feel sick about it. But I know I can only

press on and hope and pray that one day he will get as fine as my

younger son. Anyway, I hope this alleviates some of your fears. Jerri

P.S. I have been unable to send to the list because I got a new

email address after our computer crashed AGAIN ( I hate computers,

sometimes) I just got this fixed. Have greatly enjoyed reading everything.

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