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Re: Yeast die-off/was: Purge...

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> So for those of you who have been there and done that how long

does die off from yeast last? Sheri


For us, yeast die-off has lasted anywhere between 10 days to (one

time) as long as 4 weeks.

I think 4 weeks is very unusual, though.

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How will I know when it is over? My daughter's sores are healing she had pox

like sores and very red area's that I will not mention there was also some

swelling in those area's that I had thought was diaper rash for bed wetting but

I now think that it was caused from die off because it did not respond to diaper

rash ointment instead it lessened with the scabbing of the pox like marks. She

is beginning to babble more but now she is crying over everything that she does

not get her way with. This has not been the norm for months and I pray that it

stops soon. Sheri

princesspeach <donnaaron@...> wrote:

> So for those of you who have been there and done that how long

does die off from yeast last? Sheri


For us, yeast die-off has lasted anywhere between 10 days to (one

time) as long as 4 weeks.

I think 4 weeks is very unusual, though.


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We too have lasted as long as four weeks. That is actually the norm for us.

Dr. G never thinks it is yeast kill off for that long, but I can assure you

the symptoms are severe, then gradually taper off. There is no question

that it is yeast. Then, just when I think I can't take it any more and

there must be something else going on, my boy is sweeter than sweet and

there is no residue of the ugly little behaviours we saw going through the

kill off. It would actually be amazing to document, although I am so

stressed going through it I can't see my way beyond each day. Hang in

there. It can be a rough ride. Oddly enough, I never though yeast was an

issue for my guy until we went through a kill off. I think the 3rd or 4th

time was the absolute worst. Oi. I don't envy you, but as Dr. G

says...Your child will be brighter on the other side.

Best of luck.


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OK now I am feeling stupid for asking this question but is it normal to have to

go through yeast die off more than once? Sheri

Lori <lbharris@...> wrote: We too have lasted as long as

four weeks. That is actually the norm for us.

Dr. G never thinks it is yeast kill off for that long, but I can assure you

the symptoms are severe, then gradually taper off. There is no question

that it is yeast. Then, just when I think I can't take it any more and

there must be something else going on, my boy is sweeter than sweet and

there is no residue of the ugly little behaviours we saw going through the

kill off. It would actually be amazing to document, although I am so

stressed going through it I can't see my way beyond each day. Hang in

there. It can be a rough ride. Oddly enough, I never though yeast was an

issue for my guy until we went through a kill off. I think the 3rd or 4th

time was the absolute worst. Oi. I don't envy you, but as Dr. G

says...Your child will be brighter on the other side.

Best of luck.


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What types of things do the kids do when they are

having die-off? Haven't experienced this yet, but

will know what to expect.


--- Lori <lbharris@...> wrote:

> We too have lasted as long as four weeks. That is

> actually the norm for us.

> Dr. G never thinks it is yeast kill off for that

> long, but I can assure you

> the symptoms are severe, then gradually taper off.

> There is no question

> that it is yeast. Then, just when I think I can't

> take it any more and

> there must be something else going on, my boy is

> sweeter than sweet and

> there is no residue of the ugly little behaviours we

> saw going through the

> kill off. It would actually be amazing to document,

> although I am so

> stressed going through it I can't see my way beyond

> each day. Hang in

> there. It can be a rough ride. Oddly enough, I

> never though yeast was an

> issue for my guy until we went through a kill off.

> I think the 3rd or 4th

> time was the absolute worst. Oi. I don't envy you,

> but as Dr. G

> says...Your child will be brighter on the other

> side.


> Best of luck.


> Lori,_._,___



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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I am very new to all of this as well but the signs that I have seen in my

daughter have been a rash that looks more like individual pox like sores, she is

red and irritated in her private area's, she began to head bang, spin all the

time, and basically regressed a good amount, her she is having trouble getting

to sleep and she is more irritable. Sheri

Curtis and Hackler <thehacks@...> wrote: What types of

things do the kids do when they are

having die-off? Haven't experienced this yet, but

will know what to expect.


--- Lori <lbharris@...> wrote:

> We too have lasted as long as four weeks. That is

> actually the norm for us.

> Dr. G never thinks it is yeast kill off for that

> long, but I can assure you

> the symptoms are severe, then gradually taper off.

> There is no question

> that it is yeast. Then, just when I think I can't

> take it any more and

> there must be something else going on, my boy is

> sweeter than sweet and

> there is no residue of the ugly little behaviours we

> saw going through the

> kill off. It would actually be amazing to document,

> although I am so

> stressed going through it I can't see my way beyond

> each day. Hang in

> there. It can be a rough ride. Oddly enough, I

> never though yeast was an

> issue for my guy until we went through a kill off.

> I think the 3rd or 4th

> time was the absolute worst. Oi. I don't envy you,

> but as Dr. G

> says...Your child will be brighter on the other

> side.


> Best of luck.


> Lori,_._,___



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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My child was silly and hyper... I remember he dove into the ball pit at

therapy like a kamikaze when he had always gotten in VERY cautiously before.

He giggled hysterically for days. I remember his therapist looking at me

and laughing and saying " I've NEVER seen him like this before! " .


> From: Curtis and Hackler <thehacks@...>

> Reply-< >

> Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 06:12:45 -0700 (PDT)

> < >

> Subject: RE: Re: Yeast die-off/was: Purge...


> What types of things do the kids do when they are

> having die-off? Haven't experienced this yet, but

> will know what to expect.


> Thanks-

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While all of you are very much verbal in the NIDs arena, i have found myself

reading every post in NIDs for the last few weeks trying to learn and


Here is my story and i truly would appreciate some feed back...

first let me just ask: is it possible that my daughter purges without any

medicines? (if i understand purging as you mean it)

My daughter is 33 months today... and unlike so many of you i have no idea if

it was vaccination or if she was born Autistic because of a very unhealthy

pregnancy (i smoked during my pregnancy)

when she was 2 and a half months, she spiked a high fever and after a couple

of days of this we took her to the ER for dehydration with 105 temp. after

several tests they were stunned that she had a staph infection in the blood and

urine, i was told that its very unusual... for the following two weeks they

would try several and different antibiotics stimuionsly or one at a time waiting

on her temp to decrease... well, when we got discharged we were asked to keep

her on antibiotics for few months as a precaution. all the while i was

breastfeeding (I still am) and the yeast infections and diarrhea started shortly

after but things did get better...

we have planned on baptizing her at the river Jordan in the holy land, so at 4

months i took her to see her Pediatrician before we left, she insisted that i

give her the MMR's because she said she would be at risk if i don't... she was

only 4 months and at that point i have just stopped the antibiotics... also i

should mention that the yeast and diarrhea have subsided shortly after we left

the hospital ...

i will try to be short... i don't recall any complications or any issues from

that point other than that we were trying to slowly introduce solids and Nadia

was reacting to some of the baby biscuits... her face would swell up and then it

will go away on its own...and that eventually went away on its own and i was

told not to take it seriously... who knows what she was reacting to, the wheat

or whatever else

at six months her pediatrician insisted on giving her the MMRs again... and

that time she spiked a fever, had a reaction to the chicken pox by getting a

mild chicken pox ... and from that point on it seemed that if someone next door

sneezed Nadia would get sick... she was sick all the time and almost always they

kept writing it off as a viral infection when it Was severe dierearah that would

last for few days, the yeast infections they will tell me are normal at the age

because of diapers, the colds they will tell me are very common... and on and

on... and once i insisted they test her stool they did find that she is lactose


when she turned one i started to notice how behind she was and how she was

indifferent if i was there or not... some things seemed odd and her pediatrician

would not hear of it and kept telling me to do more with her, read more, talk

more to her i was told... then at 14 months after months of crawling she started

walking but at that point the little babbling she had just stopped and we all

waited for the words to come... my mom said that she is so busy exploring

because she is walking now she does not slow down to learn to talk... and

similar excuses came pouring in... but i was not buying it... finally i went to

a different pediatrician who referred me to Early intervention... at that point

she was 19 months

here is where i need advice: in Virginia our state provides nothing in EI,

they simply evaluate and wait for the child to get to be school age... they send

you someone once a week to teach parents what to do and that is all ... so i

enrolled her in speech 4 times a week believing that if language comes

communication will come with it... she is now 33 months very verbal but limited

spontaneous language... she has no behavior issues that i can list other than

that when she wants to eat you have to run after her from room to room to feed

her one bite at a time... she does not get as sick as she used too however once

every couple of months she will go through a week where her BM's are frequent, a

little temperature, and some manic like behaviors, not sleeping well if at all,

she becomes almost non verbal... withdrawn... and seems less and less aware...

and then it all goes away... and she is back to eating everything, sleeping, and

her BM's normal and on schedule... would

these episodes be the yeast die off you talk about?

i have not consulted a Dan doctor simply because a Genetics doctor we saw told

me its all not proven... but i read your testimonies and i think maybe he is

wrong, yet Nadia does not have any sever symptoms, all of her deficits are

social and not with us mostly with strangers and her peers...

she was diagnosed PDD.NOS when she turned two but no doctor i talked to will

take her occasional (almost scheduled) manic episodes seriously...

has any of you experienced these manic episodes without medications with your

kids? are those yeast die offs possible and the purging possible without

medications? also i read so many stories about behaviors, will my daughter start

having these classic autistic behaviors as she gets older? based on my story do

you see any indication of mercury poisoning (staph infection and frequent



hindssite@... wrote:

I know it seems hard to believe when you are going through it but die off is

really a great sign. It

means your child will be helped tremendously by the Nizoral or Diflucan. The die

off usually

occurs a week to two weeks after starting Nizoral or Diflucan. As the yeast

is being killed off, it can kick up some severe reactions before

exiting the body.

My son is now seventeen. He just got his score back on the ACT and is in the

98th percentile. That means there is only 2 percent of the kids in the country

that scored higher than him. When I think back to the days of die off and

bizarre behavior I never would have believed this possible. He used to be so

Autistic and I thought he would never be " normal. "

During die off your child's Autistic behaviors will increase ten fold. If it

gets really bad,

give him some Tylenol or activated charcoal (can get at the pharmacy without

a prescription). But be careful when you give the activated charcoal

because in addition to absorbing the yeast it will absorb medicines. Don't

give it shortly after medicines.

Die-off doesn't usually last more than a week but can be as long as ten

days. But when you are done you will see a new kid. More focused and

alert. You will be amazed by the change in your child. So hang on when it

happens. Soon

it will be wonderful! The hyper,silly, and drunken behavior start to go

away. Now they can learn to stop pinching or biting. (Or whatever your

child does. The behaviors that make you crazy are now possible to get rid

of with teaching.)

I tried the pills myself just to see what it was like. You feel like PMS

times twenty. During die off we didn't do any thing complicated. We hung

out, watched videos and chilled out. We also did a lot of swimming. (For some

reason that always helped my kid.)

Die off wasn't a time I would try to teach new things. I even stopped the

therapies was getting during die off and sometimes when it was bad didn't

send him to school. They feel sick. Tylenol helps

along with doing things they find relaxing like favorite music videos. If

it is really bad, call Dr. G. He may tell you to either increase or

decrease the dosage. As they get better each die off gets less and less.

The medicines that are working so well now need to be changed about every six

months so they continue to work. That means going through die off again. But in

time the die off becomes very minimal. Hang in there and remember when you are

going through die off it truly is a wonderful sign your child will get better.

Marcia Hinds

P.S. In my opinion (not a medical one) don't bother washing off the dyes on the

pills. Even if they do react to the dyes as they get better, this is no longer a

concern. Our lives are crazy enough so don't sweat the small stuff and

concentrate on the big picture. Don't waste precious time on the things that

take too much time. Instead spend that time teaching and working with your


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Just a thought regarding the " manic " episodes. Has your daughter had an

MRI of her brain as well as an EEG. These episodes could be either seizures

or perhaps a brain abnormality that has not been diagnosed. If these tests

have not been done then I would insist that your ped. order them as soon as


The yeast theory is possible, but first you should rule out a seizure

disorder or brain abnormality.

Take care,

>From: Nuha Shiblie <nshiblie2002@...>


> , Curtis and Hackler <thehacks@...>

>Subject: Re: Yeast die-off/was: Purge...

>Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2006 12:13:42 -0700 (PDT)


>While all of you are very much verbal in the NIDs arena, i have found

>myself reading every post in NIDs for the last few weeks trying to learn

>and understand


> Here is my story and i truly would appreciate some feed back...

> first let me just ask: is it possible that my daughter purges without

>any medicines? (if i understand purging as you mean it)


> My daughter is 33 months today... and unlike so many of you i have no

>idea if it was vaccination or if she was born Autistic because of a very

>unhealthy pregnancy (i smoked during my pregnancy)


> when she was 2 and a half months, she spiked a high fever and after a

>couple of days of this we took her to the ER for dehydration with 105 temp.

>after several tests they were stunned that she had a staph infection in the

>blood and urine, i was told that its very unusual... for the following two

>weeks they would try several and different antibiotics stimuionsly or one

>at a time waiting on her temp to decrease... well, when we got discharged

>we were asked to keep her on antibiotics for few months as a precaution.

>all the while i was breastfeeding (I still am) and the yeast infections and

>diarrhea started shortly after but things did get better...


> we have planned on baptizing her at the river Jordan in the holy land,

>so at 4 months i took her to see her Pediatrician before we left, she

>insisted that i give her the MMR's because she said she would be at risk if

>i don't... she was only 4 months and at that point i have just stopped the

>antibiotics... also i should mention that the yeast and diarrhea have

>subsided shortly after we left the hospital ...


> i will try to be short... i don't recall any complications or any issues

>from that point other than that we were trying to slowly introduce solids

>and Nadia was reacting to some of the baby biscuits... her face would swell

>up and then it will go away on its own...and that eventually went away on

>its own and i was told not to take it seriously... who knows what she was

>reacting to, the wheat or whatever else


> at six months her pediatrician insisted on giving her the MMRs again...

>and that time she spiked a fever, had a reaction to the chicken pox by

>getting a mild chicken pox ... and from that point on it seemed that if

>someone next door sneezed Nadia would get sick... she was sick all the time

>and almost always they kept writing it off as a viral infection when it Was

>severe dierearah that would last for few days, the yeast infections they

>will tell me are normal at the age because of diapers, the colds they will

>tell me are very common... and on and on... and once i insisted they test

>her stool they did find that she is lactose intolerant


> when she turned one i started to notice how behind she was and how she

>was indifferent if i was there or not... some things seemed odd and her

>pediatrician would not hear of it and kept telling me to do more with her,

>read more, talk more to her i was told... then at 14 months after months of

>crawling she started walking but at that point the little babbling she had

>just stopped and we all waited for the words to come... my mom said that

>she is so busy exploring because she is walking now she does not slow down

>to learn to talk... and similar excuses came pouring in... but i was not

>buying it... finally i went to a different pediatrician who referred me to

>Early intervention... at that point she was 19 months


> here is where i need advice: in Virginia our state provides nothing in

>EI, they simply evaluate and wait for the child to get to be school age...

>they send you someone once a week to teach parents what to do and that is

>all ... so i enrolled her in speech 4 times a week believing that if

>language comes communication will come with it... she is now 33 months very

>verbal but limited spontaneous language... she has no behavior issues that

>i can list other than that when she wants to eat you have to run after her

>from room to room to feed her one bite at a time... she does not get as

>sick as she used too however once every couple of months she will go

>through a week where her BM's are frequent, a little temperature, and some

>manic like behaviors, not sleeping well if at all, she becomes almost non

>verbal... withdrawn... and seems less and less aware... and then it all

>goes away... and she is back to eating everything, sleeping, and her BM's

>normal and on schedule... would

> these episodes be the yeast die off you talk about?


> i have not consulted a Dan doctor simply because a Genetics doctor we

>saw told me its all not proven... but i read your testimonies and i think

>maybe he is wrong, yet Nadia does not have any sever symptoms, all of her

>deficits are social and not with us mostly with strangers and her peers...


> she was diagnosed PDD.NOS when she turned two but no doctor i talked to

>will take her occasional (almost scheduled) manic episodes seriously...


> has any of you experienced these manic episodes without medications with

>your kids? are those yeast die offs possible and the purging possible

>without medications? also i read so many stories about behaviors, will my

>daughter start having these classic autistic behaviors as she gets older?

>based on my story do you see any indication of mercury poisoning (staph

>infection and frequent sickness)?


> Thanks


>hindssite@... wrote:


>I know it seems hard to believe when you are going through it but die off

>is really a great sign. It

>means your child will be helped tremendously by the Nizoral or Diflucan.

>The die off usually

>occurs a week to two weeks after starting Nizoral or Diflucan. As the yeast

>is being killed off, it can kick up some severe reactions before

>exiting the body.


>My son is now seventeen. He just got his score back on the ACT and is in

>the 98th percentile. That means there is only 2 percent of the kids in the

>country that scored higher than him. When I think back to the days of die

>off and bizarre behavior I never would have believed this possible. He used

>to be so Autistic and I thought he would never be " normal. "


>During die off your child's Autistic behaviors will increase ten fold. If

>it gets really bad,

>give him some Tylenol or activated charcoal (can get at the pharmacy


>a prescription). But be careful when you give the activated charcoal

>because in addition to absorbing the yeast it will absorb medicines. Don't

>give it shortly after medicines.


>Die-off doesn't usually last more than a week but can be as long as ten

>days. But when you are done you will see a new kid. More focused and

>alert. You will be amazed by the change in your child. So hang on when it

>happens. Soon

>it will be wonderful! The hyper,silly, and drunken behavior start to go

>away. Now they can learn to stop pinching or biting. (Or whatever your

>child does. The behaviors that make you crazy are now possible to get rid

>of with teaching.)


>I tried the pills myself just to see what it was like. You feel like PMS

>times twenty. During die off we didn't do any thing complicated. We hung

>out, watched videos and chilled out. We also did a lot of swimming. (For

>some reason that always helped my kid.)

>Die off wasn't a time I would try to teach new things. I even stopped the

>therapies was getting during die off and sometimes when it was bad

>didn't send him to school. They feel sick. Tylenol helps

>along with doing things they find relaxing like favorite music videos. If

>it is really bad, call Dr. G. He may tell you to either increase or

>decrease the dosage. As they get better each die off gets less and less.


>The medicines that are working so well now need to be changed about every

>six months so they continue to work. That means going through die off

>again. But in time the die off becomes very minimal. Hang in there and

>remember when you are going through die off it truly is a wonderful sign

>your child will get better.


>Marcia Hinds


>P.S. In my opinion (not a medical one) don't bother washing off the dyes on

>the pills. Even if they do react to the dyes as they get better, this is no

>longer a concern. Our lives are crazy enough so don't sweat the small stuff

>and concentrate on the big picture. Don't waste precious time on the things

>that take too much time. Instead spend that time teaching and working with

>your child.



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Are the tests a normal procedure or part of a regular protocol? i have Kaiser

for insurance and they have been less than helpful...

I have enrolled Nadia in an NIH research for (if anyone is interested in

learning more let me know). Nadia was patient number 3 for the study... we did

all the evaluations and now she is scheduled for the inpatient study and part of

that is MRI, EEG and tons of blood work as well as a spinal tap.. but i am

waiting for the admission date...

I kick myself every day for smoking during the pregnancy because i feel that i

have caused her autism...

LINDA ANAGNOSTAKOS <lsa5885@...> wrote:


Just a thought regarding the " manic " episodes. Has your daughter had an

MRI of her brain as well as an EEG. These episodes could be either seizures

or perhaps a brain abnormality that has not been diagnosed. If these tests

have not been done then I would insist that your ped. order them as soon as


The yeast theory is possible, but first you should rule out a seizure

disorder or brain abnormality.

Take care,

>From: Nuha Shiblie <nshiblie2002@...>


> , Curtis and Hackler <thehacks@...>

>Subject: Re: Yeast die-off/was: Purge...

>Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2006 12:13:42 -0700 (PDT)


>While all of you are very much verbal in the NIDs arena, i have found

>myself reading every post in NIDs for the last few weeks trying to learn

>and understand


> Here is my story and i truly would appreciate some feed back...

> first let me just ask: is it possible that my daughter purges without

>any medicines? (if i understand purging as you mean it)


> My daughter is 33 months today... and unlike so many of you i have no

>idea if it was vaccination or if she was born Autistic because of a very

>unhealthy pregnancy (i smoked during my pregnancy)


> when she was 2 and a half months, she spiked a high fever and after a

>couple of days of this we took her to the ER for dehydration with 105 temp.

>after several tests they were stunned that she had a staph infection in the

>blood and urine, i was told that its very unusual... for the following two

>weeks they would try several and different antibiotics stimuionsly or one

>at a time waiting on her temp to decrease... well, when we got discharged

>we were asked to keep her on antibiotics for few months as a precaution.

>all the while i was breastfeeding (I still am) and the yeast infections and

>diarrhea started shortly after but things did get better...


> we have planned on baptizing her at the river Jordan in the holy land,

>so at 4 months i took her to see her Pediatrician before we left, she

>insisted that i give her the MMR's because she said she would be at risk if

>i don't... she was only 4 months and at that point i have just stopped the

>antibiotics... also i should mention that the yeast and diarrhea have

>subsided shortly after we left the hospital ...


> i will try to be short... i don't recall any complications or any issues

>from that point other than that we were trying to slowly introduce solids

>and Nadia was reacting to some of the baby biscuits... her face would swell

>up and then it will go away on its own...and that eventually went away on

>its own and i was told not to take it seriously... who knows what she was

>reacting to, the wheat or whatever else


> at six months her pediatrician insisted on giving her the MMRs again...

>and that time she spiked a fever, had a reaction to the chicken pox by

>getting a mild chicken pox ... and from that point on it seemed that if

>someone next door sneezed Nadia would get sick... she was sick all the time

>and almost always they kept writing it off as a viral infection when it Was

>severe dierearah that would last for few days, the yeast infections they

>will tell me are normal at the age because of diapers, the colds they will

>tell me are very common... and on and on... and once i insisted they test

>her stool they did find that she is lactose intolerant


> when she turned one i started to notice how behind she was and how she

>was indifferent if i was there or not... some things seemed odd and her

>pediatrician would not hear of it and kept telling me to do more with her,

>read more, talk more to her i was told... then at 14 months after months of

>crawling she started walking but at that point the little babbling she had

>just stopped and we all waited for the words to come... my mom said that

>she is so busy exploring because she is walking now she does not slow down

>to learn to talk... and similar excuses came pouring in... but i was not

>buying it... finally i went to a different pediatrician who referred me to

>Early intervention... at that point she was 19 months


> here is where i need advice: in Virginia our state provides nothing in

>EI, they simply evaluate and wait for the child to get to be school age...

>they send you someone once a week to teach parents what to do and that is

>all ... so i enrolled her in speech 4 times a week believing that if

>language comes communication will come with it... she is now 33 months very

>verbal but limited spontaneous language... she has no behavior issues that

>i can list other than that when she wants to eat you have to run after her

>from room to room to feed her one bite at a time... she does not get as

>sick as she used too however once every couple of months she will go

>through a week where her BM's are frequent, a little temperature, and some

>manic like behaviors, not sleeping well if at all, she becomes almost non

>verbal... withdrawn... and seems less and less aware... and then it all

>goes away... and she is back to eating everything, sleeping, and her BM's

>normal and on schedule... would

> these episodes be the yeast die off you talk about?


> i have not consulted a Dan doctor simply because a Genetics doctor we

>saw told me its all not proven... but i read your testimonies and i think

>maybe he is wrong, yet Nadia does not have any sever symptoms, all of her

>deficits are social and not with us mostly with strangers and her peers...


> she was diagnosed PDD.NOS when she turned two but no doctor i talked to

>will take her occasional (almost scheduled) manic episodes seriously...


> has any of you experienced these manic episodes without medications with

>your kids? are those yeast die offs possible and the purging possible

>without medications? also i read so many stories about behaviors, will my

>daughter start having these classic autistic behaviors as she gets older?

>based on my story do you see any indication of mercury poisoning (staph

>infection and frequent sickness)?


> Thanks


>hindssite@... wrote:


>I know it seems hard to believe when you are going through it but die off

>is really a great sign. It

>means your child will be helped tremendously by the Nizoral or Diflucan.

>The die off usually

>occurs a week to two weeks after starting Nizoral or Diflucan. As the yeast

>is being killed off, it can kick up some severe reactions before

>exiting the body.


>My son is now seventeen. He just got his score back on the ACT and is in

>the 98th percentile. That means there is only 2 percent of the kids in the

>country that scored higher than him. When I think back to the days of die

>off and bizarre behavior I never would have believed this possible. He used

>to be so Autistic and I thought he would never be " normal. "


>During die off your child's Autistic behaviors will increase ten fold. If

>it gets really bad,

>give him some Tylenol or activated charcoal (can get at the pharmacy


>a prescription). But be careful when you give the activated charcoal

>because in addition to absorbing the yeast it will absorb medicines. Don't

>give it shortly after medicines.


>Die-off doesn't usually last more than a week but can be as long as ten

>days. But when you are done you will see a new kid. More focused and

>alert. You will be amazed by the change in your child. So hang on when it

>happens. Soon

>it will be wonderful! The hyper,silly, and drunken behavior start to go

>away. Now they can learn to stop pinching or biting. (Or whatever your

>child does. The behaviors that make you crazy are now possible to get rid

>of with teaching.)


>I tried the pills myself just to see what it was like. You feel like PMS

>times twenty. During die off we didn't do any thing complicated. We hung

>out, watched videos and chilled out. We also did a lot of swimming. (For

>some reason that always helped my kid.)

>Die off wasn't a time I would try to teach new things. I even stopped the

>therapies was getting during die off and sometimes when it was bad

>didn't send him to school. They feel sick. Tylenol helps

>along with doing things they find relaxing like favorite music videos. If

>it is really bad, call Dr. G. He may tell you to either increase or

>decrease the dosage. As they get better each die off gets less and less.


>The medicines that are working so well now need to be changed about every

>six months so they continue to work. That means going through die off

>again. But in time the die off becomes very minimal. Hang in there and

>remember when you are going through die off it truly is a wonderful sign

>your child will get better.


>Marcia Hinds


>P.S. In my opinion (not a medical one) don't bother washing off the dyes on

>the pills. Even if they do react to the dyes as they get better, this is no

>longer a concern. Our lives are crazy enough so don't sweat the small stuff

>and concentrate on the big picture. Don't waste precious time on the things

>that take too much time. Instead spend that time teaching and working with

>your child.



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