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Re: :-(

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" Next thing from her mouth " You are aware we cannot cognitively test

your child, Mrs. . " Me: " NO, she has been tested in the past,

why? " Her: " Well, your child is black, Mrs. , and we cannot

cognitively test black children. " She cited some ancient court case

which found the IQ test to be racially biased(proper term??) towards

African American children. My response, " Well, she is not black, she

is mixed. " Her: " Well, children take the race of the father. But if

you want to classify her as 'white' on school records, we can test

her. "

This is not just a court case -it's the law, and one that was Greek

to me too until Tamara Hill from Voices of California and I were

talking about this on the phone one day. CHERAB's VP Cheryl

is NJ State's Award of Excellence in Teaching

representative -and she knew about this but never brought it up till

I asked. This law seems to be used more in California than NJ for

some reason.

Being that my Dad came over here to the US not speaking a word of

English at 11 years old and was thrown into a regular classroom with

all English Speaking students and teachers, and from a different

culture (much more of a different culture than black American

children) -seems to me that there are many other children that

shouldn't receive IQ testing. Speech impaired children for example

shouldn't receive verbal based IQ testing -but they do. The laws

are a joke at times -not fair at times.

Not for nothing -but even an English speaking white American child

given most of the barbaric ancient IQ tests some of the school

systems still have in their museum they call a school are

inappropriate unless the child was born in 1950. Some still have

dial telephones! If you check the archives -we were once all sharing

the stupidest IQ cards we saw -it was pretty funny.

Anyway -there is only one group for some reason that is covered

under this law -and it is black American children. I read it -it's

the law. Tamara's Dad just passed away, which is very sad. Due to

this Tamara won't be able to comment on this for awhile -I know she

could let you know all about this law. I'll see if I can find info

on this.


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  • 2 years later...
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cannot be mixed with Chelation.

has science behind it - chelation does not.

The story will be told very soon ....

but it's surprising how only the 'juicy and pretty' stories

get told and the stories with 'meat' behind them

get left on the shelf.

time will come and hopefully parents will start asking

why CAN, DAN, NAAR, etal dropped the ball



Message: 5

Date: Sun Jun 4, 2006 3:13 pm (PDT)

From: " Rob or Sunseri " RobRose@...

Subject: Re: Thanks Michele :-(

Actually Dr. is on the advisory board to our hospital that is

proposing , among other treatments, for autism.

If you want the story told, start finding a producer who is interested in

autism or medicine and approach it like you are a salesperson. You form a

relationship with them and you call on them regularly (I used to do it for a



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again, the analyst in me needs to see the evidence by which

the outcome was reached.

> videos - before and after

> tests - blood, scans

> social

> attention

> sensory

The ABA consultant we used to have knew Lovaas and Maurice.

Ms. Maurice's claim that her 2 children are recovered is based

on very thin evidence. The consultant said there were still problems.

I don't want recovery, rather the ability to survive with acceptable

behavior. To think and reason so that he can live on his own

when we have to leave him.

If 's wants a girlfriend, cool

If he wants pets, no problem



> Interesting that one of the moms whose son apparently was portrayed

on the

> show was NOT chelated and is considered recovered. They did lots of ABA

> therapy and diet, and some supplements (she did not elaborate).


> Kristy

> Re: Thanks Michele :-(



> Actually Dr. is on the advisory board to our hospital

that is

> proposing , among other treatments, for autism.


> If you want the story told, start finding a producer who is

> interested in autism or medicine and approach it like you are a


> You form a relationship with them and you call on them regularly (I

used to

> do it for a living).


> -






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And to add to this, the dad hosting the recovery gala has a son

who " recovered " not using chelation....rather anti virals and mb12

nasal spray among a few other things.


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> I don't understand the negativity of so many on this board. I am

happy for any child who gets to leave the land of autism, no matter

how they find their exit.


Hi ,

It's really not negativity, per se. No one begrudges a parent who

will do whatever they have to to help their children recover.

Even though the majority of parents on this board have children on the

ASD spectrum, you have to understand that this board is not

technically an " autism " discussion group. The board homepage clearly

states that it is for specific discussion of the protocol, the

immune system and scientific issues/studies related to the

cluster of autoimmune diseases, which includes Chronic Fatigue Immune

Dysfunction Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's, and others. It

was *not* started or intended as a group for broad discussion of

autism treatments. There are other boards for that.

The protocol is devoted to restoring health by healing the immune

system. That's why we have so many adults on this board with CFS, and

children who only have CFS, but not ASD. Chelation therapy may help

some children regain some or all of their cognitive functioning, but

the potential for long-term damage to the immune system is the reason

it is contraindicated on . It drains the bones and body of vital

nutrients, or it can force them to cluster and " hide " in other parts

of the body, leading to other, undetected problems. It can leave the

child vulnerable to myriad autoimmune illnesses later in life. That's

why Dr. G goes crazy with frustration any time someone brings it up,

and it's the reason for his extreme caution with treatments for his


Hope that helps.


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> If we continue to achieve our goals, then what will set us apart

is that the doctor who is having great results with a MB-12 child will

talk with the doctor who is having great results with a child --

no more ego-driven protocols, leaving the parents torn between doctor

loyalty and loyalty to their child. This is what our parent advisory

board desires, an thus far we have doctors who are listening. It

gives us all hope.


> -


This is my dream as well!


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I think that we overlook the natural chelation that can occur when

children's methylation processes are corrected> Methylation removes

metals & virus stores from the body and I believe can be helped by

B12 as well as anti- virals to begin the process.

> And to add to this, the dad hosting the recovery gala

has a son

> who " recovered " not using chelation....rather anti virals and mb12

> nasal spray among a few other things.


> Kristie






> __________________________________________________


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  • 4 years later...
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Stu -

Life certainly has dealt with you unfairly - and you still maintain such a

positive outlook on life!!

I have nothing but admiration for you!! I had nothing but great results from

the CI and realize how fortunate

I am!


N24 - 11/99

Freedom processor for almost 3 years.

From: pompeyster@...

Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 22:35:16 +0000

Subject: :-(

now been 5 months there abouts, and now back to start, on lowest setting

possible, as brain couldnt take noise..they said after so many operations the

brain just doesnt seem to activate for C.Implant :-(

This could take number of years, they asked if I still wanted to try, well yes I

will, but its so low i cant hear much if anything at all, but they going to try

feed brain at low low low and slow rate....

Its complicated to explain, my history with ear operations is every op that you

can have, with taking ear completely off....

So as it is things not looking good, I Knew from start it would be hard and

possible not working, so didnt go in with great expectations, but still hurts a

bit, I havent lost anything, as I never had it..

Other things came up as well and not very good :-( remember I had Meningitis a

week or so after C.Implant.

well little did I know, but wife has been keeping check as has my Own Gp, asking

questions everytime I Saw him...

Yes meningitis has affected my memory, they cant

say if its permanent or temporary. as I had Abcess On the brain many years ago

and that doesnt help..

Well thats all for now folks, if you want to ask questions I will answer what I

CAN OK....


p.s 2morrows another day....:-)

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So sorry you are dealing with all of this Stuart.

it goes to show that CI's are not for everyone.

Hope you feel better soon.

Have a great day!

Debbie Cole

From: Stuart <pompeyster@...>

Subject: :-(

Date: Friday, July 9, 2010, 10:35 PM


now been 5 months there abouts, and now back to start, on lowest setting

possible, as brain couldnt take noise..they said after so many operations the

brain just doesnt seem to activate for C.Implant :-(

This could take number of years, they asked if I still wanted to try, well yes I

will, but its so low i cant hear much if anything at all, but they going to try

feed brain at low low low and slow rate....

Its complicated to explain, my history with ear operations is every op that you

can have, with taking ear completely off....

So as it is things not looking good, I Knew from start it would be hard and

possible not working, so didnt go in with great expectations, but still hurts a

bit, I havent lost anything, as I never had it..

Other things came up as well and not very good :-( remember I had Meningitis a

week or so after C.Implant.

well little did I know, but wife has been keeping check as has my Own Gp, asking

questions everytime I Saw him...

Yes meningitis has affected my memory, they cant

say if its permanent or temporary. as I had Abcess On the brain many years ago

and that doesnt help..

Well thats all for now folks, if you want to ask questions I will answer what I

CAN OK....


p.s 2morrows another day....:-)

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