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Die off?

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> I started my son two nights ago on probiotics and last night and


> morning he had diarrhea. Is this die off or is this a bad reaction

> and should I stop the probiotics?

Can be either, which can be frustrating. I would suggest you continue

it for a week unless you see other signs which would cause you to want

to change to a different probiotic or remove it.

Which probiotic? Maybe someone can give you info.


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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 3/11/2003 2:23:00 PM Eastern Standard Time,

gpheck@... writes:

> As much as I read about others' yeast die off reactions, I'm still not sure

> what to look for here. Last night about 6:30 I gave my son one drop of GSE

> and one capsule of ProBioGold. This was his first dose of both of those.

> At bedtime he was fine, but woke at about 10:30 pm crying, arching his

> back,

> and breathing a bit fast and forceful (but he also has a cold). He would

> not go back to sleep until almost 1:00 in the morning, mostly due to

> irritability, crying, and thrashing his body around. Is this a dieoff

> reaction? Would it happen so quick, just a few hours after a dose of GSE

> and/or priobiotic?


> Today he had one drop of GSE in the morning. He is VERY irritable and

> tired

> today. He went to his room and fell asleep at 11:30, which is quite early

> for him because naptime is usually 1:00 pm. Does dieoff caused fatigue?

> What can I do to make this easier on him? And I forget - how long does die

> off reactions last? Thanks for your input!!!


> Pam, mom to ,5,NT, and Christian,2,ASD





My child is very emotional when going through die-off. She does not follow

commands as well during die-off & tends to " hang " on me . Which tends to

make me aggrivated. When in Die-off she gets very saad when I am aggrivated

with her & then clings & hangs even worse.

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It had been our experience that our daughter has worse reactions to

yeast coming on than from the treatment/die off. We do use epsom salt

cream/baths and that helps alot. I have only used 2 drops at a time

with my daughter(9), though and that takes care of the yeast so

probably given his size the one drop would be very powerful on your

little guy. You could try epsom salts (if you aren't already) and/or

activated charcoal. I haven't tried that, but know people have had

success using it to soak up the toxins from die off. HTH some.


In , " Pam and Greg Heck "

<gpheck@e...> wrote:

> As much as I read about others' yeast die off reactions, I'm still

not sure

> what to look for here. Last night about 6:30 I gave my son one

drop of GSE

> and one capsule of ProBioGold. This was his first dose of both of


> At bedtime he was fine, but woke at about 10:30 pm crying, arching

his back,

> and breathing a bit fast and forceful (but he also has a cold). He


> not go back to sleep until almost 1:00 in the morning, mostly due to

> irritability, crying, and thrashing his body around. Is this a


> reaction? Would it happen so quick, just a few hours after a dose

of GSE

> and/or priobiotic?


> Today he had one drop of GSE in the morning. He is VERY irritable

and tired

> today. He went to his room and fell asleep at 11:30, which is

quite early

> for him because naptime is usually 1:00 pm. Does dieoff caused


> What can I do to make this easier on him? And I forget - how long

does die

> off reactions last? Thanks for your input!!!


> Pam, mom to ,5,NT, and Christian,2,ASD

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Thank you . I forgot that epsom salts will help, although we are

already using them, but not last night so I'll try it tonight. I have the

epsom salt cream from Kirkman too.

Pam, mom to ,5,NT, and Christian,2,ASD

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Thank you . That is very helpful. I suspected yeast, but I wasn't

quite sure. Now I know. Do you think I should give just the GSE, without

the probiotic for now, to slow down the dieoff?

Hopefully we will see some good results from this yeast treatment! It will

be interesting when I get his stool test results back next week from the DAN

doc to see if they showed the yeast (stool taken in January).

Pam, mom to ,5,NT, and Christian,2,ASD

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> As much as I read about others' yeast die off reactions, I'm still

not sure

> what to look for here.

My kids don't show die off symptoms, they just get better.

>> Last night about 6:30 I gave my son one drop of GSE

> and one capsule of ProBioGold. This was his first dose of both of


> At bedtime he was fine, but woke at about 10:30 pm crying, arching

his back,

> and breathing a bit fast and forceful (but he also has a cold). He


> not go back to sleep until almost 1:00 in the morning, mostly due to

> irritability, crying, and thrashing his body around. Is this a


> reaction?

Might be. Might also be intolerance to one of those two products.

Did you give the dose with enzymes?

Give the next dose only ONE of those items, with enzymes, in the


> Today he had one drop of GSE in the morning. He is VERY irritable

and tired

> today. He went to his room and fell asleep at 11:30, which is quite


> for him because naptime is usually 1:00 pm. Does dieoff caused


Yes it can.

> What can I do to make this easier on him? And I forget - how long

does die

> off reactions last?

You can give activated charcoal about 30-45 minutes after the dose of


For most kids with GSE, die off symptoms will last about 3 days.


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> woke at about 10:30 pm crying, arching his back,

> and breathing a bit fast and forceful

> He went to his room and fell asleep at 11:30, which is quite early

Die-off can be very VERY hard for the body (liver, brain). It causes lactic

acidosis and this can be very dangerous.

Give lots of charcoal.

I would give a lot less GSE or even stop for a while or try to find an easier

way to kill yeast (easier for the child). These symptoms sound pretty

dangerous to me.


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  • 1 year later...

>>he also showed alot of ketones. he is not diabetic and

> does not have kidney problems. any suggestions or explanations?

Ketones are generally because of low carbohydrates, like the Atkins

diet. However, if your child is not properly absorbing carbs, then he

can have high ketones even if he eats sufficient carbs.


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My daughter started Valtrex two weeks ago since day 10 I have seen behavior

changes that are very different from those from yeast die off. When she had die

off from yeast she was spinning, banging her head and digging at her skin and

itching, her behavior changes this die off seems to be more along the lines of

impulse control. For instance she spilled her soy milk off her cereal and onto

the floor to watch it fall. (I have carpet in my dining room eeks) today she

dumped over the cabinet int he bathroom, she opened her closet and pulled down

all of her clothes, she dumped all the toys from the bins in my son's room, this

girl has been a walking nightmare. But she has began calling for me and using

Mama Mama but only when she is mad but it has been consistent. LOL Die off is

killing me......ROFL I know that this too shall pass but how quickly? Sheri


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  • 1 year later...
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> A week has lapsed and now Cian has had a couple of sleepless nights and

> he is very loud..not stimmy just really loudy. he also is having sudden

> outbursts and banging his head as though in pain and after 3-5 settles

> again...

> Anyone familiar with GSE or Houstens and this behaviour? Not sure what

> is causing what.

Once the yeast is gone, GSE can cause problems. So first I would

suggest you drop the GSE, or reduce down to just 1 drop, see if that



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