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RE: Re: lactose in goat cheese

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My twins and I tried Redwood Hill Farm goat milk yogurt (blueberry) just

yesterday and it was very good. Sweetened with honey. I got it at Whole

Foods. We're pretty excited about this new food find.


Re: lactose in goat cheese

Hi ,

Trader Joe's has it's own goat yogurt. It's T-A-R-T. I mean, " biting

into a lemon " tart. My son hated it, even with tons of sweetener and


I tried making goat yogurt with a yogurt maker, and it was a lot

milder. But to be honest, I find it to be a time-consuming endeavor,

and it's easy to make a mistake and ruin the whole thing.

Perhaps someone knows of a good brand available at Whole Foods???



> I was really nervous trying goat cheese but since my daughter misses


> most of all, we gave it a try. We took her blood before starting


> and got the results back yesterday. Her eos are the same and no


> were observed either. She thinks pizza makes her strong, maybe she's

> right! I'm not sure why the goat milk is different, I'm just so

glad it

> is! I think I am going to look into goat yogurt next, anybody have any

> brand recommendations?



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That sounds REALLY good. I thought I should tell you though that Dr.

Goldberg has all of the kids eliminate all berries in the ³basic² diet,

and then, in addition, told us that honey was a no-no for my son when his

eosinophils crept up a bit (he had us write down his diet for a week...

there was some bread he ate that had a little honey in it). I don¹t know if

the removing honey is for all of his patients or just my little one, but

evidently it can be a problem for some kids. I hadn¹t really worried about

it before, but then I thought, well I guess it is sort of made of pollen, so

I guess it could cause problems in some people.

I feel bad posting this because there are days when I want to run screaming

from the house because I¹m so tired of ³doing the diet² and I feel like if I

have to take out one more thing, I¹ll go crazy. And my little guy is the

one with the adventurous palate... he loves everything... and he really

feels sad about what he can¹t have. Such is life, I suppose.


From: Kristy Nardini <krnardini@...>

Reply-< >

Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:57:13 -0700

< >

Subject: RE: Re: lactose in goat cheese

My twins and I tried Redwood Hill Farm goat milk yogurt (blueberry) just

yesterday and it was very good. Sweetened with honey. I got it at Whole

Foods. We're pretty excited about this new food find.


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Hi Kristy,

Do you happen to know what other flavors they carry? I was told by the

office to stay avoid all berries including cherries, and all tropical

fruits. The only allowable fruits are peaches, oranges, bananas and grapes.

Thanks, Argie

Re: lactose in goat cheese

Hi ,

Trader Joe's has it's own goat yogurt. It's T-A-R-T. I mean, " biting

into a lemon " tart. My son hated it, even with tons of sweetener and


I tried making goat yogurt with a yogurt maker, and it was a lot

milder. But to be honest, I find it to be a time-consuming endeavor,

and it's easy to make a mistake and ruin the whole thing.

Perhaps someone knows of a good brand available at Whole Foods???



> I was really nervous trying goat cheese but since my daughter misses


> most of all, we gave it a try. We took her blood before starting


> and got the results back yesterday. Her eos are the same and no


> were observed either. She thinks pizza makes her strong, maybe she's

> right! I'm not sure why the goat milk is different, I'm just so

glad it

> is! I think I am going to look into goat yogurt next, anybody have any

> brand recommendations?



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Hi Argie,

I don't know if I'm remembering this correctly, but are our kids suppose to

eat green grapes only? I also thought he told us to stay away from the

citrus fruits (she was eating lots of clementines). What about apples or

watermelon? They are not berries or tropical.


>Do you happen to know what other flavors they carry? I was told by the

>office to stay avoid all berries including cherries, and all tropical

>fruits. The only allowable fruits are peaches, oranges, bananas and grapes.

>Thanks, Argie

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I didn't pay attention, but I know for sure it comes in plain and vanilla as

well as flavored. The blueberry had the fruit at the bottom.


Re: lactose in goat cheese

Hi ,

Trader Joe's has it's own goat yogurt. It's T-A-R-T. I mean, " biting

into a lemon " tart. My son hated it, even with tons of sweetener and


I tried making goat yogurt with a yogurt maker, and it was a lot

milder. But to be honest, I find it to be a time-consuming endeavor,

and it's easy to make a mistake and ruin the whole thing.

Perhaps someone knows of a good brand available at Whole Foods???



> I was really nervous trying goat cheese but since my daughter misses


> most of all, we gave it a try. We took her blood before starting


> and got the results back yesterday. Her eos are the same and no


> were observed either. She thinks pizza makes her strong, maybe she's

> right! I'm not sure why the goat milk is different, I'm just so

glad it

> is! I think I am going to look into goat yogurt next, anybody have any

> brand recommendations?



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My little guy is the opposite of yours...he eats very few foods, so between

what he *can* and what he *will* eat, there are few choices and I worry

constantly about his nutrition and his weight gain (he's tall, but very

thin - like his daddy and twin sis).

Dr. G hasn't advised me *too* much on his diet. I already had my son GFCFSF

and corn-free, no nitrites/preservatives/food dyes/refined sugar. Maybe I

missed something?


RE: Re: lactose in goat cheese

My twins and I tried Redwood Hill Farm goat milk yogurt (blueberry) just

yesterday and it was very good. Sweetened with honey. I got it at Whole

Foods. We're pretty excited about this new food find.


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Hi Guys:

We had problem feeding our son from birth to age 12. He would be choosy on

what he eats. Crunchy food green apples and pineapples plain rice, plain

pasta and fries. We were so worried about him not getting all the

nutrients, we had to force him to take vitamins.

He turns 13 and we can't feed him. He is eating everything in site all the

food that he did not eat before he is eating now. It is just amazing to

watch him eat.

However it must be noted that we still restrict him from eating junk food,

food with preservative and dye, on occasion we will give him something as


So hang in there guys there is light at the end of the tunnel.

RE: Re: lactose in goat cheese

My twins and I tried Redwood Hill Farm goat milk yogurt (blueberry) just

yesterday and it was very good. Sweetened with honey. I got it at Whole

Foods. We're pretty excited about this new food find.


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Water! (Just kidding)!


From: Kristy Nardini <krnardini@...>

Reply-< >

Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 20:22:54 -0700

< >

Subject: RE: Re: lactose in goat cheese

Dr. G hasn't advised me *too* much on his diet. I already had my son GFCFSF

and corn-free, no nitrites/preservatives/food dyes/refined sugar. Maybe I

missed something?


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Hi ,

I give my kids red grapes and apples. Look at his allergy test results to

see if he's allergic to citrus fruits. Watermelon is another story, my son

loves it so I let him have it once in a while and try to do it when he will

be home the next day. Sometimes he gets very cranky & red ears and others

no reaction. But Dr. Goldberg did tell us no watermelon, tropical fruits,

berries including cherrys. I agree with Marcia, being so strict can be very

frustrating and so look out for any reactions.


PS Feel free to email me offline any time. I live in RPV, CA

RE: Re: lactose in goat cheese

Hi Argie,

I don't know if I'm remembering this correctly, but are our kids suppose


eat green grapes only? I also thought he told us to stay away from the

citrus fruits (she was eating lots of clementines). What about apples or

watermelon? They are not berries or tropical.


>Do you happen to know what other flavors they carry? I was told by the

>office to stay avoid all berries including cherries, and all tropical

>fruits. The only allowable fruits are peaches, oranges, bananas and


>Thanks, Argie

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