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Understanding EMF

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Rife plasma systems put out an EM field along with the frequencies used during

Rife Sessions.  The following information on what scientist and researchers have

discovered as regards EMF effects may be of interest in understanding how Rife

systems not only target disease but may also be used if properly tuned to

" normalize " the bodies systems.


Beneficial Effects


Alpha is also the home of the window frequency known as Schuman Resonance 7.83

Hz, which is the vibrational frequency of the earth's electromagnetic field

(emf). This means that the brain waves of a person in the alpha state will

resonate in sympathy with the earth's emf producing constructive interference

which amplifies the vibration.


The discovery of millions of crystals in the cells of the brain suggests that

the brain might be able to tune in (similar to a radio receiver) to the

surrounding earth's emf, the crystals providing the vibratory link between the

earth's emf and the alpha brain waves, resulting in the Schuman Resonance. The

transmission of waves from the brain throughout the body – in possibly a similar

way to transmission of radio waves from a radio tuned to a certain frequency –

could help the body achieve its own particular resonant frequency thought to

achieve, or be conducive to, optimal health.

The importance of existing in harmony with the earth's natural emf has been

brought to our attention with the emergence of diseases attributed to magnetic

field deficiency syndrome, such as many degenerative diseases, certain types of

memory loss, or conditions.

Human beings, and all other living creatures, have their own electrical-magnetic

energy balance. Since our first appearance on the planet, we have also

encountered external emfs. The human body floats in a sea of magnetic fields –

those of the earth, moon, sun and other galactic fields. The earth itself has an

iron core that generates a halo of electromagnetic energy, reaching far beyond

our atmosphere. All life on earth has adapted to and existed in this natural

electromagnetic environment for millions of years.

The body is full of magnetisable materials, such as iron in the haemoglobin of

the blood. The biomagnetic fields of the body have been measured using SQUIDS

(super-conducting quantum interference devices) and found to be 100,000 times

weaker than the earth's fields.  We are so dependent on the earth's fields that

when we leave the planet for prolonged periods we suffer. Astronauts in space

for long periods require artificial magnetic fields to maintain health.

Scalar energy

A survey of the literature suggests that 'scalar' energy is the most appropriate

description of healing energy up-to-date, as it allows for the fact that healing

energy has been shown to be not part of the electromagnetic spectrum as we

understand it. According to s, scalar waves are capable of acting on

living organisms at a sub-atomic level, and certain frequencies of scalar have

been shown to destroy viruses and bacteria. The most efficient use of scalar

waves appears to be when the body is exposed en masse to a sweeping range of

beneficial frequencies, which enhances its own healthy resonance and helps to

restore energetic order.

More research needs to be done to validate the existence of scalar waves and

their potential effects.


Understanding Electromagnetic Fields and Rife Technology

It should be noted that all Rife devices produce EMF to varying degrees.

The earth itself produces a constant EM field, which we are constantly exposed

to. Many EMF researchers believe that the earth’s polarized EM field has

potential health benefits. EMF can create or destroy, protect or restore.

Yes EMF can do damage, but it can be directed as any form of energy to

accomplish positive things as well. Electrical current and voltage can both

destroy or construct depending on the application. The same holds true with EMF.

When an electrical current flows an electromagnetic field forms around the

conductor. The voltage and current flowing and the type of current flow (Ac, Dc,

pulsating Dc, etc) determine the size and strength of the EM field. As well as

the conductor through which the current is flowing. The size, shape and type of

conductor make a big difference in the EM Field.

As the frequencies go higher or lower, and the wavelengths then become longer or

shorter, energy fields will fall into the following categories:

1. X-rays

2.  Ultraviolet (UV) light

3. Visible light, infrared light (IR),

4. Microwaves (MW)

5. Radio-frequency radiation (RF)

6. Magnetic fields from electric power systems are all parts of the

electromagnetic (EM) spectrum.

7. Scalar Waves???

The parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are characterized by their frequency

or wavelength. The frequency and wavelength are related, and as the frequency

rises the wavelength gets shorter. The frequency is the rate at which the

electromagnetic field goes through one complete oscillation (cycle) and is

usually given in Hertz (Hz), where one Hz is one cycle per second.

Electromagnetic fields are what are said to hold the atoms of matter together

(in atomic theory). It is the force holding electrons in orbit around the

nucleus of atoms. It is possible to make an atom of something resonate with an

EM field, or current. If you increase the power of the resonance enough, heat

will be generated, and if the power is increased enough, atomic structure will

break down.

The interaction of biological material with an electromagnetic source depends on

the frequency of the source. We usually talk about the electromagnetic spectrum

as though it produced waves of energy.

However, sometimes-electromagnetic energy acts like particles rather than waves,

particularly at high frequencies. The particle nature of electromagnetic energy

is important because it is the energy per particle (or photons, as these

particles are called) that determines what biological effects electromagnetic

energy will have.


At the very high frequencies characteristic of UV and X-rays (less than 100

nanometers), electromagnetic particles (photons) have sufficient energy to break

chemical bonds. This breaking of bonds is termed ionization, and this part of

the electromagnetic spectrum is termed ionizing. The well-known biological

effects of X-rays are associated with the ionization of molecules.


At lower frequencies, such as those characteristic of visible light,

radio-frequency radiation, and microwaves, the energy of a photon is very much

below those needed to disrupt chemical bonds. This part of the electromagnetic

spectrum is termed non-ionizing. Because non-ionizing electromagnetic energy

cannot break chemical bonds there is no analogy between the biological effects

of ionizing and non-ionizing electromagnetic energy.

Non-ionizing electromagnetic sources can produce biological effects. Many of the

biological effects of ultraviolet (UV), visible, and infrared (IR) frequencies

depend on the photon energy, but they involve electronic excitation rather than

ionization, and do not occur at frequencies below that of infrared (IR) light

(below 3 x 10^11 Hz). Radio frequency and microwaves sources can cause effects

by inducing electric currents in tissues, which cause heating.

The efficiency with which a non-ionizing electromagnetic source can induce

electric currents, and thus produce heating, depends on the frequency of the

source, and the size and orientation of the object being heated.

At frequencies below that used for broadcast AM radio (about 10^6 Hz),

electromagnetic sources couple poorly with the bodies of humans and animals, and

thus are very inefficient at inducing electric currents and causing heating.

Thus in terms of potential biological effects the electromagnetic spectrum can

be divided into four portions:

1. The ionizing radiation portion, where direct chemical damage can occur

(X-rays, " vacuum " ultraviolet light).

The non-ionizing portion of the spectrum:

2. The optical radiation portion, were electron excitation can occur

(ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared light).

3. The portion where the wavelength is smaller than the body and heating via

induced currents can occur (microwaves and higher-frequency radio-frequency


4. The portion where the wavelength is much larger than the body and heating via

induced currents seldom occurs (lower-frequency radio-frequency radiation, power

frequency fields and static fields).

Most Rife transmissions fall within a safe EMF level (example 4), are

non-ionizing in nature, and are limited in both power as well as frequency

output ranges so as not to produce destructive heat (as for example one would

see with microwaves operating at 2450 MHz, the frequency to boil water).


A clear understanding of EMF can give one the proper balance of both the

possible dangers as well as potential benefits.

The TrueRife Ion Pro Wave system represents another way of introducing Rife

research frequencies.

In EMEM Rife equipment, the frequencies and Electro-magnetic field is what does

the work of killing, or altering living things, as well as altering none organic

(none living) things. EM fields can change the way living things function, or

stop their function altogether.



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