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Swirly Rash

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Hi everyone.

Last night (day 20 of Valtrex) I noticed on my son's stomach some red

marks that look like fingernail marks or something that reddened his

skin. Today on his inner thigh I noticed these same marks. They remind

me of slight swirls or veiny looking red streak lines. I am not

describing it well I don't think. Has anyone seen something like this?

BTW no anti fungal on board. Considering SCD or BED diet though??


Aidan 3.3

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My son has had all sorts of strange rashes and we rarely know the

cause for sure. Is it possible they are indeed from fingernails and

his skin is itchy?


> Hi everyone.

> Last night (day 20 of Valtrex) I noticed on my son's stomach some


> marks that look like fingernail marks or something that reddened his

> skin. Today on his inner thigh I noticed these same marks. They


> me of slight swirls or veiny looking red streak lines. I am not

> describing it well I don't think. Has anyone seen something like


> BTW no anti fungal on board. Considering SCD or BED diet though??


> Kristie

> Aidan 3.3


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The marks that my daughter had from die off looked terrible. I noticed some red

streaking and then a few hours later it looked like a bug had bit her and the

following day it was on her lower back, upper back and arms. It itched really

badly and she began rubbing on everything. She rubbed so hard that she bruised

between her shoulder blades. Once the bumps were gone she seemed more alert and

has been more verbal although no real words other than Mama but she did say mine

at school as she snatched back her toy. LOL I will never ever give my daughter

a new medication without having dye free Benadryl on hand. LOL

But as sick as this may sound I welcome any and all die off reactions because

once they pass you can see a difference. Sheri

aaron2kristie <aaron2kristie@...> wrote:

Hi everyone.

Last night (day 20 of Valtrex) I noticed on my son's stomach some red

marks that look like fingernail marks or something that reddened his

skin. Today on his inner thigh I noticed these same marks. They remind

me of slight swirls or veiny looking red streak lines. I am not

describing it well I don't think. Has anyone seen something like this?

BTW no anti fungal on board. Considering SCD or BED diet though??


Aidan 3.3


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That¹s a new one for me, but if you want a great site to read on for ideas

about rashes, go to...


He¹s a pediatrician with a great website full of info about EVERYTHING. In

fact, if you do a search on autism on his site and then click ³Autism

Network Resources for Physicians², there is a link to .net!

You can type ³rash² in the search window and read away.

I did find one thing you might want to read on his site... it doesn¹t sound

exactly like what you¹re seeing, but you might want to watch and make sure

it doesn¹t progress to ³Henoch-Schonlein purpura² which is described in the

link below. That¹s probably not it at all, but the way you described made

me think it could be an inflammation in the blood vessels because of the red

lines. We¹ve had red line rashes at our house twice... once from my

mastitis (infection traveling down blood vessel) and once my son had one

that led down a blood vessel from a bee sting where the venom had traveled.

Here¹s the link about the ³Henoch-Schonlein purpura². I hesitate to even

post it (Œcause I¹m pretty sure that¹s not it) but just in case I¹ll do it


http://www.drgreene.org/body.cfm?id=21 & action=detail & ref=842

From: aaron2kristie <aaron2kristie@...>

Reply-< >

Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 01:05:52 +0000

< >

Subject: Swirly Rash

Hi everyone.

Last night (day 20 of Valtrex) I noticed on my son's stomach some red

marks that look like fingernail marks or something that reddened his

skin. Today on his inner thigh I noticed these same marks. They remind

me of slight swirls or veiny looking red streak lines. I am not

describing it well I don't think. Has anyone seen something like this?

BTW no anti fungal on board. Considering SCD or BED diet though??


Aidan 3.3

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