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Re: question and a few comments

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Did he change SSRIs or a dosage on his SSRI before the urinating started?

We've seen that with changes in SSRIs.

Another thing that comes to mind is electrolyte imbalance (potassium and

sodium specificially). Is it possible that any of the meds he's on deplete


Has a chem panel been done recently that checks the potassium level?


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Another thought: Is he on Tenex (guanfacine)? And if so, has there

been a dosage change recently? We saw pretty dramatic changes in

potty habits with changes in Tenex.



> Did he change SSRIs or a dosage on his SSRI before the urinating


> We've seen that with changes in SSRIs.


> Another thing that comes to mind is electrolyte imbalance (potassium


> sodium specificially). Is it possible that any of the meds he's on

deplete these?

> Has a chem panel been done recently that checks the potassium level?

> Gaylen




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I would definately try some different things, my son has, as well as .

I know this is controversial, but I firmly believe the only reason my son

is talking as well as he does is because he was on steroids for a year when

he was a little over 2. He went from no words, to 28 in one month of being

on steroids. Take it for what it is worth, many people don't believe in the

steroids, but I believe it shrinked some of the swelling, or slowed down

his immune system that was attacking him.

Dr. Chez in Chicago was who treated him at the time.

Sheri Steffens

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O.K. guys, after I posted I went back through all my notes on Skyler. The only

thing that I can come up with is that I started allowing him bologna and hot

dogs around the time all these problems cropped up. It was not due to a change

in meds. Could the nitrites in those pose a problem? I've removed them and boy

has it been horrible with him. He's like an addict trying to get a fix. He

keeps raiding the refrigerator and is so upset when he can't find them. It's

the absolute only thing that I can figure. Don't you just want to pull your

hair out sometimes???????? Thanks for the replies..


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I hear you on the runny nose except for us it is the post nasal drip.

A week or so ago I posted a link to an article on molds and sinuses.

One thing mentioned was to stay away from certain foods that are mold

prone. Hot dogs and bologna are on that list. I know here in Indiana

outdor molds are very high and we all feel it. Here is the link to

the article again. The foods are listed in the appendix.



> O.K. guys, after I posted I went back through all my notes on

Skyler. The only thing that I can come up with is that I started

allowing him bologna and hot dogs around the time all these problems

cropped up. It was not due to a change in meds. Could the nitrites

in those pose a problem? I've removed them and boy has it been

horrible with him. He's like an addict trying to get a fix. He keeps

raiding the refrigerator and is so upset when he can't find them.

It's the absolute only thing that I can figure. Don't you just want

to pull your hair out sometimes???????? Thanks for the replies..


> Shona


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