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This is a different approach to illness that everyone should check out.

The mind is at the root of all illness:

Good morning and Thank You from the bottom of my heart! You never cease

to amaze me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where..........how did you find this info? I just ordered the Chart. I

wholly subscribe to this theory so at this point I don't need the book.

However, when I get more bucks I may.

- Phyllis

-- The German New Medicine

Quite a different understanding of the role of microbes here.


> Speaking of cancer, this doctor http://www.newmedicine.ca/ has

> specific assignments for each type of cancer and it's connection to

> one's case.

And check into this:

The mind mess gets so very complicated; we've been messing it up for such a long

time. There have been many mind-control frequencies laid in long ago, often

with opposing frequencies + and - on opposite sides of the body. Much of this

is to scramble our ability to know ourselves, create forgetfulness.

Interesting article on some of the current mind control tech being employed,

crude compared to some of the old stuff in Hubbard's HISTORY OF MAN wherein I

think Ron states that on average everyone has about eight of the old electronic

implants as control mechanisms laid in long ago.

We see mind-controlled killers at work every once in a while in school

shootings, Pavlovian types, and even Hollywierd gets into the act with films

like the Bourne series.

It has long seemed to me that as electronics so easily implants, electronics

should be able to as-is, or remove implants.

I think visible restimulation of such implants is rare. I've had electronics in

re-stim since the early '50s, turned on by watching TV. The first time it

started in my peripheral vision, both sides, narrowing my vision down to a

vertical slit. Since then it has only been one side or the other, but happens

every few days, sometimes several times in one day.

In this electronic age we are in, who can come up with an instrument that can be

applied to any and all to remove this control that we've been carrying around

for eons? It should not be that difficult. Of course it is quite the opposite

of what government controllers would desire, but they themselves are far more

controlled than they could possibly imagine.

All physical energy controls, starting with the money flow, then electrical

energy, then vehicle fuels, etc. are designed to keep " people " in confinement,

but beyond the physical these electronic mind/spirit controls are the worst by

far and applied to everyone, even the controllers. Other-worlders would be

shocked were we earthers to operate at our full potential, as would those on

less dense planes who are in control of this one.

Best regards,.

Bob Taft

The Taft Ranch

Upton, Wyoming

" The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man

who reads nothing but newspapers. " [ Jefferson]


" We hang the petty thieves and appoint

the great ones to public office. " Aesop

Conspiracy> New Instruments of Surveillance and Social

Control:Wireless Technologies which Target the Neuronal Functioningof the Brain

New Instruments of Surveillance and Social Control: Wireless Technologies

which Target the Neuronal Functioning of the Brain

by Dr. Kingsley Dennis

Global Research, March 9, 2008

- 2008-03-07

Increasingly there are indications that the uses of wireless technologies have

been developed to target an individual's biological body, with specific focus

upon the neuronal functioning of the brain. In this paper I examine how some of

these uses have had detrimental effects, and what this implies for both present

and upcoming developments for particular wireless/sensor technologies. I

consider whether this is not shifting dangerously towards a psycho-civilised

society, where greater emphasis is placed upon social control and pre-emptive



The rate of technological innovation in some fields is developing

exponentially with new advances in wireless sensor networks, ubiquitous and

pervasive computing, motes, nodes, grids, and media platforms. Information flows

are increasing not only in their quantity and density, but also in their

immersive quality. The historical developments of information communication

systems can be said to have traced a similar path to how nation states have

organised their global power base and dominance. First, power over the land and

dominance in waging war on one's neighbours through ground battle, the

domesticated horse and the infantry soldier. Second, domination of the seas and

the strongest Navy gave advantage to sea-faring Empires, such as Portugal,

Spain, and Britain. The end of naval dominance then gave rise to the advent of

the railroad and the dynamic change in transport technology, both in routes and

in speed. The transcontinental scope of the railroads finally gave out to air

power, winning the World Wars through dominance in the skies. And now, finally,

the 'final frontier' is space, for 'the vast potential resource base of outer

space is presumably so enormous, effectively inexhaustible, that any state that

can control it will ultimately dominate the earth' [1].

Likewise, modern communication technologies have moved from the land (the

telegraph); to the sea (wireless radio; radar); back to land (cables; fibre

optics); and to the intermediate land/air stage (masts/antenna); to the outer

frontier of space (satellites); and finally now even beyond these frontiers

towards a solar system Internet (, 2007). Whoever controls these channels

for communication can, in some degree, to be said to 'dominate the earth'. And

the possible uses of wireless communications for the dissemination, targeting,

and receiving of clandestine 'communications' is an active industry.

The aim of this paper is to examine some of the examples and instances where

the use of wireless technologies have been developed to target an individual's

biological body, with specific focus upon the neuronal functioning of the brain.

I also show how some of these uses have had detrimental effects, and what this

implies for both present and upcoming developments in particular wireless/sensor

technologies. This paper shows that an upcoming area of importance is

neurotechnology, a discipline that places brain functioning and knowledge of the

human brain as primary. Technologies are now being researched and trialled that

seek to penetrate and, to a degree, intervene in neural functioning. Whilst some

have termed this positively as a coming 'neural society' (Lynch, 2004), I

consider whether this is not shifting dangerously towards a psycho-civilised

society, where greater emphasis is placed upon social control and pre-emptive

strategies. I trace a timeline that follows developments from a historical

context to the present; and finally to future scenarios and implications. It may

be that the social pursuit of increasingly connective and immersive technologies

has the potential to open up a Pandora's box of problematics.

Opening Pandora's box

The background to this narrative begins with the story of a true Pandora's box

- a U.S. project titled Project Pandora that was organized and administered by

the psychology division of the psychiatry research section of Walter Army

Institute of Research (WRAIR). This project was set-up to specifically research

programs on the health effects of microwave exposure following the 'Moscow

Embassy' incident. From 1953 to 1976, the Soviets directed microwave radiation

at the U.S. embassy in Moscow from the roof of an adjacent building. Whilst this

clandestine microwave targeting was allegedly known for some time by U.S.

officials, the event was not made public until 1976 when the U.S. State

Department finally accused the Soviet Union of bombarding the U.S. embassy in

Moscow with microwave radiation for illicit purposes. It was initially reported

as a harmless procedure for charging Soviet spy-bugs: 'Soviet antennas, which

are beaming the waves in both to charge up the batteries of their listening

devices and to jam embassy-based U.S. electronic monitoring of Russian

communications' (Time, 1976a; 1976b). However, the State Department soon

indicated that, in addition to interference mechanisms, the microwave radiation

could have serious adverse effects on the health of the occupants of the embassy

(O'Connor, 1993). This was supported by Soviet data in which Soviet non-ionising

electromagnetic energy (NIEM) 'research literature reported adverse health

effects in laboratory animals and in Soviet radar workers at levels well below

the 10 mW/cm2 U.S. ANSI safety recommendations' [2]. Despite this being below

the U.S. recommended levels the Soviet standards excluded military personnel

whilst the U.S. did not, according to the National Council on Radiation

Protection and Measurements (NCRP), 1986 (O'Connor, 1993).

Soviet studies in the area of electromagnetic microwave radiation reported

psychological symptoms in human subjects that included lethargy, lack of

concentration, headaches, depression, and impotence [3]. O'Connor notes how the

Soviet medical journals termed these collective symptoms microwave sickness

whilst the U.S. literature referred to the symptoms as neurasthenia (1993). Time

magazine reported in March 1976 that the State Department launched:

a medical investigation of the thousands of U.S. diplomats and their

families who served in Moscow since the early 1960s. In the wake of the

microwave disclosures, former embassy employees and their families have recalled

suffering strange ailments during their tenure in Moscow, ranging from eye tics

and headaches to heavy menstrual flows. Some point out that former Ambassadors

to Moscow Bohlen and Llewellyn both died of cancer, within the

last two years one other Moscow diplomat died of cancer, and five women who

lived there have undergone cancer-related mastectomies - although no medical

authorities attribute these deaths and illnesses to radiation. (Time, 1976b)

U.S. officials and military, long before the public exposure, were aware and

concerned about the consequences of microwave bombardment of civilian and

military targets. In 1972 the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) released an

internal report (later declassified through the Freedom Of Information Act

[FOIA] Program [4]) that had been previously prepared by the U.S. Army Office of

the Surgeon General Medical Intelligence Office titled 'Controlled Offensive

Behaviour - USSR' (initially released in July 1972). The report states that

This report summarizes the information available on Soviet research on

human vulnerability as it relates to incapacitating individuals or small groups.

The information contained in this study is a review and evaluation of Soviet

research in this field of revolutionary methods of influencing human behavior

and is intended as an aid in the development of countermeasures for the

protection of U.S. or allied personnel. Due to the nature of the Soviet research

in the area of reorientation or incapacitation of human behavior, this report

emphasises the individual as opposed to groups. (LaMothe, 1972)

It is interesting to note that the Report authors believed the Soviet research

to be in the area of 'reorientation'; suggesting that the U.S. were worried over

concerns that the Soviets may be planning a mass zapping of U.S. citizens with

the hope of 'brainwashing' them into a newly orientated ideological outlook. The

174-page Report is extensive, with much material extended upon various forms of

beamed energies and wireless strategies. On the opening section on

Electromagnetic Energy the report concludes that

Super-high frequency electromagnetic oscillations (SHF) may have

potential use as a technique for altering human behavior. Soviet Union and other

foreign literature sources contain over 500 studies devoted to the biological

effect of SHF. Lethal and non-lethal aspects have been shown to exist. In

certain non-lethal exposures, definite behavioural changes have occurred. [5]

During this time the U.S. establishment was not naïve to the potential of

conducting neurological at-a-distance effects upon human behaviour.

In the 1970s José Rodríguez Delgado was a controversial figure in

neuroscience; a professor of physiology at Yale University, he was an acclaimed

neuroscientist. In 1970 " the New York Times Magazine hailed him in a cover story

as the impassioned prophet of a new 'psychocivilized society' whose members

would influence and alter their own mental functions " [6]. Yet two decades

earlier, in 1952, Delgado co-authored the first peer-reviewed paper describing

long-term implantation of electrodes in humans (Horgan, 2005). As an example of

the achievement into wireless-neurological devices Delgado's most famous

experiment took place in 1963 at a bull-breeding ranch in Cordoba, Spain.

Delgado implanted radio equipped electrodes, which he termed 'stimoceivers',

into the brains of several 'fighting' bulls and stood in a bullring with one

bull at a time and attempted to control the actions of the bull by pressing

buttons on a handheld transmitter. In one instance Delgado was able to stop a

charging bull in its tracks only a few feet away from him by the press of a

button. The New York Times published a front page story on the event, " calling

it 'the most spectacular demonstration ever performed of the deliberate

modification of animal behavior through external control of the brain' " [7]. In

1969 Delgado described wireless brain-behaviour modification and its

implications in his book Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized

Society (1969). Delgado's research during this time was supported not only by

academic grants but also by the U.S. Office of Naval Research. This research is

now over forty years old, and much has happened in the intervening four decades.

Technologies that can wirelessly transmit information from and to the body

is an area of research that has attracted various interested parties post-World

War II. Such energy-information distribution and targeting within the

electromagnetic spectrum can variously be used for medical, industrial,

military, and telecommunications purposes. I now turn to examine some of the

military-industrial research and uses of wireless technologies.

Beams, firewalls and brain scanning: Inside the military-industrial complex

Researcher Igor Smirnov of the Russian Academy of Sciences is by all accounts

an odd person, referred to by a Newsweek article as 'A Subliminal Dr.

Strangelove' (Elliott and Barry, 1994). Smirnov was apparently contacted by the

FBI during the ian sect siege in Waco, Texas in 1993. Experts from the FBI

Counter-Terrorism Center met with Smirnov in Arlington, Virginia to discuss ways

of affecting the behaviour of ian sect leader Koresh. Smirnov's plan

was to send subliminal messages through the phone lines during negotiations; and

for targeting Koresh the plan was to use the voice of Charlton Heston to

subliminally play God (Elliott and Barry, 1994). Smirnov's strategies, whilst

sounding eccentric, are closely tied with military research into behaviour

modification via wireless transmissions. Smirnov's laboratory in Moscow is named

the Institute of Psycho-Correction and using electroencephalograph scanning

(EEG) he measures brain waves which he then computes to create a map of various

human impulses-brain waves correlation. This data can then be used for

experimenting upon affecting brain-body modification at-a-distance. Asked in a

2004 interview whether it was possible to defeat terrorism Smirnov replied that

Only informational war is capable of defeating terrorism completely.

And we possess this weapon. Peoples' actions can in fact be controlled by

unnoticed acoustic influence. Look - it's easy. All I have to do is record my

voice, apply special coding, which converts my voice to mere noise and

afterwards, all we have to do is record some music on top of that. The words are

indistinguishable to your conscious; however, your unconscious can hear them

clearly. If we were to play this music over and over again on the radio for

instance, people will soon start developing paranoia. This is the simplest

weapon. (Pravda, 2004)

Smirnov's capabilities were demonstrated to U.S. observers as far back as

1991 when infra-sound - a very low frequency transmission - was shown to be able

to transmit acoustic messages via bone conduction [8].

Military strategist examined these implications in his paper

'The Mind Has No Firewall' in which he states that 'We are on the threshold of

an era in which these data processors of the human body may be manipulated or

debilitated. Examples of unplanned attacks on the body's data-processing

capability are well-documented' [9]. He references a Russian military article on

the same subject which declared that " 'humanity stands on the brink of a

psychotronic war' with the mind and body as the focus " [10]. The context here is

that the human body is a complex communication system that is constantly

receiving signal inputs, both external and internal. Thus,

The " data " the body receives from external sources - such as

electromagnetic, vortex, or acoustic energy waves - or creates through its own

electrical or chemical stimuli can be manipulated or changed just as the data

(information) in any hardware system can be altered. [11]

Military thinking in this area is beginning to shift towards a systemic

viewpoint which considers the human as an open system rather than as a closed,

bounded system.

In this new systemic approach the human communicates with, and can be

communicated by, the environment through information flows and communications

media. By this understanding military thinking has begun to openly declare that

'one's physical environment, whether through electromagnetic, gravitational,

acoustic, or other effects, can cause a change in the psycho-physiological

condition of an organism' [12]. Simpson's investigations into the sociological

discipline of communication research, which crystallised in the U.S. in the

early 1950s, shows that it was financed and mentored by governmental

psychological warfare programs:

Government psychological warfare programs helped shape mass

communication research into a distinct scholarly field, strongly influencing the

choice of leaders and determining which of the competing scientific paradigms of

communication would be funded, elaborated, and encouraged to prosper. [13]

Dominance over the airwaves, and the capability to exert coercive control over

information communications is a vital area in military planning. Documented and

declassified evidence shows that what may have begun as a program in

standardized propaganda and psychological warfare has now developed into

research on wireless information targeting and 'psychocivilized' control

practices. To this effect the term 'psycho-terrorism' was coined by Anisimov of

the Moscow Anti-Psychotronic Center and Anisimov admits to testing such devices

as are said to 'take away a part of the information which is stored in a man's

brain. It is sent to a computer, which reworks it to the level needed for those

who need to control the man, and the modified information is then reinserted

into the brain' [14]. In such cases there is concern that the 'mind has no

firewall' and may be vulnerable to accidental, unwanted and/or rogue

interventions. 's paper concludes by stating that 'In reality, the game is

about protecting or affecting signals, waves, and impulses that can influence

the data-processing elements of systems, computers, or people. We are

potentially the biggest victims of information warfare, because we have

neglected to protect ourselves' [15].

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) brief on this subject titled

'Controlled Effects' also noted the power to use the electromagnetic spectrum

for wirelessly interfering into human subjects' thinking and behaviour. By this

stage the strategy had been dubbed 'non-lethal weapons', as explored more fully

in the work of non-lethal defence at Los Alamos by retired Army Colonel B.

(, 1999). The AFRL report states that

the panel investigated the potential for using electromagnetic and

other nonconventional force capabilities to achieve strategic, tactical, lethal,

and nonlethal force projection ... . For the Controlled Personnel Effects

capability, the S & T panel explored the potential for targeting individuals with

nonlethal force, from a militarily useful range, to make selected adversaries

think or act according to our needs. (AFRL, 2004)

These theories and concerns to affect command and control at-a-distance were

echoing the conclusions from a much larger and significant military report that

was published and made available in 1996 titled 'New World Vistas'. 'New World

Vistas' was a major undertaking by the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board

to examine future developments in weapons, and totalled 14 volumes of studies.

The fifteenth 'ancillary' volume concluded by putting forth some potential

developments for a possible future man-machine integration. In a section dealing

with 'Biological Process Control' the Report states that

One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy sources,

the output of which can be pulsed, shaped, and focused, that can couple with the

human body in a fashion that will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular

movements, control emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit

suggestions, interfere with both short-term and long-term memory, produce an

experience set, and delete an experience set. (USAF Scientific Advisory Board,


In military-speak the term 'experience set' implies a person's stored memories

and life experiences; thus suggesting that such a technology could delete and

then replace a person's memories, or 'experience set'. Research and development

along these lines have so far materialised a technology dubbed by the military

as active denial system (ADS).

The Active Denial System is a non-lethal, directed-energy weapon system

recently unveiled by the U.S. military and which directs, or pulses,

electromagnetic radiation at a frequency of 95 Gigahertz (GHz) towards the

target subjects. The radiated beam of millimetre-wave energy can travel over a

range of 500m and heats the water molecules in the epidermis skin up to 54C

(130F) (BBC, 2007). The result can be an intensely painful burning sensation.

Such a system was designed for such uses as crowd control. A fully operational

and mounted system was demonstrated to journalists by U.S. military personnel at

Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, on 24 January 2007. A Reuters correspondent who

volunteered to be shot with the beam during the demonstration described it as

'similar to a blast from a very hot oven - too painful to bear without diving

for cover' (BBC, 2007). The diagram below illustrates the active denial system


Figure 1: The active denial system (ADS).

Source: http://www.specialsol.com/electr5.gif.

These technologies show uses of wireless-to-body communication and directed

energy weapons for possible military attack or defence purposes. Another area

for research and development is in both military and industrial uses for

operator enhancement.

Real-time brain scanning of pilots and similar operators under stress is an

increasingly active area for research involving military and industrial

partnerships. Since the early 1990s research has been made into detecting and

interpreting brain and body signals, especially brainwaves, for computerized

monitoring of pilots. This information can be used to measure pilot fatigue and

to compensate for this with increased automation of the airplane in order to

avoid pilot error. Initially this was conducted by measuring the pilot's brain

waves through unobtrusive sponge sensors in the flight helmet:

By measuring the amplitude of the brain waves generated, fatigue of

the pilot can be recognized. By increasing the brightness of the instrumental

panel lights, the amplitude of the brain waves can be returned to their normal

height, thus compensating for fatigue. To get the " evoked response " from the

pilot's brain, the instrument panel lights could be made to flash so fast that

the pilot would not be aware of the flashes. [16]

Researchers have said that the brain can 'register' up to 145 flickers per

second, which can then be followed up by beaming a near infrared light into the

subject's eye, causing a spot of light to be reflected off the cornea in order

to track eye movement and measure the degree of pilot concentration. This type

of research, which is still ongoing, has been referred to by at least one

current R & D laboratory as 'Real-Time EEG for Operator State' [17]. Brain

monitoring of people in situations where fatigue could be fatal now involves

real-time analysis and observation of motorists. A technology now being

considered is one called 'Sensation'.

This technology is non-intrusive and includes a small camera that

monitors a driver's eye movements, looking out for repeated blinking, which can

be evidence of tiredness. To compliment this the driver's seat is also lined

with a material which monitors changes in body temperature. The steering wheel

too checks for handling pressure. Finally, other sensors, if needed, can be

fitted to the finger and ear to send out measurements of pressure to indicate

fatigue and levels of concentration. The driver is now wirelessly monitored,

both by camera and wireless sensors, to create a more extensive immersive

driving experience (Millward, 2006).

This research and these innovations indicate that a shift is occurring in how

the human is enmeshed into an increasingly information saturated environment.

These developments recognise that the human body is itself becoming the most

capable data-processing subject. The rest of this paper explores how these

trends to envelop the body-brain into an environment of information flows are

being developed into social and commercial applications.

Emotional gaming and dangerous intentions: Inside the social-civil sphere

The use of EEG brain scanning has now moved into the gaming industry with

up-to-date developments in sensory gaming. Recently Emotiv publicly released

information on their upcoming 'Project Epoc', a developmental technology that

interprets electrical signals emitted by the brain and converts them into

actions on a computer. In this way the user/gamer is able to direct actions via

their thoughts in the online environment. Below are pictures of two prototypes

which the company expects to market some time in 2008 [18].

The company Web site claims that they provide the ultimate human-computer

interface and that they are pioneers in brain computer interface technology. In

their press release of 7 March 2007 they state that

Emotiv has created the first brain computer interface technology that

can detect and process both human conscious thoughts and non-conscious emotions.

The technology, which comprises a headset and a suite of applications, allows

computers to differentiate between particular thoughts such as lifting an object

or rotating it; detect and mimic a user's expressions, such as a smile or wink;

and respond to emotions such as excitement or calmness. [19]

In the same press release the company foresees in the future that 'Emotiv's

technology has the potential to be applied to numerous industries, including

interactive television, accessibility design, market research, medicine, and

security' [20]. A similar corporate gaming company, NeuroSky, claims to have

gone even further than Emotiv and reduced 'the brainwave pickup to the minimum

specification imaginable - a single electrode. Existing versions of this

electrode are small enough to fit into a mobile phone and ... they will soon be

shrunk to the size of a thumbnail, enabling people to wear them without

noticing' (Economist, 2007). The company Web site claims its 'bio sensor and

signal processing system for the consumer market' will unlock 'worlds of new

applications such as consumer electronics, health, wellness, education and

training' [21].

Clearly there is a potential commercial market envisioned here for

wireless-brain technology that goes beyond the sphere of gaming. Somewhat on the

extreme to this, wireless acoustic transmissions have now been developed to

'stop' people from over-gaming; in other words, as a treatment for gaming

addiction. In highly technologised Asian countries such as South Korea teenagers

are spending an unhealthy amount of time at their computers in gaming

environments. There have even been instances where gamers have died after

extensively long sessions in front of a computer without a break, such as in

MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). South Korean company

Xtive, established in 2005, spent a year of research to develop a system of

acoustic sound waves that act as subliminal transmissions during the gaming


We incorporated messages into an acoustic sound wave telling gamers to

stop playing. The messages are told 10,000 to 20,000 times per second ... . Game

users can't recognize the sounds. But their subconscious is aware of them and

the chances are high they will quit playing ... . Game companies can install a

system, which delivers the inaudible sounds after it recognizes a young user has

kept playing after a preset period of time. (Tae-gyu, 2007)

This emphasises that research into techno-information flows are increasingly

being developed that wirelessly interact with a person as a biological

construct, utilising the already present bio-neural functioning. And this is a

trend that is attracting more corporate players wishing to enter the field.

Gaming giant Sony Corporation has submitted and been granted a patent on a

device for transmitting sensory data directly into the human brain. Sony's

patent describes the device as firing " pulses of ultrasound at the head to

modify firing patterns in targeted parts of the brain, creating 'sensory

experiences' ranging from moving images to tastes and sounds " (Hogan and Fox,

2005). This is based upon a technique known as transcranial magnetic stimulation

that activates the nerves by using rapidly changing magnetic fields to induce

currents in brain tissue. The patent also claims that this technology could give

blind or deaf people the chance to see or hear. Niels Birbaumer, a

neuroscientist at the University of Tübingen in Germany who has himself

developed similar devices, examined the Sony patent and commented that 'I looked

at it and found it plausible' (Hogan and Fox, 2005). Since Sony's initial patent

application in 2000 (granted in March 2003), a series of further patents have

been applied for. However, this line of research is not totally new.

For several years there has been research conducted into decoding thoughts

from the brain for sending signals to an external device such as manipulating

cursors on a screen, which has been developed for disabled people, as in the

case of Nagle (Pollack, 2006). In recent years several other companies

have emerged claiming to offer brain-computer wireless interaction for either

gaming purposes or for various health impairment benefits. One example is

S.M.A.R.T. BrainGames, a company based in California that offers EEG caps

designed to treat people with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. The

company claims to offer superior neurofeedback technology at what it calls

'affordable prices' [22]. The body-brain is increasingly shifting towards

becoming a biologically-enhanced data processor for wireless reception and

transmission. Computer software giant Microsoft is aware of this and already

ahead of the game.

In 2004 Microsoft was awarded U.S. Patent 6,754,472, titled 'Method and

apparatus for transmitting power and data using the human body' [23]. In this

patent Microsoft is granted exclusive rights to a technology that uses the

electrical capacity of the human body to act as a computer network (Adam, 2004).

Microsoft envisages 'using the human skin's conductive properties to link a host

of electronic devices around the body, from pagers and personal data assistants

(PDA) to mobile phones and microphones, although the company is

uncharacteristically coy about exactly what it may have in mind' (Adam, 2004).

This supports what Bill Gates himself has said about the computer finally

disappearing into the environment and the world around us (Gibson, 2005). This

may be the ultimate wireless network, using the complete skin of the body, from

fingers to toes, receiving and transmitting flows of information. The patent

also proposes that an area of skin could even act as a keypad making a person

capable of typing by tapping on their arm (Adam, 2004).

This is a powerful example of how technologies and technological thinking is

shifting away from external hardware devices towards using the natural

bio-properties of the human body for integration into a global informational

environment. As way of some examples, here are just two from many of the patents

filed that claim to develop wireless transmission technologies: patents

4,395,600 and 5,507,291. Patent No. 4,395,600 is titled 'Auditory subliminal

message system and method' and is geared towards subliminal messaging to

influence consumer shoppers:

Ambient audio signals from the customer shopping area within a store

are sensed and fed to a signal processing circuit that produces a control signal

which varies with variations in the amplitude of the sensed audio signals. A

control circuit adjusts the amplitude of an auditory subliminal anti-shoplifting

message to increase with increasing amplitudes of sensed audio signals and

decrease with decreasing amplitudes of sensed audio signals. This amplitude

controlled subliminal message may be mixed with background music and transmitted

to the shopping area. [24]

In a similar manner for affecting an individual's mental state is patent no.

5,507,291 - 'Method and an associated apparatus for remotely determining

information as to person's emotional state' - which comes very close to what has

been discussed on military uses of information warfare:

In a method for remotely determining information relating to a

person's emotional state, a waveform energy having a predetermined frequency and

a predetermined intensity is generated and wirelessly transmitted towards a

remotely located subject. Waveform energy emitted from the subject is detected

and automatically analyzed to derive information relating to the individual's

emotional state. [25]

In this scenario information flows are two-way with the body-brain emitting as

well as receiving. Yet with the human body-brain becoming a site for data

transfer and reception, there are concerns that it is increasingly becoming a

target for various corporate interests. And not only corporate interests are

involved in these developments, however, for there are also recent innovative

technologies in this area that offer serious implications for social privacy and

liberty at a state level.

At first the idea sounds like nothing more than science fiction. Indeed, it

even appeared as a central feature in the film 'Minority Report'. This is the

notion of pre-cognition: to be able to know a person's actions before those

actions are committed. Yet now a team of neuroscientists have developed a

technique that can scan a brain and learn from the patterns of neuronal activity

what a person is thinking or intending to do. This research is the culmination

of recent studies where brain imaging has been used to identify particular brain

patterns pertaining to such behaviour as violence, lying, and racial prejudice

(Sample, 2007). To achieve this the team 'used high-resolution brain scans to

identify patterns of activity before translating them into meaningful thoughts,

revealing what a person planned to do in the near future' (Sample, 2007). This

is the first acknowledged instance of having the technical capacity to judge

whether people have the intention to commit a criminal act regardless of actual

hard physical evidence of the crime. According to Prof Haynes: 'We see the

danger that this might become compulsory one day, but we have to be aware that

if we prohibit it, we are also denying people who aren't going to commit any

crime the possibility of proving their innocence' (Sample, 2007). Since this

technology is so new there are no current ethical or moral debates on this issue

and the implications for its civil use are worrying. If developed these

'techniques may eventually have wide-ranging implications for everything from

criminal interrogations to airline security checks. And that alarms some

ethicists who fear the technology could one day be abused by authorities,

marketers or employers' (Cheng, 2007).

A hypothetical situation in the future might place these scanning devices

within regular x-ray scanning machines at airports. On passing through to the

passenger lounge all travellers will be scanned not only for potentially

dangerous physical objects but also for dangerous intentions. Yet who has not

had a 'dangerous intention'? Or rather, to quote a more familiar phrase: 'He who

is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone' [26]. In this

manner all travellers will have to safeguard their thoughts at all times; who is

to know whether such scanning devices are embedded into the walls of the airport

lounge and corridors? Or in the toilets; on board the airplane? This uncertain

and somewhat dystopian scenario is one that could shift technologised states

into psycho-civilised societies where thoughts and intentions become part of

terrorist discourse. This could be seen as an extreme case of convergence

between the social compromises required to facilitate efficient physical-digital

infrastructures and the need for securitised mobilities (Wood and Graham, 2006).

It also resembles the extremity of constructing an all-inclusive technological

web of complex information flows that bypasses traditional forms of interface.

This sees a shift away from earlier prototypes of the hardware-heavy cyborg,

such as the early 'wearcam' work of Steve Mann [27], towards people actively

engaging with their informational environments both in terms of security and

surveillance. In some ways these developments have contributed to a rise in acts

of self-surveillance, or sousveillance.

(In)Securities, self-sensoring and sousveillance: Inside the social panopticon

Fears over security and safety have reached new levels in the opening decade

of the twenty-first century. It is, in all respects, a post-millennium state of

insecurity. The older and more familiar paradigms of warfare and security were

based upon binaries (e.g., Democracy vs. Communism; friend vs. foe). To some

degree this binary distinction is still maintained and played out in media and

cultural discourse as Freedom vs. Anti-Freedom, or West vs. Islam. Yet upon

deeper scrutiny this manifests as an asymmetrical arrangement: order/authority

vs. guerrilla non-compliance. A terror suspect can therefore no longer be easily

identified as 'the enemy' which requires that all civilians be categorised in a

state of 'potential terrorist'. This is especially so since the notion of

'home-grown terrorist' is playing out the role of insurgency and resistance from

within. This subtle shift in categorisation has seen a parallel move in the

increase of the militarization of the civil sphere. By this I argue that civil

space is increasingly becoming a 'censor/sensored zone' where security issues -

surveillance, tracking, identification - are played out.

This zone, which mobile bodies pass through and negotiate, is characterised by

a pervasive field of information, code, and signifiers that increasingly

constructs the 'social'. Such a coded environment has the potential to be

extremely intrusive and goes beyond the normal ken of so-called civil liberties.

Under the sway of a post September 11 scenario and amid an orchestrated 'war on

terror' many of these intrusive technologies are in rapid development, so much

so that the U.K. Government's Information Commissioner himself states that we

live in a surveillance society (Information Commissioner, 2006) [28]. These

systems of tracking and tracing surveillance involve step changes that are

taking place gradually in many industrialised societies, especially in the U.S.

and the U.K. [29].

Developments in sensor technologies and ubiquitous computing often focus on

the interfaces between person and environment such that interconnectivity is

likely to become more pervasive, intrusive, and 'everywhere'. In a seminal essay

from 1996 computer engineers Mark Weiser and Seely Brown coined the term

'ubiquitous computing' and envisioned the 'social impact of imbedded computers

may be analogous to ... electricity, which surges invisibly through the walls of

every home, office, and car' (Weiser and Brown, 1996). True to form, within a

decade from this pronouncement computing interfaces developed from fixed

locations of access to increased wireless connectivity. And it is predicted to

become ever more ubiquitous in a manner that will dissolve connectivity into

embedded environments (Greenfield, 2006). Greenfield considers this to be, in

one form or another, an inevitability, and refers to this ubiquitous computing

(ubicomp) paradigm as 'everyware': " Everyware is information processing embedded

in the objects and surfaces of everyday life ... the extension of

information-sensing, -processing, and -networking capabilities to entire classes

of things we've never before thought of as 'technology' " [30]. This in turn is

likely to trigger the 'always-on' surveillance of people in both public life and

in private affairs. This inevitably blurs the boundaries between what is

external and what is internal, and leads to forms of surveillance that turn

inwards and emanates from the 'self' - an idea somewhat akin to that of


Sousveillance was coined by Mann (1998) who describes it as form of

'reflectionism' or as a 'watchful vigilance from underneath', which is a form of

inverse surveillance. Yet it more than inverses the notion; it embellishes it

with a self-reflective responsibility. For Mann, reflectionism " holds up the

mirror and asks the question: 'Do you like what you see?' " (Mann, et al., 2003).

Also, in this form, it requires that surveillance is enacted as a form of

self-control, as self-maintenance. It is the discipline of being inwardly

secure; firstly vigilant towards the self; secondly towards other people/selves.

This form of discipline seems to suggest that there is little room for

negligence when watchfulness is the order of the day. Yet it also prompts the

'user' of sousveillance to be active and participate in the surrounding

environment. Sousveillance, whilst it can encourage social responsibility, also

suggests the need for the person to be guarded against unwanted intrusions and

possible violations.

Mann went on to transmit, in the mid '90s, his daily life experiences for

others to experience and interact with. This created opportunities for

establishing a sousveillance network between Mann and his 'readers', or rather

social network. This participatory/social panopticon into human-environment

interactions was a forerunner to how 'wearable computing' might one day emerge

as a form of modern 'intelligent image processing' (Mann, 2002). Mann's

performance constructs a lived experience where the observation, recording, and

dissemination of civic events have shifted towards a social panopticon,

infiltrating daily physical encounters. It is a communal watchfulness of civil

responsibility merged with a technical mandate for collective commentary, social

analysis, and security of the self. It is also an enactment of performance

ethnography, at the same time playful with notions of socialisation and

breaching norms (Mann, et al., 2003).

However, the question this raises, I argue, is whether social domains might

not be in danger of becoming over-sensory realms, and what may emerge as the

most convenient and/or efficient strategy for coping with this. Stross's (2002)

essay 'The Panopticon Singularity' considers this trend in a dystopian fashion

as 'the emergence of a situation in which human behaviour is deterministically

governed by processes outside human control'. Stross argues, reminiscent of

Foucault, that while the effectiveness of societal surveillance is dependent on

the number of people involved 'systems of mechanised surveillance may well

increase in efficiency as a power function of the number of deployed monitoring

points' (Stross, 2002). In other words, as more people join the social

panopticon, or sousveillant society, this will have a knock-on effect that

encourages more people to join the securitisation of the self, rather than being

left vulnerable and un-sensored.

There is no denying that such panopticon devices are proliferating - they are

carried around with us, increasingly as our own willing appendages. The debates

at present are largely centred on surveillance, as state practices of pervasive

and ubiquitous top-down monitoring of civil space, rather than forms of

self-monitoring, as in sousveillance. Perhaps the next step will be further

towards practices of immersive surveillance and control, as indicated in this

paper as a psycho-civilized society.

The current surge in research and development of wireless sensor networks is

likely to have a significant future impact upon not only how the human body is

configured in terms of medical applications but, perhaps more importantly, how

the human is cognitively configured in terms of the information-rich

environment. One of the scenarios of ubiquitous, pervasive computing is to embed

the environment with non-invasive informational systems that merge

physical-digital infrastructures. Already much of our atmosphere is saturated

with informational flows in various spectrum bandwidths - we are constantly

walking through TV programs, mobile phone conversations, and even military

broadcasts. Yet we are not decoding these transmissions. The transformation that

these various scenarios in this paper suggest is that the human body is becoming

re-configured - or re-wired - into a biological antenna. Not only will this

greatly facilitate our access onto the Net but will also re-form the human

presence, or identity, into a coded wavelength. A wavelength that is more

readily readable to various technologies. This may seem far-fetched yet such a

future may not be a far leap away.

Conclusion: The future a quantum leap too far?

Socio-technical evolutionary trends predict a future that is wholly immersed

in and conversant with an integral informational-digitised environment.

Informational flows are envisioned to go beyond the bits and bytes of present

computing into the qubits (quantum bits) and subatomic circuitry of quantum

computing (Schwartz, et al., 2006). Researchers into quantum computing are

working with subatomic spins for exponential and staggering computational

capacity. A possible future may look a little like this:

Inside the hatband is Sharon's communication center and intelligent

assistant, which has scanned and sorted the 500,000 e-mails she received

overnight. By the time she reaches the car, it has beamed the 10 most urgent

ones and her travel schedule to her visual cortex. The text scrolls down in the

bottom of her field of vision ... . At the airport there is no ticket check-in

or security line. Sharon simply walks through the revolving door, which scans

her for dangerous items, picks up her identity, confirms her reservation, and

delivers her gate number, all in the space of a second. (Schwartz, et al., 2006)

Perhaps the most common prediction prevalent amongst computer engineers is

that computers - pervasive and non-perceptible - will be seeded and woven

throughout the environment. They will be painted onto walls, on furniture and

objects, inside the body, 'communicating with one another constantly and

requiring no more power than that which they can glean from radio frequencies in

the air' (Schwartz, et al., 2006). Quantum researcher and physicist Stuart Wolf

anticipates that the next two decades will usher in a type of communications he

calls 'network-enabled telepathy'. Despite the fanciful name the method

basically involves wearable devices (such as a 'quantum headband') sharing

identity and downloaded information with others in the person's social network;

and all driven by the power of thought alone. However, as Wolf points out, 'it

will probably take a new generation raised to think of quantum headbands as

normal for its potential to be truly realized' (Schwartz, et al., 2006). Yet

Wolf isn't alone in his thinking.

Princeton physicist Freeman Dyson has speculated upon the possibility of what

he calls radioneurology. Radioneurology refers to a hypothetical future

technology of observing neural processes inside a brain by means of locally

deployed radio transmitters (Dyson, 1997). For this to be feasible, speculates

Dyson, requires a technology to allow for the building and deployment of small

transmitters inside a living brain similar to integrated circuit technology on a

silicon chip:

We know that high-frequency electromagnetic signals can be propagated

through brain tissue for distances of the order of centimeters. We know that

microscopic generators and receivers of electromagnetic radiation are possible.

We know that modern digital data-handling technology is capable of recording and

analyzing the signals emerging from millions of tiny transmitters

simultaneaously. All that is lacking in order to transform these possibilities

into an effective observational tool is the neurological equivalent of

integrated-circuit technology. [31]

Given these speculations, and what has been discussed in this paper, it is

likely that the major technology for the future is neurotechnology. The

information age that emerged out of post-war technologies, and which has guided

most of the technologies of the early twenty-first century, has made it possible

to collect, utilize, and transfer information/data at unparalleled speeds.

Communication, information, and data have been flowing at exponential rates.

However, they are yet to merge into a systemic environment.

Neurotechnologies are set to change this with the rise of 'nanobiochips' and

brain imaging and scanning technologies that will eventually lower the cost of

neurological techniques and analysis as well as making the procedures efficient

and profitable. Neurotechnologies, combined with wireless sensors, may possibly

usher in a communications revolution greater than that caused by the arrival of

the transistor and the microchip. Zack Lynch, executive director of the

Neurotechnology Industry Organization (NIO), writes that 'When data from

advanced biochips and brain imaging are combined they will accelerate the

development of neurotechnology, the set of tools that can influence the human

central nervous system, especially the brain' (Lynch, 2004). Although

neurotechnologies are likely to be put to therapeutic and medical uses, such as

for improving emotional stability and mental clarity, they also open

opportunities for intrusive strategies of control and manipulation.

Part of this paper has been focused on the dangers of an increasingly wireless

world. These dangers may include the potential for invasive technologies, based

upon transmitted/received signals and wavelengths, to shift social order towards

a psycho-civilized society. By psycho-civilised I mean a society that manages

and controls social behaviour predominantly through non-obvious methods of

psychological manipulations, yet at a level far beyond that of the 'normalised'

social manipulations of propaganda and social institutions. What I refer to are

the technologised methods of psychological interference and privacy intrusions

in the manner of creating a docile and constrained society. And here this brings

us back to the problematics involved in opening a Pandora's box.

In this paper I have asked whether innovations in wireless and

neuro-technologies are not in danger of shifting human behaviour towards a

psycho-civilised society, where greater emphasis is placed upon forms of social

control and pre-emptive strategies. What are the moral and ethical implications

of using wireless scanning surveillance technologies for evaluating pre-emptive

behaviour based on thoughts and intentions alone? Is this not a dangerous path

towards psycho-terrorising the social public? As (1998) reminds us, the

mind has no firewall, and is thus vulnerable to viruses, Trojan horses, and

spam. It is also vulnerable to hackers, cyber-terrorists, and state

surveillance. Whilst this may sound a little too far out, they are reasonable

questions to ask if technologies are racing ahead of us in order to better get

into our heads.

Becoming wireless also means becoming increasingly immersed within an

information-saturated environment. >From the evidence of present trends and

developments it seems likely that a greater systemic interconnectedness and

interdependence is being formed between human-object-environment facilitated

through and by information flows. This may herald the coming of a 'wonderful

wireless world', yet it may also signal unforeseen dangers in protection,

privacy, and security of the human biological body within these new

relationships. It is the suggestion of this paper that such issues and concerns

need to become more public, visible, and open; the very opposite of these


Kingsley Dennis is a Research Associate in the Centre for Mobilities Research

(CeMoRe) based at the Sociology Department at Lancaster University, U.K. His

doctoral work focused on complexity theory and information communication

technologies. Post-doctoral research now involves examining physical-digital

convergences and how these might impact upon social processes. He is concerned

with the digital rendition of identity and the implications of surveillance


Web: http://www.kingsleydennis.com

Blog: http://www.new-mobilities.co.uk

E-mail: Kingsley [at] kingsleydennis [dot] co [dot] uk''


1. Dolman, 2002, p. 41.

2. O'Connor, 1993, p. 35.

3. Ibid.

4. See http://www.dia.mil/publicaffairs

/Foia/foia.htm for list of declassified reports, accessed 11 November 2007.

5. LaMothe, 1972, p. 18.

6. Horgan, 2005, p. 67.

7. Horgan, 2005, p. 70.

8. , 1998, p. 84.

9. Ibid.

10. Ibid.

11. , 1998, p. 85.

12. , 1998, p. 86.

13. Simpson, 1994, p. 3.

14. , 1998, p. 87.

15. , 1998, p. 89.

16. Welsh, 1998, p. 37.

17. Part of ongoing research at the QinetiQ Group - see


18. See http://crunchgear.com/2007/03/08/

emotiv-project-epoc-sensory-gaming-for-the-masses/, accessed 15 January 2008.

19. http://emotiv.com/3_0/pr/pr022607a.htm, accessed 5 November 2007.

20. http://emotiv.com/3_0/pr/pr022607a.htm, accessed 5 November 2007.

21. See http://www.neurosky.com/, accessed 5 November 2007.

22. http://www.smartbraingames.com/, accessed 5 November 2007.

23. For patent, see

http://www.google.com/patents?vid=USPAT6754472 & id=30YSAAAAEBAJ & dq=6,754,472.

24. See Google patents

http://www.google.com/patents?vid=USPAT4395600 & id=V_ItAAAAEBAJ & dq=4,395,600.

25. See Google patents

http://www.google.com/patents?vid=USPAT5507291 & id=940lAAAAEBAJ & dq=5,507,291.

26. 8:1-9.

27. See http://wearcam.org/mann.html, accessed 17 January 2008.

28. See also BBC Report - http://news.bbc.co.uk/

1/hi/uk/6108496.stm, accessed 5 November 2007. For general information see the

journal Surveillance and Society, at

http://www.surveillance-and-society.org/index.htm, accessed 5 November 2007.

29. There are up to 4.2m CCTV cameras in Britain - about one for every 14

people - more than other industrialised Western states.

30. Greenfield, 2006, p. 18.

31. Dyson, 1997, pp. 133-134.


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Bob Taft

The Taft Ranch

Upton, Wyoming

" The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man

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" We hang the petty thieves and appoint

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Posted by: " imahealthpro " imahealthpro@... imahealthpro

Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:08 pm (PDT)

I have been a member of this forum for a couple of years now. I first

read " The Cancer Cure that Worked " the year it came out. I bought a

basic unit at the time and had some success with it. I currently own a

quality unit and am aware of the software systems, etc.

I asked about this subject on this forum maybe a year ago, and

basically was ignored.

I got the impression members are either too physically health oriented,

electronically oriented, or that no one cared, as if what I was

interested in, or proposing was silly. Well, I'm trying again, hoping

there has in the interim occurred, some evolution in the science:

It has been so long since Mr. Rife discovered that all diseases,

healthy cells, in fact, all matter have their particular frequencies,

that I am surprised there is not more research available on the

treatment frequencies of emotional or psychological conditions.

Newer healing sciences have established that emotional and/or

psychological conditions are not as nebulous as previously thought, but

that they are also stored in the body and can be activated or released

at certain " sensitive " areas of the body, especially when mental recall

of situations that caused them accompanies the treatments.

I can't help but believe that particular Rife frequencies could greatly

assist this kind of work. I suppose that some people on this sight

realize that many physical ill-health conditions start with stress.

That's believable, right? Well, stress is so closely associted with

emotional upset, or possible emotional " condition " that it would be

difficult to seperate the two.

Many alternative healing systems espouse the difference between

frequencies in regard to the different organs, colors, and diseased

conditions. Many people use Thought Frequency Therapy, TFT, as

developed by Dr. Callahan, expanded into EFT by Craig. Then there

is Zone therapy, radionics, and now you can even see lazer light

products and infra-red light products advertised on TV as pain

relievers. There may be scams in many sciences and or

products/companies, but it is undeniable that some of these systems or

products are effective. Well they all rely on frequency. We are

supposed to have command of all of the perceptable frequencies with

Rife tech, right?

Stress and other emotional conditions are also closely related, and

have been explained as the causes for many issues ranging from slipped

diskes to cancer, and it just grows from there.

If anyone on this forum knows of anyone who is working in this area I

would really appreciate some feedback.


Ivan Cole

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