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Re: It could only happen.......

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Hugs, . Definitely, prayers and good thoughts!

You and Marilyn might want to take some homeopathic Arnica. It will help to dispel the trauma from your systems.


From: [mailto:deuteronomy2929@...]

Saturday we got into a car wreck. My first one ever.


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> It could oly happen to us.


> Saturday we got into a car wreck. My first one ever. A small truck

> blindsided us on the driver side, smashing in both doors on that side.

> Marilyn and I were in the car, was spending time with friends,

> thank God!!


> And of course, in true Ybarra fashion and luck, the driver of the

> truck is uninsured, and the truck was not registered in their name.


> I went to the emergency room and was given methocarbamol, a muscle

> relaxant. It makes me so sick to my stomach I can't eat. I haven't

> eaten since Saturday, just a bite here and there.


> Marilyn was not hurt at all, thank God, but is now so sick she can't

> work. She has been throwing up and has diahrea something fierce. Hm,

> same symptoms I've been having. I wonder if it is a bug.


> So, prayers and good thoughts would be greatly apreciated!!




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Hi ,

So sorry to hear about this. Would you be so kind and let me know the

extent of your injuries? You are taking the methocarbamol for relaxing

which muscles? Do a lot of hot/cold, get drinking some parsley tea and

taking ashwaganda and ginsengs to help your body deal with the stress.

Marilyn could use some to from the sounds of it. Also take some

echinacea tincture or tea and up your TT. I can let you know more when

you let me know more.

In the meantime I will be praying for you and sending healing energy to

both your and Marilyn.

Peace be with you both .


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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Thanks, Don!

The muscle pain is all along the right side of my body. My neck and radiating up into my head. My shoulder, my back right above my hip, and my hip. It is strange, we were hit on the left side, but my right side hurts. I can turn my head to the left with little problem, but to the right is extremely painful. Same with my shoulder, back and hip.

I stopped taking the perscription, and started on hot/cold therapy, using DTR as well. Thankfully, Marilyn appears to be uninjured. We both upped our TT intake, and have been taking ech every day anyway, but will increase it as well. For the nausea, I started us on ginger yesterday, will try the parsley as well. Not familiar with ashwaganda, what is it?

Thank you again for the prayers and healing energy!

Don Quai <mysticalherbalist@...> wrote:

Hi ,So sorry to hear about this. Would you be so kind and let me know the extent of your injuries? You are taking the methocarbamol for relaxing which muscles? Do a lot of hot/cold, get drinking some parsley tea and taking ashwaganda and ginsengs to help your body deal with the stress. Marilyn could use some to from the sounds of it. Also take some echinacea tincture or tea and up your TT. I can let you know more when you let me know more.In the meantime I will be praying for you and sending healing energy to both your and Marilyn.Peace be with you both .-- Peace, love and light,Don Quai"Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal and wakes in man."

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> Thanks, Don!


> The muscle pain is all along the right side of my body. My neck and

> radiating up into my head. My shoulder, my back right above my hip,

> and my hip. It is strange, we were hit on the left side, but my right

> side hurts. I can turn my head to the left with little problem, but to

> the right is extremely painful. Same with my shoulder, back and hip.


> I stopped taking the perscription, and started on hot/cold therapy,

> using DTR as well. Thankfully, Marilyn appears to be uninjured. We

> both upped our TT intake, and have been taking ech every day anyway,

> but will increase it as well. For the nausea, I started us on ginger

> yesterday, will try the parsley as well. Not familiar with ashwaganda,

> what is it?


> Thank you again for the prayers and healing energy!





> *//*


Hi ,

Thanks for the info. Yes that is the way of it. You got hit on the left

hand side and your body reacted by bending left with a powerful

uncontrolled right stretch. Gonna be some sore muscles there for a

while. If you have any bruising helichrysum is very good for that. Do

keep up with the hot/cold as it will do more good for those muscles than

anything else. Ginseng either chineses, american or russian will help

with your excess of stress. As for ashwaganda well read:


/Withania somnifera/


Indian Ginseng


Uses <http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_ashwaganda.htm#uses>



Herbs gallery - ashwaganda.jpg

Ashwaganda is a plant in the same family as the tomato. It grows as a

stout shrub that reaches a height of five feet (170 centimeters). Like

the tomato, ashwaganda bears yellow flowers and red fruit, though the

fruit is berrylike in size and shape. Ashwaganda grows prolifically in

India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. All parts of the plant are used in

herbal medicine.

Ashwaganda is a Hindi name meaning " horse's smell. " The term refers not

only to the smell of a horse, but also to a horse's strength. Some

herbalists refer to ashwaganda as Indian ginseng

<http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_ginseng_am.htm>, since it is used

in ayurvedic medicine in the same way that ginseng is used in

traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).


Ashwaganda has been used for more than 2,500 years as a " vitalizer. "

Today, we would place it in the category of adaptogens. It is

rejuvenating, balancing, strengthening, and calming to the nervous

system. Ashwaganda is useful for relieving fatigue

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/fatigue.htm>, nervous exhaustion,

and memory loss <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/memory_loss.htm>.

This herb also has a reputation as an aphrodisiac and is believed to

help prevent sterility in males and sexual ailments. A mild sedative,

ashwaganda reduces mental chatter and promotes calm sleep. It also

promotes tissue regeneration and slows the aging

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/aging.htm> process.

It is excellent for use in bodybuilding and for any type of physical

sport, as it gives an instant charge of long-lasting energy without the

use of stimulants.

Benefits of ashwaganda for specific health conditions include the following:

* Alzheimer's disease

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/alzheimers.htm> and memory

problems. Ashwaganda helps correct memory loss by modifying the

way in which the brain uses acetylcholine, a chemical that

transmits messages from nerve cell to nerve cell. If oxygen levels

are low, the brain acquires acetylcholine by destroying its own

cells. The cell remnants form neurofibrillary tangles, blocking

the transmission of nerve signals and resulting in

Alzheimer's-like symptoms. Ashwaganda decreases the likelihood

that the brain will cannibalize its own cells. This action reduces

cognitive deficit and memory loss in diseases such as Alzheimer's


* Arthritis <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/arthritis.htm> and

carpal tunnel syndrome. Animal studies have found that naturally

occurring steroids in ashwaganda are more potent than treatment

with the synthetic steroid hydrocortisone for controlling

inflammation. These natural steroidal compounds also reduce the

pain <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/pain.htm> of arthritis as

effectively as aspirin and phenylbutazone when given in the same

amount, but without the immune-depressing side effects those drugs


* Autoimmune disorders. Ashwaganda increases red and white blood

cell counts after treatment with azathioprine (lmuran),

cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan, Neosar), or prednisone for autoimmune

diseases such as lupus <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/lupus.htm>.

* Cancer. <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cancer.htm> Ashwaganda

extracts increase platelet counts, red blood cell counts, and

white blood cell counts during cancer chemotherapy treatment with

cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan, Neosar). Animal studies in India also

have found that ashwaganda sensitizes cancer cells to radiation

treatment, making treatments approximately 50 percent more

effective. Studies have shown that ashwaganda is helpful in

putting cancer tumors into regression.

* Sex drive, diminished. Ashwaganda is a sexual " grounding " herb

that reduces the frequency of premature ejaculation and increases

sexual stamina. Ashwaganda's active principles, alkaloids

<http://www.herbs2000.com/miss/alkaloids.htm> and withanoloids,

have longevity enhancing and sexually stimulating properties.

* Stress <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/stress.htm>. Ayurvedic

medicine has used ashwaganda as a general tonic for centuries to

stimulate long-term endurance. Ashwaganda contains steroid like

compounds that may increase resistance to stress.


Ashwaganda is available in capsule form. The product you choose should

be standardized for withanolides.

When used to increase sex drive, ashwaganda should not be taken in

instances of acute sexual anxiety

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/anxiety.htm>, as its effects take

hold only after about one week of daily use. For the conditions listed

above, be sure not to use a product called ashwaganda oil. That is a

combination of ashwaganda with almond oil and rose

<http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_rose.htm> water designed to be

used as a facial toner. Do not eat ashwaganda berries, as they can cause

severe gastrointestinal pain. Taking ashwaganda with tranquilizers may

result in drowsiness and loss of coordination. You should avoid this

herb if you are taking prescription drugs for anxiety, insomnia

<http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/insomnia.htm>, or a seizure disorder.

I will continue to pray and send healing energy to you .


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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Oh and I forgot to say, add some epsom salts to your bath for a while. This

will help alot with pain and muscle spasms.


----- Original Message -----

From: " Don Quai " <mysticalherbalist@...>

<health >

Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 8:36 AM

Subject: Re: It could only happen.......


> wrote:


>> Thanks, Don!


>> The muscle pain is all along the right side of my body. My neck and

>> radiating up into my head. My shoulder, my back right above my hip,

>> and my hip. It is strange, we were hit on the left side, but my right

>> side hurts. I can turn my head to the left with little problem, but to

>> the right is extremely painful. Same with my shoulder, back and hip.


>> I stopped taking the perscription, and started on hot/cold therapy,

>> using DTR as well. Thankfully, Marilyn appears to be uninjured. We

>> both upped our TT intake, and have been taking ech every day anyway,

>> but will increase it as well. For the nausea, I started us on ginger

>> yesterday, will try the parsley as well. Not familiar with ashwaganda,

>> what is it?


>> Thank you again for the prayers and healing energy!





>> *//*


> ======================

> Hi ,


> Thanks for the info. Yes that is the way of it. You got hit on the left

> hand side and your body reacted by bending left with a powerful

> uncontrolled right stretch. Gonna be some sore muscles there for a

> while. If you have any bruising helichrysum is very good for that. Do

> keep up with the hot/cold as it will do more good for those muscles than

> anything else. Ginseng either chineses, american or russian will help

> with your excess of stress. As for ashwaganda well read:



> Ashwaganda



> /Withania somnifera/



> Ashwaganda

> Indian Ginseng

> Withania


> Uses <http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_ashwaganda.htm#uses>

> Considerations

> <http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_ashwaganda.htm#considerations>

> Herbs gallery - ashwaganda.jpg




> Ashwaganda is a plant in the same family as the tomato. It grows as a

> stout shrub that reaches a height of five feet (170 centimeters). Like

> the tomato, ashwaganda bears yellow flowers and red fruit, though the

> fruit is berrylike in size and shape. Ashwaganda grows prolifically in

> India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. All parts of the plant are used in

> herbal medicine.


> Ashwaganda is a Hindi name meaning " horse's smell. " The term refers not

> only to the smell of a horse, but also to a horse's strength. Some

> herbalists refer to ashwaganda as Indian ginseng

> <http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_ginseng_am.htm>, since it is used

> in ayurvedic medicine in the same way that ginseng is used in

> traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).





> Ashwaganda has been used for more than 2,500 years as a " vitalizer. "

> Today, we would place it in the category of adaptogens. It is

> rejuvenating, balancing, strengthening, and calming to the nervous

> system. Ashwaganda is useful for relieving fatigue

> <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/fatigue.htm>, nervous exhaustion,

> and memory loss <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/memory_loss.htm>.

> This herb also has a reputation as an aphrodisiac and is believed to

> help prevent sterility in males and sexual ailments. A mild sedative,

> ashwaganda reduces mental chatter and promotes calm sleep. It also

> promotes tissue regeneration and slows the aging

> <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/aging.htm> process.


> It is excellent for use in bodybuilding and for any type of physical

> sport, as it gives an instant charge of long-lasting energy without the

> use of stimulants.


> Benefits of ashwaganda for specific health conditions include the

> following:


> * Alzheimer's disease

> <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/alzheimers.htm> and memory

> problems. Ashwaganda helps correct memory loss by modifying the

> way in which the brain uses acetylcholine, a chemical that

> transmits messages from nerve cell to nerve cell. If oxygen levels

> are low, the brain acquires acetylcholine by destroying its own

> cells. The cell remnants form neurofibrillary tangles, blocking

> the transmission of nerve signals and resulting in

> Alzheimer's-like symptoms. Ashwaganda decreases the likelihood

> that the brain will cannibalize its own cells. This action reduces

> cognitive deficit and memory loss in diseases such as Alzheimer's

> disease.

> * Arthritis <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/arthritis.htm> and

> carpal tunnel syndrome. Animal studies have found that naturally

> occurring steroids in ashwaganda are more potent than treatment

> with the synthetic steroid hydrocortisone for controlling

> inflammation. These natural steroidal compounds also reduce the

> pain <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/pain.htm> of arthritis as

> effectively as aspirin and phenylbutazone when given in the same

> amount, but without the immune-depressing side effects those drugs

> cause.

> * Autoimmune disorders. Ashwaganda increases red and white blood

> cell counts after treatment with azathioprine (lmuran),

> cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan, Neosar), or prednisone for autoimmune

> diseases such as lupus

> <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/lupus.htm>.

> * Cancer. <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/cancer.htm> Ashwaganda

> extracts increase platelet counts, red blood cell counts, and

> white blood cell counts during cancer chemotherapy treatment with

> cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan, Neosar). Animal studies in India also

> have found that ashwaganda sensitizes cancer cells to radiation

> treatment, making treatments approximately 50 percent more

> effective. Studies have shown that ashwaganda is helpful in

> putting cancer tumors into regression.

> * Sex drive, diminished. Ashwaganda is a sexual " grounding " herb

> that reduces the frequency of premature ejaculation and increases

> sexual stamina. Ashwaganda's active principles, alkaloids

> <http://www.herbs2000.com/miss/alkaloids.htm> and withanoloids,

> have longevity enhancing and sexually stimulating properties.

> * Stress <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/stress.htm>. Ayurvedic

> medicine has used ashwaganda as a general tonic for centuries to

> stimulate long-term endurance. Ashwaganda contains steroid like

> compounds that may increase resistance to stress.





> Ashwaganda is available in capsule form. The product you choose should

> be standardized for withanolides.

> When used to increase sex drive, ashwaganda should not be taken in

> instances of acute sexual anxiety

> <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/anxiety.htm>, as its effects take

> hold only after about one week of daily use. For the conditions listed

> above, be sure not to use a product called ashwaganda oil. That is a

> combination of ashwaganda with almond oil and rose

> <http://www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_rose.htm> water designed to be

> used as a facial toner. Do not eat ashwaganda berries, as they can cause

> severe gastrointestinal pain. Taking ashwaganda with tranquilizers may

> result in drowsiness and loss of coordination. You should avoid this

> herb if you are taking prescription drugs for anxiety, insomnia

> <http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/insomnia.htm>, or a seizure disorder.


> I will continue to pray and send healing energy to you .




> --

> Peace, love and light,


> Don Quai


> " Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the

> animal and wakes in man. "






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