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Re: Baby Burping

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Unfortunately, this wasn't true with my now 24yo son. He was breastfed (for

two years!)....when he was an infant, after one breast he needed to be laid

on my lap at an upward 45 degree angle for ten minutes, then burped, before

we could go to the other side, where I had to repeat the same procedure. If

I moved him otherwise after he nursed, it all came back up again. (And I

smelled like cottage cheese for two years.<G>)

To me it was an instinctual process....besides the burp itself, holding a

baby up to your shoulder and patting it on the back are comforting, to both

mother and baby. Or, at least, was to me.


-----Original Message-----

From: Rica [mailto:Bollin772000@...]

---I did not breast feed mine, but I understand that breast fed babies dont

need as much burping.


In health , " pam " <peetee1965@h...>



> Was/is burping a baby an ingraned necessary job throughout human

> history?

> I'm not a mom but I'm just curious if burping is an instinctual

> process or man made or even what happens if a baby isn't burped after

> every meal.


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According to La Leche League and many anthropologist types, burping

is a thing brought on by bottles. I believed it until I had my

second... With my first, he was like 2 weeks old and I realized I had

never burped him. I decided since he didn't seem to be bothered, I

wasn't going to start then. With my second, she needed to be

burped. She would get horrible tummy bubbles and scream non-stop,

which made them even worse.



> Was/is burping a baby an ingraned necessary job throughout human

> history?

> I'm not a mom but I'm just curious if burping is an instinctual

> process or man made or even what happens if a baby isn't burped

> after every meal.

> Just curious

> Pam

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Well, my guess is that since babies (depending on what and how they eat)

swallow air and can get uncomfortable and fuss. Naturally mom will pick baby

up and keep changing his/her position till baby settles down. During this

process air will rise and out comes the burb. Soooo over the years mother's

have learned which moves produce a burp the most and the " moves " are handed

down through the generations. Sometimes gently patting baby's back burps

them, sometimes just scooping them up from a nap does it. Also, mothers

learn on an individual basis because every baby is different. With my first,

all I had to do was look at the boy and he would belch hehe. With my little

daughter it took some back rubbing and position changing to produce a tiny

" erp " lol.


----- Original Message -----

From: " pam " <peetee1965@...>

<health >

Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 4:35 PM

Subject: Baby Burping



> Was/is burping a baby an ingraned necessary job throughout human

> history?

> I'm not a mom but I'm just curious if burping is an instinctual

> process or man made or even what happens if a baby isn't burped

> after every meal.

> Just curious

> Pam








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