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jo: Immune modulation for allergies, was: I'm New

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Hi jo, don't assume your kid does not have viral issues like measles or herpes just because he wasn't immunised! He obviously has an overactive immune system that easily turns against itself/himself, there could be many reasons for it.I would look into immune modulators to try change his immune reactions - ie 'trick his immune system' in another direction.maybe consider things like IVIG, transfer factor, LDN, naturals like. I would even look into HELMINTH therapy: http://www.ovamed.org/english/home/home.html (or try googling helminth and autism)Regulation of allergy and autoimmunity in helminth infection. MS, Maizels RM.Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.Parasitic

infections are a major theme in the "hygiene hypothesis", as allergies

and autoimmune diseases are less prevalent in countries with higher

burdens of helminths and other parasitic organisms. Helminths"-the

grouping of multicellular worm parasites including nematodes, cestodes

and trematodes-tend to establish long-lived, chronic infections

indicating successful down-modulation of the host immune system. In

this review, we describe the intricate immunology of host-helminth

interactions and how parasites manipulate immune responses to enhance

their survival. In so doing, they often minimise immunopathology and,

it is suggested, reduce host susceptibility to, and severity of

allergic and autoimmune diseases. Studies on helminth-infected

communities and individuals support the hypothesis that an

immuno-regulatory network promoted by parasites extends its influence

to limiting allergies. Experimental models are now probing more deeply

into the area of immune modulation by helminths, and we discuss the

likely mechanisms by which helminths could be establishing a strongly

regulatory environment. Understanding and harnessing the modulatory

capacity of helminths may uncover novel therapeutic interventions,

mimicking and exploiting their evolution for our benefit. Parasitic

infections are a major theme in the-"hygiene hypothesis", as allergies

and autoimmune diseases are less prevalent in countries with higher

burdens of helminths and other parasitic organisms. Helminths"-the

grouping of multicellular worm parasites including nematodes, cestodes

and trematodes-tend to establish long-lived, chronic infections

indicating successful down-modulation of the host immune system. In

this review, we describe the intricate immunology of host-helminth

interactions and how parasites manipulate immune responses to enhance

their survival. In so doing, they often minimise immunopathology and,

it is suggested, reduce host susceptibility to, and severity of

allergic and autoimmune diseases. Studies on helminth-infected

communities and individuals support the hypothesis that an

immuno-regulatory network promoted by parasites extends its influence

to limiting allergies. Experimental models are now probing more deeply

into the area of immune modulation by helminths, and we discuss the

likely mechanisms by which helminths could be establishing a strongly

regulatory environment. Understanding and harnessing the modulatory

capacity of helminths may uncover novel therapeutic interventions,

mimicking and exploiting their evolution for our benefit.PMID: 14755074 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]hthNatasa>> I read all of the files and am very excited about doing this for my> son. Some things do not apply to him since he never had any> immunizations. I don't have to worry about measles or herpes.> > The problem is his horrendous allergies. His reaction to a food or> supplement are seizures. Wish it were rashes instead! I really> struggle to get new supplements in him. When he has a reaction it is> at least 4 days til he is seizure free again. What if this protocol> is the answer? Maybe this is why he is regressing. No matter what I> do or try, he regresses. He has been sugar, dairy, gluten and> processed food free for 4 years. He is scd since september. > Everytime I try the probiotics or homemade dripped goat yogurt, I end> up taking them back out because of seizures. I feel like it is going> to be impossible to get him to tolerate anything but I have to try.> > Could his seizures and allergies be from viruses? I was pregnant with> him while living in a home with mold and we lived there til he was 3.> > Does anyone have any ideas? Also, are bananas a bad idea for him?> > Thank you > jo>

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jo -

Helminth therapy! That's funny cuz I was going to suggest you look into the same exact thing. In short, this man was treating his son for autism, stumbled across this idea to give him helminth (TSO aka whipworm) treatments and the child got amazingly better, including loss of lots of his allergies. My sister in law has recently presented this info to her son's allergist (not autistic but fatally allergic to peanuts) and she is waiting for their response. She said they seemed very excited and interested in this when she gave them the online info. In the meantime, she's getting tired of waiting so she is considering having their homeopathic doctor order the TSO for her.

Here's a link to this guy's story about TSO: www.usautism.org/USAAA_Newsletter/usaaa_newsletter_110407.htm

A Potential New Treatment for Autism's Most Difficult Symptom - TSO

And/or you can google "Autism and TSO" to find more info.

Hope this helps.

Re: jo: Immune modulation for allergies, was: I'm New

Wow, guess I have some reading to do today. Thank you. I am lookinginto everything!joIn mb12 valtrex , "natasa778" wrote:>> Hi jo, don't assume your kid does not have viral issues like measles> or herpes just because he wasn't immunised!> > He obviously has an overactive immune system that easily turns against> itself/himself, there could be many reasons for it.> > I would look into immune modulators to try change his immune reactions> - ie 'trick his immune system' in another direction.> > maybe consider things like IVIG, transfer factor, LDN, naturals like. I> would even look into HELMINTH therapy: > http://www.ovamed.org/english/home/home.html (or try googling helminth> and autism)> > Regulation of allergy and autoimmunity in helminth infection. MS><http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22W\>ilson%20MS%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_Resu\> ltsPanel.Pubmed_RVAbstractPlusDrugs1> , Maizels RM><http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22M\>aizels%20RM%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_Res\> ultsPanel.Pubmed_RVAbstractPlusDrugs1> .> Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology, University of> Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.> > Parasitic infections are a major theme in the "hygiene hypothesis", as> allergies and autoimmune diseases are less prevalent in countries with> higher burdens of helminths and other parasitic organisms.> Helminths"-the grouping of multicellular worm parasites including> nematodes, cestodes and trematodes-tend to establish long-lived,> chronic infections indicating successful down-modulation of the host> immune system. In this review, we describe the intricate immunology of> host-helminth interactions and how parasites manipulate immune> responses to enhance their survival. In so doing, they often minimise> immunopathology and, it is suggested, reduce host susceptibility to,> and severity of allergic and autoimmune diseases. Studies on> helminth-infected communities and individuals support the hypothesis> that an immuno-regulatory network promoted by parasites extends its> influence to limiting allergies. Experimental models are now probing> more deeply into the area of immune modulation by helminths, and we> discuss the likely mechanisms by which helminths could be establishing> a strongly regulatory environment. Understanding and harnessing the> modulatory capacity of helminths may uncover novel therapeutic> interventions, mimicking and exploiting their evolution for our> benefit. Parasitic infections are a major theme in the-"hygiene> hypothesis", as allergies and autoimmune diseases are less prevalent in> countries with higher burdens of helminths and other parasitic> organisms. Helminths"-the grouping of multicellular worm parasites> including nematodes, cestodes and trematodes-tend to establish> long-lived, chronic infections indicating successful down-modulation of> the host immune system. In this review, we describe the intricate> immunology of host-helminth interactions and how parasites manipulate> immune responses to enhance their survival. In so doing, they often> minimise immunopathology and, it is suggested, reduce host> susceptibility to, and severity of allergic and autoimmune diseases.> Studies on helminth-infected communities and individuals support the> hypothesis that an immuno-regulatory network promoted by parasites> extends its influence to limiting allergies. Experimental models are> now probing more deeply into the area of immune modulation by> helminths, and we discuss the likely mechanisms by which helminths> could be establishing a strongly regulatory environment. Understanding> and harnessing the modulatory capacity of helminths may uncover novel> therapeutic interventions, mimicking and exploiting their evolution for> our benefit.> > PMID: 14755074 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]> > hth> Natasa> > > > >> > I read all of the files and am very excited about doing this for my> > son. Some things do not apply to him since he never had any> > immunizations. I don't have to worry about measles or herpes.> >> > The problem is his horrendous allergies. His reaction to a food or> > supplement are seizures. Wish it were rashes instead! I really> > struggle to get new supplements in him. When he has a reaction it is> > at least 4 days til he is seizure free again. What if this protocol> > is the answer? Maybe this is why he is regressing. No matter what I> > do or try, he regresses. He has been sugar, dairy, gluten and> > processed food free for 4 years. He is scd since september.> > Everytime I try the probiotics or homemade dripped goat yogurt, I end> > up taking them back out because of seizures. I feel like it is going> > to be impossible to get him to tolerate anything but I have to try.> >> > Could his seizures and allergies be from viruses? I was pregnant with> > him while living in a home with mold and we lived there til he was 3.> >> > Does anyone have any ideas? Also, are bananas a bad idea for him?> >> > Thank you> > jo> >>

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jo -

Helminth therapy! That's funny cuz I was going to suggest you look into the same exact thing. In short, this man was treating his son for autism, stumbled across this idea to give him helminth (TSO aka whipworm) treatments and the child got amazingly better, including loss of lots of his allergies. My sister in law has recently presented this info to her son's allergist (not autistic but fatally allergic to peanuts) and she is waiting for their response. She said they seemed very excited and interested in this when she gave them the online info. In the meantime, she's getting tired of waiting so she is considering having their homeopathic doctor order the TSO for her.

Here's a link to this guy's story about TSO: www.usautism.org/USAAA_Newsletter/usaaa_newsletter_110407.htm

A Potential New Treatment for Autism's Most Difficult Symptom - TSO

And/or you can google "Autism and TSO" to find more info.

Hope this helps.

Re: jo: Immune modulation for allergies, was: I'm New

Wow, guess I have some reading to do today. Thank you. I am lookinginto everything!joIn mb12 valtrex , "natasa778" wrote:>> Hi jo, don't assume your kid does not have viral issues like measles> or herpes just because he wasn't immunised!> > He obviously has an overactive immune system that easily turns against> itself/himself, there could be many reasons for it.> > I would look into immune modulators to try change his immune reactions> - ie 'trick his immune system' in another direction.> > maybe consider things like IVIG, transfer factor, LDN, naturals like. I> would even look into HELMINTH therapy: > http://www.ovamed.org/english/home/home.html (or try googling helminth> and autism)> > Regulation of allergy and autoimmunity in helminth infection. MS><http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22W\>ilson%20MS%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_Resu\> ltsPanel.Pubmed_RVAbstractPlusDrugs1> , Maizels RM><http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed & Cmd=Search & Term=%22M\>aizels%20RM%22%5BAuthor%5D & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_Res\> ultsPanel.Pubmed_RVAbstractPlusDrugs1> .> Institute of Cell, Animal and Population Biology, University of> Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.> > Parasitic infections are a major theme in the "hygiene hypothesis", as> allergies and autoimmune diseases are less prevalent in countries with> higher burdens of helminths and other parasitic organisms.> Helminths"-the grouping of multicellular worm parasites including> nematodes, cestodes and trematodes-tend to establish long-lived,> chronic infections indicating successful down-modulation of the host> immune system. In this review, we describe the intricate immunology of> host-helminth interactions and how parasites manipulate immune> responses to enhance their survival. In so doing, they often minimise> immunopathology and, it is suggested, reduce host susceptibility to,> and severity of allergic and autoimmune diseases. Studies on> helminth-infected communities and individuals support the hypothesis> that an immuno-regulatory network promoted by parasites extends its> influence to limiting allergies. Experimental models are now probing> more deeply into the area of immune modulation by helminths, and we> discuss the likely mechanisms by which helminths could be establishing> a strongly regulatory environment. Understanding and harnessing the> modulatory capacity of helminths may uncover novel therapeutic> interventions, mimicking and exploiting their evolution for our> benefit. Parasitic infections are a major theme in the-"hygiene> hypothesis", as allergies and autoimmune diseases are less prevalent in> countries with higher burdens of helminths and other parasitic> organisms. Helminths"-the grouping of multicellular worm parasites> including nematodes, cestodes and trematodes-tend to establish> long-lived, chronic infections indicating successful down-modulation of> the host immune system. In this review, we describe the intricate> immunology of host-helminth interactions and how parasites manipulate> immune responses to enhance their survival. In so doing, they often> minimise immunopathology and, it is suggested, reduce host> susceptibility to, and severity of allergic and autoimmune diseases.> Studies on helminth-infected communities and individuals support the> hypothesis that an immuno-regulatory network promoted by parasites> extends its influence to limiting allergies. Experimental models are> now probing more deeply into the area of immune modulation by> helminths, and we discuss the likely mechanisms by which helminths> could be establishing a strongly regulatory environment. Understanding> and harnessing the modulatory capacity of helminths may uncover novel> therapeutic interventions, mimicking and exploiting their evolution for> our benefit.> > PMID: 14755074 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]> > hth> Natasa> > > > >> > I read all of the files and am very excited about doing this for my> > son. Some things do not apply to him since he never had any> > immunizations. I don't have to worry about measles or herpes.> >> > The problem is his horrendous allergies. His reaction to a food or> > supplement are seizures. Wish it were rashes instead! I really> > struggle to get new supplements in him. When he has a reaction it is> > at least 4 days til he is seizure free again. What if this protocol> > is the answer? Maybe this is why he is regressing. No matter what I> > do or try, he regresses. He has been sugar, dairy, gluten and> > processed food free for 4 years. He is scd since september.> > Everytime I try the probiotics or homemade dripped goat yogurt, I end> > up taking them back out because of seizures. I feel like it is going> > to be impossible to get him to tolerate anything but I have to try.> >> > Could his seizures and allergies be from viruses? I was pregnant with> > him while living in a home with mold and we lived there til he was 3.> >> > Does anyone have any ideas? Also, are bananas a bad idea for him?> >> > Thank you> > jo> >>

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