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telephone consults

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Has anyone had luck getting their medical insurance provider to

pay for the telephone consults?

On a autism-insurance group I belong to, someone

wrote that they were able to get telephone consults for another

Dr paid for using this code (BTW whoever this Dr is charges $300/half hr!!)

" procedure code 90887 "

this is from a Cignamedicare.com site:

Description: Code 90887 is used when the treatment of the patient may require

explanations to the family, employers, or other involved persons for their

support in the therapy process. This may include reporting of examinations,

procedures and other accumulated data.



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Aetna paid for phone consults for my son for about six months so it's always

worth submitting them. They paid automatically at first but then refused even

on appeal. We started with BCBS and they paid for the first one but then

after that refused all others.


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I've heard of at least one person getting their

insurance to cover a couple of phone consults after

the fact, but it was more of a 'management decision'

by that insurance co, and is very rare.

The problem w/using the CPT code 90887 - and this is

only if my damaged memory is serving me correctly

since I don't have a CPT book anymore - is that phone

consults actually have their own CPT, so using another

is sorta 'mis-coding' and if insurance were to request

records the doc could get in trouble. I also believe

that 90887 (again, possibly wrong but you'd want to

confirm) is more of a miscellaneous code, so fee

schedules aren't usually well set up. The other

problem is that the allowed payment for those codes

are usually nowhere near what the doctor would get for

an office visit of the same amount of time spent in an

office visit w/the level of care provided in our phone


The majority of insurance companies simply do not

cover phone consults. Their expectations is that the

patient is treated in the office or other outpatient

setting, w/few exceptions. The general 'idea' is that

medical care can be provided just about anywhere so

'specialty' is relative. Phone consults to an

insurance company are considered more of a convenience

and outside of the realm of 'medical necessity'.

That said, it is always worth trying to talk to your

insurance about covering them, but groveling is way

more effective than arguing or complaining! :) And

don't really expect that it will happen, either. You

can find out exactly which code the office is using,

then contact your insurance company to see if they

have a fee schedule for that code. And if it is an

out-of-network provider (last I heard Dr G was only

taking BC?), will they pay any differently (the

benefits are usually different).

I can assure you that Dr who charged $300/hr was paid

nowhere near his fee but rather what someone would be

paid for a high-level office visit.


--- Doris and Steve <sjsmith@...>


> Has anyone had luck getting their medical insurance

> provider to

> pay for the telephone consults?

> On a autism-insurance group I belong to,

> someone

> wrote that they were able to get telephone consults

> for another

> Dr paid for using this code (BTW whoever this Dr is

> charges $300/half hr!!)



> " procedure code 90887 "


> this is from a Cignamedicare.com site:

> Description: Code 90887 is used when the treatment

> of the patient may require explanations to the

> family, employers, or other involved persons for

> their support in the therapy process. This may

> include reporting of examinations, procedures and

> other accumulated data.



> doris

> land






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We get paid for our phone consult. We used to get paid in full for years, but

starting Aug. last year due to changes Dr.Goldberg is now out of network provide

for our local (MN) BCBS. Still, they pay about two thirds after deductible ($300

a year).

This is totaly individual descision that you have to fight for it. You will

have better luck if company you are working for is self-insured and just let the

BCBS or other provider to do administrative work.

We made a case pointing that our phone consultation is prettty much as

appointment. We do blood work and communicate by faxes. Try to scary them saying

that you will go every time to CA and to pay for real appointment will cost the

insurance more.

They established special code for us to pay for phone consultation.

Let me know if you need more explanation


Doris and Steve <sjsmith@...> wrote:

Has anyone had luck getting their medical insurance provider to

pay for the telephone consults?

On a autism-insurance group I belong to, someone

wrote that they were able to get telephone consults for another

Dr paid for using this code (BTW whoever this Dr is charges $300/half hr!!)

" procedure code 90887 "

this is from a Cignamedicare.com site:

Description: Code 90887 is used when the treatment of the patient may require

explanations to the family, employers, or other involved persons for their

support in the therapy process. This may include reporting of examinations,

procedures and other accumulated data.




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Good for you! I tried but had no success with this.

We are not in a group plan. How far do you live from

Dr. Goldberg? For us, living in Illinois, I don't

think they would believe us if I said we would make

the flight for an in office visit. Barb

--- Regina Feferman <help2live@...> wrote:

> We get paid for our phone consult. We used to get

> paid in full for years, but starting Aug. last year

> due to changes Dr.Goldberg is now out of network

> provide for our local (MN) BCBS. Still, they pay

> about two thirds after deductible ($300 a year).


> This is totaly individual descision that you have

> to fight for it. You will have better luck if

> company you are working for is self-insured and just

> let the BCBS or other provider to do administrative

> work.


> We made a case pointing that our phone

> consultation is prettty much as appointment. We do

> blood work and communicate by faxes. Try to scary

> them saying that you will go every time to CA and to

> pay for real appointment will cost the insurance

> more.


> They established special code for us to pay for

> phone consultation.


> Let me know if you need more explanation


> Regina


> Doris and Steve <sjsmith@...>

> wrote:

> Has anyone had luck getting their medical

> insurance provider to

> pay for the telephone consults?

> On a autism-insurance group I belong to,

> someone

> wrote that they were able to get telephone consults

> for another

> Dr paid for using this code (BTW whoever this Dr is

> charges $300/half hr!!)


> " procedure code 90887 "


> this is from a Cignamedicare.com site:

> Description: Code 90887 is used when the treatment

> of the patient may require explanations to the

> family, employers, or other involved persons for

> their support in the therapy process. This may

> include reporting of examinations, procedures and

> other accumulated data.


> doris

> land






> __________________________________________________


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We live even father, in MN. You are right, it was not that easy. This advise

was given us by our lawer that we've had for educational purpuses, but it worked

for us.

Good luck


Barb Katsaros <barbkatsaros@...> wrote:

Good for you! I tried but had no success with this.

We are not in a group plan. How far do you live from

Dr. Goldberg? For us, living in Illinois, I don't

think they would believe us if I said we would make

the flight for an in office visit. Barb

--- Regina Feferman <help2live@...> wrote:

> We get paid for our phone consult. We used to get

> paid in full for years, but starting Aug. last year

> due to changes Dr.Goldberg is now out of network

> provide for our local (MN) BCBS. Still, they pay

> about two thirds after deductible ($300 a year).


> This is totaly individual descision that you have

> to fight for it. You will have better luck if

> company you are working for is self-insured and just

> let the BCBS or other provider to do administrative

> work.


> We made a case pointing that our phone

> consultation is prettty much as appointment. We do

> blood work and communicate by faxes. Try to scary

> them saying that you will go every time to CA and to

> pay for real appointment will cost the insurance

> more.


> They established special code for us to pay for

> phone consultation.


> Let me know if you need more explanation


> Regina


> Doris and Steve <sjsmith@...>

> wrote:

> Has anyone had luck getting their medical

> insurance provider to

> pay for the telephone consults?

> On a autism-insurance group I belong to,

> someone

> wrote that they were able to get telephone consults

> for another

> Dr paid for using this code (BTW whoever this Dr is

> charges $300/half hr!!)


> " procedure code 90887 "


> this is from a Cignamedicare.com site:

> Description: Code 90887 is used when the treatment

> of the patient may require explanations to the

> family, employers, or other involved persons for

> their support in the therapy process. This may

> include reporting of examinations, procedures and

> other accumulated data.


> doris

> land






> __________________________________________________


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Thanks for the advice, Regina. I might try again, but

this is a pretty tough insurance co. to deal with!


--- Regina Feferman <help2live@...> wrote:

> Barb,


> We live even father, in MN. You are right, it was

> not that easy. This advise was given us by our lawer

> that we've had for educational purpuses, but it

> worked for us.


> Good luck

> Regina


> Barb Katsaros <barbkatsaros@...> wrote:

> Good for you! I tried but had no success

> with this.

> We are not in a group plan. How far do you live from

> Dr. Goldberg? For us, living in Illinois, I don't

> think they would believe us if I said we would make

> the flight for an in office visit. Barb


> --- Regina Feferman <help2live@...> wrote:


> > We get paid for our phone consult. We used to get

> > paid in full for years, but starting Aug. last

> year

> > due to changes Dr.Goldberg is now out of network

> > provide for our local (MN) BCBS. Still, they pay

> > about two thirds after deductible ($300 a year).

> >

> > This is totaly individual descision that you have

> > to fight for it. You will have better luck if

> > company you are working for is self-insured and

> just

> > let the BCBS or other provider to do

> administrative

> > work.

> >

> > We made a case pointing that our phone

> > consultation is prettty much as appointment. We do

> > blood work and communicate by faxes. Try to scary

> > them saying that you will go every time to CA and

> to

> > pay for real appointment will cost the insurance

> > more.

> >

> > They established special code for us to pay for

> > phone consultation.

> >

> > Let me know if you need more explanation

> >

> > Regina

> >

> > Doris and Steve <sjsmith@...>

> > wrote:

> > Has anyone had luck getting their medical

> > insurance provider to

> > pay for the telephone consults?

> > On a autism-insurance group I belong to,

> > someone

> > wrote that they were able to get telephone

> consults

> > for another

> > Dr paid for using this code (BTW whoever this Dr

> is

> > charges $300/half hr!!)

> >

> > " procedure code 90887 "

> >

> > this is from a Cignamedicare.com site:

> > Description: Code 90887 is used when the treatment

> > of the patient may require explanations to the

> > family, employers, or other involved persons for

> > their support in the therapy process. This may

> > include reporting of examinations, procedures and

> > other accumulated data.

> >

> > doris

> > land

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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