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Re: Question about Zoloft

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I think it would probably be a good idea to e-mail the office (and then

maybe call to follow up) before making a change... I didn't follow Dr. G's

directions once and he was not shy about letting me know how he felt... I

hope you can avoid going through that! It was nooooooooot very pleasant!

He is fighting for our kids and sometimes that means he will even debate us

if he feels it is in their best interest.

He has reasons for things that surprise me even after having one of my kids

with him for 4.5 years. Sometimes he looks in unexpected places to

understand why they are struggling. Such as... last round of labs he tested

my son for Parvovirus (Fifths Disease) which came back positive. That was a

virus I'd never heard of his looking at before. I'm not sure what he can do

to help those high antibodies, but anyway, as you can see he sometimes has

new ideas up his sleeve that might take things in new directions.

Anyway, just my two cents. Hang in there!


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My son got hyper on Zoloft. Celexa made him hyper and aggressive. Any

increases we've done very, very slowly as I've been told it can cause a

'jolt' to the brain.

After we took my son off the Celexa, he had one pill left so I took it, just

to see how he might have felt. Egads!!! I felt HORRIBLE. My heart RACED for

over 2 hours and I got downright depressed (morbid thoughts - ick!). It was

absolutely terrible. I later learned that I had probably 'jolted' my system

and that's why I felt so awful. I also learned that I most likely don't need

SSRIs ;-)


Question about Zoloft

Hi everyone

My son has been on Valtrex, Nizoral and Zoloft (Dr G doubled the Zoloft

about three weeks ago as we seemed to be doing ok).

He has lately been very lethargic and has just started to hit himself and

say some pretty agressive things. Could this be the Zoloft at work? Should I

cut it right down pending hearing back from Dr G? I'd be very glad of


Thanks so much, Elspeth

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As far as you taking that Celexa, I am glad you are OK. I applaud

you for being brave and putting yourself in your son's shoes. OK I

know it is not recommended to take something without your docs

advice, but I still applaud you ;)


> My son got hyper on Zoloft. Celexa made him hyper and aggressive.


> increases we've done very, very slowly as I've been told it can

cause a

> 'jolt' to the brain.


> After we took my son off the Celexa, he had one pill left so I

took it, just

> to see how he might have felt. Egads!!! I felt HORRIBLE. My heart


> over 2 hours and I got downright depressed (morbid thoughts -

ick!). It was

> absolutely terrible. I later learned that I had probably 'jolted'

my system

> and that's why I felt so awful. I also learned that I most likely

don't need

> SSRIs ;-)


> Kristy


> Question about Zoloft



> Hi everyone


> My son has been on Valtrex, Nizoral and Zoloft (Dr G doubled the


> about three weeks ago as we seemed to be doing ok).


> He has lately been very lethargic and has just started to hit

himself and

> say some pretty agressive things. Could this be the Zoloft at

work? Should I

> cut it right down pending hearing back from Dr G? I'd be very glad


> advice.


> Thanks so much, Elspeth



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