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hello my 10 year old son, kalvin, seemed to have developed some tics in the past 2 weeks. we had an EEG done, and it's normal. the neurologist didn't prescribe any meds because this kind of tic will just eventually go away. meantime, i have a friend who shared with me that she used antiviral and antifungal supplements to eliminate tics. does anybody have the same experience? can they share what they did? any particular antiviral or antifungal that can help? thanks so much.... 9 wrote: We're not doing any intensive bio-intervention except some Omega 3+ Vitamins+enzymes. No anti-viral, no chelating.But recent few weeks my son (7 yo) has very frequent urination...when I say frequent I mean it, before bed time he had almost 10 times within 45 minutes and he just can not stop going to wash room during the day. He has a little urine each every time he goes.Seems no pain though. What may cause this? Urine tract infection? oxlate? sign on diabate? Weak kidney? Lack of certain nutriention?Thanks for you input.Yuxin

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Yes, there's a relationship between Candida and tics. Dr. Semon,

who wrote " Feast Without Yeast, " has done some great things with

people with Tourette's using his 4 stages diet and nystatin. You

can read more here:



....and there's a chat forum where he will answer questions for you

(though sometimes it takes awhile.) We used his diet for

yeast/fungus instead of the SCD, as we do not tolerate meat well.

It was a huge intervention for us.

I have an autistic son for whom these interventions were done, but I

have been as sick as my son, and am full of yeast. I do not have

tics now, but did have them sporadically as a child, and I am sure I

had huge yeast issues at the time.


> We're not doing any intensive bio-intervention except

some Omega 3+

> Vitamins+enzymes. No anti-viral, no chelating.


> But recent few weeks my son (7 yo) has very frequent


> I say frequent I mean it, before bed time he had almost 10 times

> within 45 minutes and he just can not stop going to wash room


> the day. He has a little urine each every time he goes.


> Seems no pain though. What may cause this?


> Urine tract infection? oxlate? sign on diabate? Weak kidney? Lack


> certain nutriention?


> Thanks for you input.

> Yuxin







> ---------------------------------

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thanks so much amanda for your response i will look into the website.... kind regards, carlinaa_nwmn wrote: Yes, there's a relationship between Candida and tics. Dr. Semon, who wrote "Feast Without Yeast," has done some great things with people with Tourette's using his 4 stages diet and nystatin. You can read more here:http://www.nutritioninstitute.com/index.html?frame=http%3A//www.nutritioninstitute.com/home.html...and there's a chat forum where he will answer questions for you (though sometimes it takes awhile.) We used his diet for yeast/fungus instead of the SCD, as we do not tolerate meat well. It was a huge intervention for us.I have an autistic son for whom these interventions were done, but I have been as sick as my son, and am full of yeast. I do not have tics now, but did have them sporadically as a child, and I am sure I had huge yeast issues at the time. NC> We're not doing any intensive bio-intervention except some Omega 3+ > Vitamins+enzymes. No anti-viral, no chelating.> > But recent few weeks my son (7 yo) has very frequent urination...when > I say frequent I mean it, before bed time he had almost 10 times > within 45 minutes and he just can not stop going to wash room during > the day. He has a little urine each every time he

goes.> > Seems no pain though. What may cause this? > > Urine tract infection? oxlate? sign on diabate? Weak kidney? Lack of > certain nutriention?> > Thanks for you input.> Yuxin> > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.>

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We were a very very fungal family as well after my second pregnany/

csection...all the babies had yeasty diaper rashes and my dh broke

out in a huge rash wehn he got off all sugar. We have not done the

SCD, but we did SCD legal foods only for awhile/those that fit into

the anti candida diet approach...if you can tolerate meat - and A

blood types son't or so I am told (we are all Os) then the fastest

way to beat the yeast issues is meat and veggies, no fruits for three

months, limited for another three after that...this will heal and

seal the gut and get ride of yeast the fastest...the veggies should

be leafy greens and other greens like broc and asp and brussel

sprouts...when the candid is gone you will love this stuff, and if it

makes you recoil now that is a BIG sign of being a host...at least it

was for us. Try and make at least 50 percent of your diet

raw/fermented foods....I hated saurkraut, but ate a few bites as if

medicine..muich prefer kimchee...and rather like all that stuff now

bc it makes you FEEL stellar, makes your skin glow...who knew? We

have Feast Without Yeast...if you take an RX drug like Nystatin

yourself this book mught help you more than it did us...though we

will use it now as we have cleared most of the yeast and it offers

nice options to expand from the really low carb approach to healing

this nasty thing....the books that helped us the most arethe info on

the BTVC website, esp the knowledge base, recipes in Eat well Feel

Well and other SCD cookbooks, the books by Kaufman that explain the

fungal link to really serious diseases...diabetes, cancer, heart

disease etc, and how to get rid of it for good....I am told the Body

Ecology book is useful, their website certainly is...and browse

through the Makers Diet - I would not purchase as it is too much of a

sales pitch for his own products, but the approach is right, and

finally Nourishing Traditions if you can tolerate meat and

dairy....for the info on broths and many of the recipes. If you

decide to try and beat the yeast without meat, let me know how you

managed as we could not do it in our home esp with our child for now

as he will eat meat, but we are going to have to use ABA to get

healing veggies on board. THe biggest thing that helped us in our

fight to rid ourselves of this awful stuff was Candicid Forte

supplements, good probiotic, homemade yogurt, meat and veggies diet,

and no starches, sugars, or grains or c carbs for about 6 months....I

have before and after pics of my daughter, Terra, and of her white

coated tongue and her healthy pink one now....completely off the

spectrum now, no impulsive behaviors or signs of ADD or ADHD at

all....the swollen tummy is gone, the muscle tone is greatly

improved, and she can tolerate an occasional treat or two, even those

with gluten, without being derailed by them or a SMALL amount of

sugar. In general we do much better with brown rice than bread

though, and we will never go back to eating as we once did....we are

bringing in the Feat without Yeast foods now for her, and hopefully

she will do okay with alot more carbs. The trick with candida is to

figure out how your family fares and foods that are meant to heal

them...there is no one diet fit, but there are consistent no

nos....only apple cider vinegar it seems, NO sugar, very limited

honmey and none for a time is better, as so on....you can beat this

thing. God luck...the six months go by quickly and only the first

month is an absolute bear....Di

> > We're not doing any intensive bio-intervention except

> some Omega 3+

> > Vitamins+enzymes. No anti-viral, no chelating.

> >

> > But recent few weeks my son (7 yo) has very frequent

> urination...when

> > I say frequent I mean it, before bed time he had almost 10 times

> > within 45 minutes and he just can not stop going to wash room

> during

> > the day. He has a little urine each every time he goes.

> >

> > Seems no pain though. What may cause this?

> >

> > Urine tract infection? oxlate? sign on diabate? Weak kidney? Lack

> of

> > certain nutriention?

> >

> > Thanks for you input.

> > Yuxin

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with

> Yahoo! Search.

> >


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We gave my son 5HTP for his tic - twice a day and that took care of it. His tic was more stress/anxiety related although you could not tell he was stressed or anxious. carlina roa wrote: hello my 10 year old son, kalvin, seemed to have developed some tics in the past 2 weeks. we had an EEG done, and it's normal. the neurologist didn't prescribe any meds because this kind of tic

will just eventually go away. meantime, i have a friend who shared with me that she used antiviral and antifungal supplements to eliminate tics. does anybody have the same experience? can they share what they did? any particular antiviral or antifungal that can help? thanks so much.... 9 <leej1109> wrote: We're not doing any intensive bio-intervention except some Omega 3+ Vitamins+enzymes. No anti-viral, no chelating.But recent few weeks my son (7 yo) has very frequent urination...when I say frequent I mean it, before bed time he had almost 10 times within 45 minutes and he just can not stop going to wash room during the day. He has a little urine each every time he

goes.Seems no pain though. What may cause this? Urine tract infection? oxlate? sign on diabate? Weak kidney? Lack of certain nutriention?Thanks for you input.Yuxin Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

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thanks so muchblu wrote: We gave my son 5HTP for his tic - twice a day and that took care of it. His tic was more stress/anxiety related although you could not tell he was stressed or anxious. carlina roa <carlinaroa> wrote: hello my 10 year old son, kalvin, seemed to have developed some tics in the past 2 weeks. we had an EEG done, and it's normal. the neurologist didn't prescribe any meds because this kind of tic will just eventually go away. meantime, i have a friend who shared with me that she used antiviral and antifungal supplements to eliminate tics. does anybody have the same experience? can they share what they did? any particular antiviral or antifungal that can help? thanks so much.... 9 <leej1109> wrote: We're not doing any intensive bio-intervention except some Omega 3+ Vitamins+enzymes. No

anti-viral, no chelating.But recent few weeks my son (7 yo) has very frequent urination...when I say frequent I mean it, before bed time he had almost 10 times within 45 minutes and he just can not stop going to wash room during the day. He has a little urine each every time he goes.Seems no pain though. What may cause this? Urine tract infection? oxlate? sign on diabate? Weak kidney? Lack of certain nutriention?Thanks for you input.Yuxin Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

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thanks... my son was on a cfgf yeast free diet for a time, in fact, he can start tolerating other foods already, with no changes in behavior. apparently, this thing came up just lately. he still showed high yeast levels in his oat test last january, so it's still there. thanks so much for your advice....diatplay wrote: We were a very very fungal family as well after my second pregnany/ csection...all the babies had yeasty diaper rashes and my dh broke out in a huge rash wehn he got off all sugar. We have not

done the SCD, but we did SCD legal foods only for awhile/those that fit into the anti candida diet approach...if you can tolerate meat - and A blood types son't or so I am told (we are all Os) then the fastest way to beat the yeast issues is meat and veggies, no fruits for three months, limited for another three after that...this will heal and seal the gut and get ride of yeast the fastest...the veggies should be leafy greens and other greens like broc and asp and brussel sprouts...when the candid is gone you will love this stuff, and if it makes you recoil now that is a BIG sign of being a host...at least it was for us. Try and make at least 50 percent of your diet raw/fermented foods....I hated saurkraut, but ate a few bites as if medicine..muich prefer kimchee...and rather like all that stuff now bc it makes you FEEL stellar, makes your skin glow...who knew? We have Feast Without Yeast...if you take an RX drug like

Nystatin yourself this book mught help you more than it did us...though we will use it now as we have cleared most of the yeast and it offers nice options to expand from the really low carb approach to healing this nasty thing....the books that helped us the most arethe info on the BTVC website, esp the knowledge base, recipes in Eat well Feel Well and other SCD cookbooks, the books by Kaufman that explain the fungal link to really serious diseases...diabetes, cancer, heart disease etc, and how to get rid of it for good....I am told the Body Ecology book is useful, their website certainly is...and browse through the Makers Diet - I would not purchase as it is too much of a sales pitch for his own products, but the approach is right, and finally Nourishing Traditions if you can tolerate meat and dairy....for the info on broths and many of the recipes. If you decide to try and beat the yeast without meat, let me

know how you managed as we could not do it in our home esp with our child for now as he will eat meat, but we are going to have to use ABA to get healing veggies on board. THe biggest thing that helped us in our fight to rid ourselves of this awful stuff was Candicid Forte supplements, good probiotic, homemade yogurt, meat and veggies diet, and no starches, sugars, or grains or c carbs for about 6 months....I have before and after pics of my daughter, Terra, and of her white coated tongue and her healthy pink one now....completely off the spectrum now, no impulsive behaviors or signs of ADD or ADHD at all....the swollen tummy is gone, the muscle tone is greatly improved, and she can tolerate an occasional treat or two, even those with gluten, without being derailed by them or a SMALL amount of sugar. In general we do much better with brown rice than bread though, and we will never go back to eating as we once

did....we are bringing in the Feat without Yeast foods now for her, and hopefully she will do okay with alot more carbs. The trick with candida is to figure out how your family fares and foods that are meant to heal them...there is no one diet fit, but there are consistent no nos....only apple cider vinegar it seems, NO sugar, very limited honmey and none for a time is better, as so on....you can beat this thing. God luck...the six months go by quickly and only the first month is an absolute bear....Di> > We're not doing any intensive bio-intervention except > some Omega 3+ > > Vitamins+enzymes. No anti-viral, no chelating.> > > > But recent few weeks my son (7 yo) has very frequent > urination...when > > I say

frequent I mean it, before bed time he had almost 10 times > > within 45 minutes and he just can not stop going to wash room > during > > the day. He has a little urine each every time he goes.> > > > Seems no pain though. What may cause this? > > > > Urine tract infection? oxlate? sign on diabate? Weak kidney? Lack > of > > certain nutriention?> > > > Thanks for you input.> > Yuxin> > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> > Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with > Yahoo! Search.> >> __________________________________________________

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