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My daughter was not a sleeper at all. I used to wonder about that when she was a

baby...At two I told my ex husband she was adhd( I am a family physician )..By

four and a half she was rageful.NO was never taken as an answer and she always

had to argue you down..I had lost my sweet little girl and she had been replaced

by what I had hoped was an alien life form that would soon leave....She would

throw 45 min rages and tantrums that nothing would calm down..When I had her

diagnosed adhd in 2001 the Ritalin derivative helped at school but her

argumentativeness at home and rages continued..she would be so remorseful after

them and beg me to help her stop them. I got a second opinion a yr ago and then

that's when the idea of the childhood bipolar came up...Her formal psych eval

two months later showed the unrealistic bpd thoughts( she guess at a great deal

of things and behaviors.( Her formal psych eval was posted on here about 6

months ago..maybe Edith can help you locate it..If not I am sure I could go thru

my sent folder and privately send you a copy...

When she was placed on Risperdal ..I got my daughter back literally..95% of the

behaviors stopped..her thinking improved..She is an a & b student so intellect is

not her problem..

She talks about her emotions now and can say she is sorry even while beginning a

rage..I am not sure she is actually bipolar or we are seeing childhood bpd..who

knows at this point..The other day she told me " Mom even when I am having a hard

time behaving..Please understand how much I love you " ..I cried

As far as genetics go..I feel like the proband in a huge genetics

experiment..Unfortunately I didn't get the decision to either opt in or out of

this one..lol

Take Care,

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