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Re: Was: Shelvie Rettman; IS: Long-distance Rife treatments

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>> Jeff Southerland treated my dog with cancer this way - he used an ABPA

>> (bio-photon) machine and it was hooked up to an F165. He did not use a

>> polaroid - I had to take specific sized digital pictures and then email

>> them to him. From 10-18-07 to 12-07-07 I paid him $800.00. I was

>> told by Dale Fawcett, the person I bought the FSCAN II from, that I

>> could place polaroid pictures in my ABPA machine and run cancer

>> frequencies for my dog. Maybe these were the machines she was using.

>> Sherry Bakko

> Did Dr. Sutherland's treatment work ?

I will briefly report my personal experiences with Dr. Sutherland and his

treatments, which I used primarily for one of my dogs. My dog had cancer, and

then Lyme and a Babesia-related cough. Jeff's APBA and frequency-deducing

services appeared to " work " (as Mark put it) for about 95% of the time. The dog

became asymptomatic.

For example, before Jeff's treatments the dog would cough for literally 20 or 30

minutes at a time, for about half her waking moments. During and after

treatment, she almost completely stopped coughing, her energy picked up, and she

even became playful. She is now 15 years old. I am grateful for Jeff Sutherland

for helping to extend my dog's life, and improve her quality of life.

I also feed her fresh, mostly organic food; give her colloidal silver instead of

drinking water; and supplement her diet with Transfer Factor and Vibe.

Currently, a machine that does isopathic imprinting is keeping her stable. I

don't think that one modality alone is sufficient, especially when a situation

is complex. Also, Jeff's skill is in finding microbe-disabling frequencies and

sending them. The body still must be built up and nourished, regardless of what

other modalities are being used.

There is no magic solution. Maintaining health in today's world is an ongoing


To close, I want to make one comment about radionics and Rife (I'm sure is

watching ;-) Radionics -- briefly, the long-distance application of healing

over time and space -- is NOT Rife. However, Rife has been used radionically. I

believe that the success in using Rife technology in this fashion depends on the

practitioner, the method, the recipient, and probably some factors we don't



Nenah Sylver, PhD


* author, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing

* author, The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy

ask me why you should be taking

* Transfer Factor for superior immune support


* VIBE raw fruit & vegetable concentrate for total nutrition

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Nenah wrote,

> To close, I want to make one comment about radionics and Rife (I'm sure

is watching ;-) Radionics -- briefly, the long-distance application

of healing over time and space -- is NOT Rife. However, Rife has been used


Hi Nenah, when you wrote that, did you primarily mean Rife FREQUENCIES have

been used radionically? I'm asking for that clarification, because my

understanding is that the overall Rife methodology as he developed it,

involved a lot more than just frequencies. For instance, I don't know how

the plasma delivery aspect could be used radionically.

It might be helpful to the general Rife community, to understand where the

current overlap between radionics and Rife technology starts and stops.

Does the overlap constitute just use of frequencies?

Also, while Abrams and Rife may have crossed paths or worked together to

some extent, that doesn't mean Rife's methodology has to be along the same

path as Abrams. Rife learned what he could from Abrams, but carried out his

particular vision on his own - a path different from Abrams.

For what it's worth - my experience with radionics has been primarily in the

agriculture arena, and even there its success largely depends on the

practitioner skill, from what I have seen. The old teacher I learned from

(he was incredibly adept at it), always stressed how much practice is

required to do it well, like any other skill. I personally do not use

radionics simply because there was not enough time to devote to it.



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--- Nenah Sylver wrote:


> To close, I want to make one comment about radionics

> and Rife (I'm sure is watching ;-) Radionics

> -- briefly, the long-distance application of healing

> over time and space -- is NOT Rife. However, Rife

> has been used radionically. I believe that the

> success in using Rife technology in this fashion

> depends on the practitioner, the method, the

> recipient, and probably some factors we don't know.

I would love to see that; take your best Radionics

machine and practitioner, and have them devitalize

some E. Coli that I'll put under my microscope. I

doubt any Radionics person has the courage to accept

such a challenge. ;^)


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Hello Char.

Good question. I mean some of the +effects+ of rifing, which include

disabling microbes, with perhaps some tissue restoration and other effects.

I say " perhaps " because we don't really know yet everything that rifing

does -- or how (or whether, on a consistent basis) the effects of sitting in

front of a unit can be replicated over time and space.

But I'll give you some examples so you know what I mean. One practitioner I

know put photos of people who were quite ill next to her Bare-Rife device

and ran frequencies for their particular condition (such as the flu). None

of the subjects were aware that she was doing this. The day after treatment,

the people phoned her spontaneously and told her that they were well.

Another woman I know put photos of subjects, and even locks of their hair,

in between the foot plates of a contact rife-style device. A piece of

cardboard was placed between the foot plates so the current would not be

short-circuited. She successfully treated subjects in this manner, using the

frequencies appropriate to their condition. As I recall, she did this mostly

or primarily with animals.

My theory is that the EM fields or electrical currents generated by the

units, plus the intentions of the experimenters (a huge factor), produced




Nenah Sylver, PhD


* author, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing

* author, The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy

ask me why you should be taking

Re: Was: Shelvie Rettman; IS: Long-distance Rife treatments

> Nenah wrote,


>> To close, I want to make one comment about radionics and Rife (I'm sure

> is watching ;-) Radionics -- briefly, the long-distance

> application

> of healing over time and space -- is NOT Rife. However, Rife has been used

> radionically.


> Hi Nenah, when you wrote that, did you primarily mean Rife FREQUENCIES

> have

> been used radionically? I'm asking for that clarification, because my

> understanding is that the overall Rife methodology as he developed it,

> involved a lot more than just frequencies. For instance, I don't know how

> the plasma delivery aspect could be used radionically.


> It might be helpful to the general Rife community, to understand where the

> current overlap between radionics and Rife technology starts and stops.

> Does the overlap constitute just use of frequencies?


> Also, while Abrams and Rife may have crossed paths or worked together to

> some extent, that doesn't mean Rife's methodology has to be along the same

> path as Abrams. Rife learned what he could from Abrams, but carried out

> his

> particular vision on his own - a path different from Abrams.


> For what it's worth - my experience with radionics has been primarily in

> the

> agriculture arena, and even there its success largely depends on the

> practitioner skill, from what I have seen. The old teacher I learned from

> (he was incredibly adept at it), always stressed how much practice is

> required to do it well, like any other skill. I personally do not use

> radionics simply because there was not enough time to devote to it.


> Thanks,

> Char

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--- Nenah Sylver wrote:


> My theory is that the EM fields or electrical

> currents generated by the

> units, plus the intentions of the experimenters (a

> huge factor), produced

> results.

My theory is that EM fields have nothing to do with

it, and that the intention of the practitioner is the

only factor. As Dick Loyd once told me, a good

Radionics practitioner can do the same thing with a

bunch of dials drawn on a piece of paper; no real

hardware required. This of course applies to the

so-called " air head " faction of Radionics. The

so-called " gear head " faction does require an actual

machine that puts out a measurable current, such as

the Oscilloclast that Rife tested.


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> But I'll give you some examples so you know what I mean.

Thanks, Nenah - now I understand what you meant. In your examples, no

radionics " device " or numerical " rates " (not the same as frequencies) were

used at all. I appreciate you taking the time to write these examples up,

it's really helpful to know the methodology.

Who knows what all is possible under good circumstances. I just like to

keep separate in my mind what is " Rife " methodology and what is obviously

not Rife...while still acknowledging the possibility of long distance



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I recall that when we spoke on the phone you mentioned that you had

your dogs mammary tumor surgically removed. Do you think this may have

helped with your dogs 'cure'?

As I mentioned to you before, I have raised my dogs on raw food, no

vaccines and no chemicals are ever used around them. The VIBE was

virtually impossible to get into my dog and the amount I did manage to

get in her caused her such gastro upset - she would not eat and had

terrible diarrhea. As you have said before, what works for one

individual, does not work for another.


> I will briefly report my personal experiences with Dr. Sutherland and

> his treatments, which I used primarily for one of my dogs. My dog had

> cancer, and then Lyme and a Babesia-related cough. Jeff's APBA and

> frequency-deducing services appeared to " work " (as Mark put it) for

> about 95% of the time. The dog became asymptomatic.


> For example, before Jeff's treatments the dog would cough for

> literally 20 or 30 minutes at a time, for about half her waking

> moments. During and after treatment, she almost completely stopped

> coughing, her energy picked up, and she even became playful. She is

> now 15 years old. I am grateful for Jeff Sutherland for helping to

> extend my dog's life, and improve her quality of life.


> I also feed her fresh, mostly organic food; give her colloidal silver

> instead of drinking water; and supplement her diet with Transfer

> Factor and Vibe. Currently, a machine that does isopathic imprinting

> is keeping her stable. I don't think that one modality alone is

> sufficient, especially when a situation is complex. Also, Jeff's skill

> is in finding microbe-disabling frequencies and sending them. The body

> still must be built up and nourished, regardless of what other

> modalities are being used.


> There is no magic solution. Maintaining health in today's world is an

> ongoing process.


> To close, I want to make one comment about radionics and Rife (I'm

> sure is watching ;-) Radionics -- briefly, the long-distance

> application of healing over time and space -- is NOT Rife. However,

> Rife has been used radionically. I believe that the success in using

> Rife technology in this fashion depends on the practitioner, the

> method, the recipient, and probably some factors we don't know.


> Nenah

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Re: Was: Shelvie Rettman; IS: Long-distance Rife treatments

> Neenah [please note: I spell my name NENAH]

> I recall that when we spoke on the phone you mentioned that you had

> your dogs mammary tumor surgically removed. Do you think this may have

> helped with your dogs 'cure'?


> As I mentioned to you before, I have raised my dogs on raw food, no

> vaccines and no chemicals are ever used around them. The VIBE was

> virtually impossible to get into my dog and the amount I did manage to

> get in her caused her such gastro upset - she would not eat and had

> terrible diarrhea. As you have said before, what works for one

> individual, does not work for another.

> Sherry

It's hard to tell what helped and what did not. I think it's a gestalt of

many things. If tumors are either biopsied, or removed but where some cells

remain, the " mother " cancer cells can send out " daughter " cells into other

areas of the body (under which circumstances doctors say that the cancer has

metasticized). I don't know if the vet was successful in removing all of the

cancerous tissue. However, I began rifing my dog directly after the surgery,

so I am assuming that whatever cancerous cells remained in the body, were

destroyed. I am certain of this: Surgery, in this case, helped save my dog's

life. I felt a lump on her breast that grew in size, in the course of 12

hours, from 2 mm to about 8 mm. I know the size because I used to do

beadwork, and am very familiar with the mm size of different beads. Based on

the rapidity of that growth, I elected for surgery. The vet found two other

cancerous balls that were not as large.

Of course, what works for one individual does not work for another. This is

why there are so many different supplements and electromedical devices.


Nenah Sylver, PhD


* author, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing

* author, The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy

ask me why you should be taking

* Transfer Factor for superior immune support


* VIBE raw fruit & vegetable concentrate for total nutrition

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Re: Was: Shelvie Rettman; IS: Long-distance Rife treatments

> Thanks, Nenah - now I understand what you meant. In your examples, no

> radionics " device " or numerical " rates " (not the same as frequencies) were

> used at all. I appreciate you taking the time to write these examples up,

> it's really helpful to know the methodology.


> Who knows what all is possible under good circumstances. I just like to

> keep separate in my mind what is " Rife " methodology and what is obviously

> not Rife...while still acknowledging the possibility of long distance

> action.


> Char


I'll tell you one more piece that I didn't include in my previous

explanation. The woman who placed photographs of her friends near her

Bare-Rife equipment at first had WORN the photos on her chest! Her friends

became well, but SHE became ill with the exact conditions that THEY'd had!

When we spoke over the phone, I told her immediately to unpin the photos and

place them next to the unit. Her conditions cleared up.

After she continued to treat her friends and relatives -- this time, with

their photos placed near the equipment instead of on her person -- I

suggested that she practice moving farther and farther away from the

machine, and eventually not even being in the same room with it, since

theoretically it should work without her being there at all. Such is the

power of intention.


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--- Nielsen wrote:


> Gee, this is a bit of a tangle. Abrams used

> radionics (percussive

> diagnosis, and a passive resistive tuner), AS WELL

> AS Rife-like

> frequency therapy. So, where does one draw the line

> between the two?

I would draw the line at the physical and measurable,

and the esoteric and immeasurable. If it uses

Polaroid photographs for diagnosis and remote

treatment, or any form of dowsing, or depends on the

intent of the practitioner, or a machine that doesn't

produce a measurable electric field or current, or

uses any other type of uncanny method, then that's

radionics. If it uses a machine that produces a

measurable electric field or current, and doesn't

depend on the above listed methods, then that's not

radionics. Where it gets entangled is when people use

radionics together with a machine that puts out a

measurable signal. What I would like to see is

someone take their Rife/Bare device, or any other

device that puts out a measurable amount of power, and

then treat a Polaroid photo of a test tube full of E.

Coli. If they can reproducibly devitalize the test

tube full of E. Coli, then that will be some pretty

convincing evidence that there is something really

going on there.


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