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Part 11..I'm new RE:/ Carnosine

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Hi from Sue...(This story came from a person on the East Coast...

He does not belong to any support group at this time.)

While the first section talks about his experience with the LW Glutathione booster patches,

the Interview BELOW it--- talks about the LW Carnosine booster patches.

(No other supplementation was used except

LW Yage Glutathione and Carnosine Booster patches)

----but as I mentioned in part 1...

my husband and I -----use lots of other supplements ,too.

Story a father =Ken....about My Son

Born October 9, 2001 was progressing as a normal baby until his first vaccinations.After his first vaccination he screamed for 12 hours and had a 104 degree fever nearly the entire time. Then he started regressing with developmental delays such as absence of attachment behaviors, speech delay and hyperactivity. As he grew older (2 years old) he started head-banging, hand flapping, unresponsiveness to calling his name, impulsivity, and self biting, and became almost silent and frustrated because he could not communicate. We started searching for answers and after reading about the symptoms and decided that he had some aspects of autism spectrum disorder.October 27, 2004We had a psychological, educational, social assessment, speech and language assessment evaluation done by the public school system and we started him in special education pre-school program, where speech therapy and occupational therapy services were provided for him. December 2004 (entered special education program)The special-education teachers complained about the head banging and absence of attachment behaviors and were afraid he would hurt himself and said if these conditions do not improve he will have to be removed from the program.May 11, 2005IEP; Delays in auditory comprehension and use of language. Needs to improve his skills for approaching learning tasks/activities. Needs to improve his early-literacy skills in areas of fine motor-manipulation and writing.November 2006 (started LiveWave patches)I started using the glutathione booster patches in November of 2006 and I applied them once or twice a week. I started seeing results immediately. He became more responsive, reduced head banging and self biting, started expressing his needs, began repetition of words or phrases just spoken by others.May 2, 2007Pre-school teacher stated "I believe that part of 's regression and subsequent autism was the result of receiving vaccines.”June 2007IEP; He has improved so much over the last school year that at the last IEP meeting all IEP members recommended that he attend mixed kindergarten class where normal children and mixed with special needs children. He can carry on intelligent conversations no head banging or self bitingOver the summer I increased the usage of the patches to three or four times a week. And the results are very clear. The new kindergarten teacher said that three other adults in the school have commented that they can’t believe that is the same boy that they knew last spring. He is much calmer, stands in line orderly and quietly, enters the classroom and socializes with other students, begins writing tasks as required.’s Dad M. DeLashmutt

Hi Ken,

Thanks for the summary of your son..

What patches are you using for him? --And what placements have you used that he likes?

I have been using only the Glutathione booster patch for the past eight months. I just recently started alternating the Carnosine booster patch and Glutathione booster patch.

is making gains in kindergarten with his focus and concentration daily.

I am placing the patches on the sternum and below the belly button. I am using the full glutathione patch and 1/2 "exposed" Carnosine booster patch at a time.

Are you using any other bio-med treatments..or special diets as well?.. Or supplements?..or Whole food juices,etc?

No, but we do not allow him to eat junk food or sweets (he doesn't do well with sugar). He drinks pure apple juice, a little milk and filtered water.

IDo you belong to a group online?

No groups

Thanks for replying,


Feel free to contact me at st@... . for more info.

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