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re: uszler article

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catherine! so nice to hear from you again - hope all is well.

, , etal

I spoke with Dr Uszler prior to our CA trip in June. A really *smart*

man - I was quite impressed

with his knowledge on the subject. I heard that he was trained by Dr

Mena as well?

We considered having 's SPECT done at SMITA because they do take

all forms of BCBS but they were quite insistant on

a) keeping the IV in for 15 min and B) sedating him.

Carmen has done 2 beautiful SPECTs on without having to do either.

So we decided to give Brain Matters a try - but guess who reviewed the

scans for them?

Dr Uszler.

My concern about the item below was the HBOT and ASD connection.

Dr Uszler is connected to Brain Matters. Brain Matters is connected to

Dr Goldberg.

Dr Goldberg is against HBOT (for good reasons).

I'm noticing a little problem here ....



Posted by: " catherine quinn " quinn.cat1968@...



quinn.cat1968 <quinn.cat1968>

Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:13 am (PST)

We saw Dr Uzler a few years ago, a very nice man. He told me his

involvement with HBOT was because he saw real improvement in the brains

of children that used HBOT after doing the pre-hbot spect scan, and then

the post hbot treatment spect scan.

I honestly would consider this, since this man is a reputable doctor,

and he really beieves in it. but california is too, too far away, and

local providers here for hbot therapy are in it for the money. Also my

husbands bcbs will not pay for it.

Perhaps hbot maybe something we should look at, especially when I see

somone as reputable as Dr Uzler involved, but honestly, we can't afford

it on my husband's salary.

I know of a mom on another website (reversing autism) that bought her

own hbot therapy machine for $6,000....but for us that too is way too

much money..

The improvement with this however must be marginal, because if it was so

great, I would think it would be out in the press front and center, so

it may provide a little help, but I don't think it is significant enough

to pursue making the $6,000 investment that one mom did. I could buy

alot of prespcriptions and lab tests with that kind of money.

Doris and Steve <sjsmith@...

<mailto:sjsmith%40cablespeed.com>> wrote:

ok - would someone like to explain why Dr Uszler is using

HBOT? Dr Uszler is connected to Brain Matters Inc

which of course is connected to Dr Goldberg.

Dr Goldberg is still against HBOT, yes?

Just trying to clarify a few things ...



Autism One Radio Schedule Sept 1-10 Dr. Uszler, Brain SPECT Imaging Sept 5

A Worldwide, Internet-Based Radio Station for the Care, Treatment, and

Recovery of All Children with Autism

http://www.autismone.org/radio <http://www.autismone.org/radio>

Tues, Sept 5 10:30am11:30 Teri Small: Autism: Help, Hope, and

Healing. Guest: J. Uszler, MD, Medical Director at Santa

Imaging & Therapy Associates, with emphasis on brain SPECT imaging of

pediatric age brain disorders, such as cerebral palsy and ADD/ADHD, is using

that imaging modality to follow the course of various therapies,

particularly Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Biofeedback Therapy.

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Hi -

I just wanted to add....

There's not really any dispute about whether HBOT

helps autism or not, since the blood flow decrease is

evident, as well as the effect HBOT has on restoring

some of that blood flow. The debate is more on the

safety, and the risk of hot spots, as well as whether

'forcing' the blood flow into inflamed areas is really

a good idea, plus that it's not targeting the

underlying cause...

Apparently Dr G can work w/Dr U despite his

(previously vehemently expressed) differences of

opinion. Now, if one doc tried recruiting the other

doc's patients, that would be quite another story.

lol! (kaBOOM!)

--- Doris and Steve <sjsmith@...>


> My concern about the item below was the HBOT and ASD

> connection.

> Dr Uszler is connected to Brain Matters. Brain

> Matters is connected to

> Dr Goldberg.

> Dr Goldberg is against HBOT (for good reasons).

> I'm noticing a little problem here ....



> doris

> land



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