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You should therefore ask yourself 'why is so hush-hush?

Why isn't it more well known? Could someone or perhaps a group

be keeping this information from caregivers? "

The research is certainly out there. Not by Dr G (yet)

but by JHU, MIND and others.

The 2 JHU articles on the brain have been posted to

in the past and are accessable via the archives.

Do a search on PARDU or ZIMMERMAN and you will find them.

I post anything I find, as has Cheryl and others.

Perhaps your passion for chelation supplements and secretin have

blinded you? Many of us have posted information on list servs

for years - more often than not being smacked down or told to keep off the


or fear being removed.

To quote Mulder, the Truth is out There.

The world of what is being called Autism is going to burst

wide open one day soon. Dr G has a goldmine of information

stored in his head and in the written records of our children.

But we as parents need to push forward. We need to pass the Miss.

DVD to as many people as possible. I've just passed a copy to my contacts

as JHU - so far, all is quiet. This is a good sign :o)

Means they are thinking about it ...

Dr G has stated that chelation injury may not be evident now, but rather years


now in the form of Alzheimers or Dementia.

Chelation and HBOT were not developed for Autism;

they are not FDA recommended for Autism. But parents want results

and they don't want to wait. I feel their pain. We were there once.

We had a 'normal' child until he was 2. Then he was gone.

But I let common sense take a front seat and research the passenger seat.

Again, is not a fast process.

And it's not a perfect process. Trial and error; tweaking and twisting.

But in todays world, it makes sense.



Message 25

From: " Rob or Sunseri " RobRose@...

Date: Sun May 21, 2006 0:49am(PDT)

Subject: Re: and Chelation

isoaa@... wrote: This is a group and any newcomer that joins and

hears Chelation Therapy

spoken about AS OFTEN AS IT HAS BEEN... will be confused.

Speaking as a newcomer to can I only say this... OUCH!

How insulting. I guess " newcomer to " means we just walked out the door

from the diagnosing physician and arrived directly here with blankets pulled

tightly over our heads so that our virgin ears would never hear about the

che------ controversy that is on the web, television, newspapers, bookstores,


In the recent week, I have gained an enormous amount of valuable information

and respect for those who have provided and explained it. The conversation

about metals and how views the metal issue has been enlightening and more

than makes up for the fact that no one answered the questions I initially asked

about when I first joined this listserve (which is why I did not post much

until recently).

Discussing and learning is part of the process of becoming LESS confused about

the very confusing diagnosis of autism and trying to keep people from doing this

is controlling and just plain wrong IMO.

Thank you to all of you who have taken time from your busy lives to join in

the discussion with me and also to those who e-mailed me off-list. Michele,

although I have not appreciated some of your comments (or really I just don't

understand what is behind them), I do appreciate your passion. To me, however,

it appears as if you are preaching to the choir. If people have found their way

to (which is half the battle BTW -- it took this internet junkie 2.5 years

to even find such a concept of ), they are already following the protocol or

exploring the theory. If they are exploring the theory, they need to explore

other theories as well so that they can compare, contrast and decide. If after

following the protocol to a " T " they find it doesn't work for their child, at

least they will know about other interventions available if they are allowed to

be discussed on this list.

Instead of preaching to this choir -- how about also joining ASD listserves

unrelated to so that you can post your child's success and explain the

theory to outsiders. I assume your child is recovered based on your posts &

people need to hear recovery stories outside of this group. I said it once

before and I'll say it again, is a well kept secret in the world of ASD

treatment. What a shame.


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