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Re: Nutritional Yeast - to add or not to add

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Suzanne wrote:

> I am NOT endorsing this website product, but merely giving you the

> info or " scoop "

> on what one person found. As to super nutrition... I've been taking it

> with nutritional yeast for about 3-4 years now... with no known

> problems... I may make a batch up according to this and see what

> differences I notice... I still would like to know the thinking behind

> Dr. Schulze and even Dr. Shillington, etc regarding the yeast after

> reading this.

> Suzi

> Nutritional Yeast—Super Food or Neurotoxin?


> I was first introduced to Dr. Schulze’s “super nutrition”

> formula, */SuperFood/*

> <http://www.curezone.com/schulze/herbal_superfood.asp> about five

> years ago. It was heralded as the ultimate nutritional supplement, and

> based upon a quick glance of the listed ingredients, I was quick to

> agree. Needless to say, I became a daily user of SuperFood. My

> allegiance to */SuperFood/* was further instilled upon completion of

> Dr. Schulze’s Advanced Course in Natural Healing offered by his School

> of Natural Healing.


> Dr. Schulze has helped untold thousands of people turn their health

> around. He is one of the most dynamic and courageous natural medicine

> practitioners and teachers alive today. Additionally, Dr. Schulze has

> gone to great lengths to make extremely potent herbal tinctures and

> bowel cleansing products--that is why his products are highly

> imitated. As for Dr. Schulze's /SuperFood/, there is no denying that

> he utilizes the highest quality organic and wildcrafted _plant_

> ingredients available. (We use his same supplier.) The cost of these

> ingredients is much higher than if they were obtained from other

> suppliers--we know! But we were soon to discover a little-known truth

> about /SuperFood/ (and it's many copy-cat products) that would open

> our eyes.


> In June of 1999 and again in 2000 I had the privilege of meeting one

> of the true heroes of our recent time—*Dr. Blaylock*. Dr.

> Blaylock is a neuro-surgeon of great respect and a thorough researcher

> and author. Dr. Blaylock has explored in great depth the relationship

> of certain types of brain lesions and their cause, and has discovered

> a clear link to various food additives, which form or contain " free "

> glutamic acid. These additives, which are used as " flavor enhancers "

> or " sugar substitutes " , include a host of aliases used by the food

> industry to disguise their true identity—MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) or

> Aspartame. Some of these aliases include " autolyzed yeast " , " yeast

> extract " and " yeast food " . Dr. Blaylock published his findings in 1997

> in his best-selling book, */Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills/*






> It was after talking with Dr. Blaylock in June 2000, that I realized

> that Dr. Schulze’s */SuperFood/* contained a generous portion of

> " NON-Active /Saccharomyces cerevisiae/ Nutritional Yeast " . This yeast,

> Dr. Schulze informs us in his /Patient Handbook/, " is grown on beets

> and pure molasses. " (See:

> http://www.curezone.com/schulze/handbook/superfood.asp).


> Recently I was reading an informative little article by Rhonda

> Parkinson <http://chinesefood.about.com/mbiopage.htm>, entitled

> /Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)—Pros and Cons/

> <http://chinesefood.about.com/library/weekly/aa050799.htm>, where she

> shares with us, that " the MSG we find on store shelves is usually made

> from fermented sugar beet or sugar cane molasses, in a process quite

> similar to the way soy sauce is made. "


> The few brain cells that I have left all began to activate. What is

> the correlation between MSG (made from fermented sugar beet or sugar

> cane molasses), which is sometimes (not so successfully) disguised

> under the alias of " yeast food " , " yeast extract " , or " autolyzed

> yeast " , and the " nutritional yeast " which Dr. Schulze admits is " grown

> on beets and pure molasses " ?


> The trail that I would follow in hopes of discovering the truth about

> “nutritional yeast” would be like the unraveling plot of an intriguing

> political novel, with greed, a mix of strange bed-fellows, and a

> mysterious French connection.


> Now, the first stop on the trail would be to */Red Star Yeast/*, the

> company that manufactures the “nutritional yeast” for Dr. Schulze’s

> /SuperFood/, (and other " copy cat " products). The Red Star

> " nutritional yeast " product that Dr. Schulze utilizes is called

> " Vegetarian Support Formula " . It was confirmed by Red Star Yeast, that

> " the preferred source of carbohydrate for yeast is sugar from

> molasses. Molasses is the by-product of the refining of sugar beets

> and sugar cane. " (See:

> http://www.redstaryeast.com/nutritionalyeast/html/manufacturer/process.html).

> Until recently, the parent company of Red Star Yeast was a lesser

> known conglomerate, *Sensient Technologies Corporation*

> <http://www.sensient-tech.com/>. Sensient Technologies is divided into

> several groups—the “*Sensient Color Group”* which " is the world's

> leading supplier of synthetic food colors, as well as a leading

> producer of natural, cosmetic and specialty-ink colors. " A second

> group of Sensient is the “*Sensient Flavors & Fragrances Group”.

> " *Sensient is a leading manufacturer of flavors, flavor systems,

> flavor enhancers and dehydrated vegetables for the food, beverage and

> dairy industries. Selling under: Sensient Flavors; Sensient

> Fragrances; Sensient Dehydrated Flavors Company. " (See:

> http://www.sensient-tech.com/sensient_businesses.html).


> So the parent company of Red Star Yeast, Sensient Technologies, " is a

> leading manufacturer of flavors, flavor systems, and flavor enhancers… "


> Let’s add up a few things so far. 1) MSG, a well-known flavor

> enhancer, is manufactured by utilizing sugar beet or cane molasses. 2)

> Red Star Nutritional Yeast is manufactured by utilizing sugar beet or

> cane molasses. 3) The parent company of Red Star Yeast, Sensient

> Technologies, is a world leader in the manufacture of " flavor

> enhancers " . Let’s see where this takes us…


> Strangely enough, Sensient Technologies recently " divested " Red Star

> Yeast, Inc., by selling it to *LeSaffre*

> <http://www.lesaffre.com/default_eng.asp>, a French yeast

> manufacturing conglomerate, however, Sensient remained the parent to

> *MinnDak Yeast Company*, which is co-owned by Sensient and *Minn-Dak

> Farmers ative*, based in Wahpeton, SD, is a sugar beet growers

> cooperative that processes beets into sugar and molasses.


> *LeSaffre* is the worlds largest manufacturer of yeast and yeast

> extracts, used as nutritional supplements, flavor enhancers, dough

> conditioners, and fermentation catalysts. The new French parent to Red

> Star Yeast is also in the flavor enhancing business. (See:

> http://www.lesaffre.com/default_eng.asp). Is Red Star Yeast to be

> found guilty by their associations?


> Let’s look at Red Star Nutritional Yeast one more time. On a list of

> “benefits” for using Vegetarian Support Formula (Nutritional Yeast),

> Red Star lists the following: “High quality protein, Excellent source

> of B-vitamin complex, Natural food supplement, _Enhances flavor of

> foods_, contributes texture and mouth-feel.” (See:

> http://www.redstaryeast.com/nutritionalyeast/html/manufacturer/vitamin.html).

> So, Red Star Nutrtional Yeast doubles as a " flavor enhancer " . Is it

> because it is a close cousin to MSG and is manufactured much in the

> same manner, utilizing the same sugar beet and cane molasses? Is it a

> coincidence that the companies that produce " nutritional yeast " are

> also leaders in the " flavor enhancer " business?


> You are free to draw your own conclusions.


> *Enter /LifeForce Energy and Immune Support/*


> Whatever happened to Dr. Schulze’s /SuperFood/? Well, he still sells a

> ton of it and people pay a premium price for it as well—($29.99 for a

> 14 oz. jar). In addition to all of these findings about " nutritional

> yeast " , I have learned from a very reputable herbalist that some of

> these so-called " super food " products contain up to 60-70%

> “nutritional yeast” as the base for the rest of ingredients! That is

> shocking, but if you examine /SuperFood/ (and many of the other “copy

> cat” products), you will find that they are not a rich green color,

> but rather yellow from the yeast. What’s also shocking is that

> " nutritional yeast " is a very inexpensive ingredient, and at $29.99,

> the consumer deserves the best of ingredients—not fillers and taste

> enhancers!


> Since discovering the truth about “super food” products and

> “nutritional yeast”, I have been determined to develop a */real/*

> “super food” supplement, with ingredients that were not compromised in

> any way, and which would truly provide nutritional support, energy,

> and immune system support. After a tremendous amount of research,

> nutritional analysis, experimentation, feedback from volunteers

> (guinea pigs!), *DayStar Botanicals’ /LifeForce/* was born.


> We have been able to produce a tremendous whole-food nutritional

> formula without using the yeast. By giving us 40-50% volume or more to

> replace, _we have significantly increased the percentages of

> Spirulina, Chlorella, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass and Rose Hips (as

> compared with /SuperFood/), plus we have added Siberian Ginseng,

> Dandelion root and Parsley_. (For the complete ingredients list and

> physiological benefits, see:

> http://www.daystarbotanicals.com/products/lfingredients.html). By

> replacing the yeast with other nutrient-rich greens and herbals, we

> have also increased our production costs for /LifeForce/ tremendously,

> as compared with /SuperFood/ and other similar products. There have

> been absolutely no corners cut, no compromises made in the development

> or manufacture of */LifeForce/*. Each and every ingredient was

> painstakenly selected for their nutritional value and support of vital

> force, so that when combined in a perfect ratio with all of the

> ingredients, they form a complete nutritional supplement, promoting a

> vital, active, healthy life. Needless to say, */LifeForce/* contains

> no MSG or any of its derivatives of any kind—*/LifeForce/* is

> Excitotoxin Free!


> It is my belief that you will not find a more complete nutritional

> supplement anywhere.


> Ted Phelps

> DayStar Botanicals and Lifestyle Education



Thanks Suzi,

This just confirmed my suspicions. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Much

better blend then the others by far and was almost exactly what I was

considering coming up with. Dang, someone else beat me to it. LOL Very good.


Peace, love and light,

Don Quai

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

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