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Re: Re: I'm so mad!!!

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Seriously, we should do lunch!

Yes... it's the Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus thing.

This all leads me to want to throw in a comment... that when something needs

to happen at school and it involves a male teacher/administrator I send

Daddy. He has got to be at the IEP meetings, too (both of us on that one).


> From: meljackmom <meljackmom@...>

> Reply-< >

> Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 16:22:19 +0000

> < >

> Subject: Re: I'm so mad!!!


> Can anyone say parallel lives. OMG


> Caroline, when i get distraught I make my husband go to the doctor

> with my son. Last time I went too and observed a very serious,

> scientific conversation going on between the males in the room. My

> ped does not blow me off, not at all, but there was a slight enough

> change in demeanor that when I have to pull out the male hormones I

> do. , it is seriously worth the try.


> And , I just got blown off by the Infectious Disease doc. He

> was polite, but told me all I have is allergy. (I say what about

> the fact I have had 6 weeks of Augmentin this summer, and this white

> thick tongue and Im more stuffy now that when I started antibiotics,

> he says yes antibiotics will make your tongue white, scrape it, get

> allergy tested.)


> So in all this running around, I had to vent to my husband, and he

> said it is amazing that in all my suffering this past year, not one

> doctor has run one blood test or done one culture...just treated

> symptoms. It got me to think about why and I wondered if it's

> becuuse we are in an HMO and they have a standard, run-of-the-mill

> treatment guideline. That is, if you are not deathly ill, and your

> insurance is not going to pay much, treat obvious symptoms with a

> safe med, and move on. Sorry...me venting again.


> All Food for thought , but I think I would see if your

> husband would insist to the doc to get the labs re-run.



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You know, my husband went to the pediatrician before

all these referrals after I kept going back &

'nothin'. He kept asking " Is it normal for him

to....? " The pediatrician said " I didn't realize this

fever had been going on so long, and so... he's tired

like this all the time? " . It was as if it was the

FIRST time he'd ever heard anything.

One thing was... my husband just kept asking the same

questions " Is it normal? " whereas, I'm of course

thinking like " Duh it's not normal " ... but the magic

was, he forced the doc to give an answer and more than

once. Yeah. I'm taking him w/me every time in the

future. But he couldn't possibly have a scientific

conversation lol. In fact, I'm going to have him call

the infectious disease doc monday and ask why they're

not re-doing any of the labs.

Great point. Thanks!]

--- Caroline Glover <sfglover@...> wrote:

> ,


> Seriously, we should do lunch!


> Yes... it's the Men are from Mars, Women are from

> Venus thing.


> This all leads me to want to throw in a comment...

> that when something needs

> to happen at school and it involves a male

> teacher/administrator I send

> Daddy. He has got to be at the IEP meetings, too

> (both of us on that one).


> Caroline



> > From: meljackmom <meljackmom@...>

> > Reply-< >

> > Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 16:22:19 +0000

> > < >

> > Subject: Re: I'm so mad!!!

> >

> > Can anyone say parallel lives. OMG

> >

> > Caroline, when i get distraught I make my husband

> go to the doctor

> > with my son. Last time I went too and observed a

> very serious,

> > scientific conversation going on between the males

> in the room. My

> > ped does not blow me off, not at all, but there

> was a slight enough

> > change in demeanor that when I have to pull out

> the male hormones I

> > do. , it is seriously worth the try.

> >

> > And , I just got blown off by the

> Infectious Disease doc. He

> > was polite, but told me all I have is allergy. (I

> say what about

> > the fact I have had 6 weeks of Augmentin this

> summer, and this white

> > thick tongue and Im more stuffy now that when I

> started antibiotics,

> > he says yes antibiotics will make your tongue

> white, scrape it, get

> > allergy tested.)

> >

> > So in all this running around, I had to vent to my

> husband, and he

> > said it is amazing that in all my suffering this

> past year, not one

> > doctor has run one blood test or done one

> culture...just treated

> > symptoms. It got me to think about why and I

> wondered if it's

> > becuuse we are in an HMO and they have a standard,

> run-of-the-mill

> > treatment guideline. That is, if you are not

> deathly ill, and your

> > insurance is not going to pay much, treat obvious

> symptoms with a

> > safe med, and move on. Sorry...me venting again.

> >

> > All Food for thought , but I think I would

> see if your

> > husband would insist to the doc to get the labs

> re-run.

> >

> >





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Go for it... I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.


> From: <thecolemans4@...>

> Reply-< >

> Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 18:27:56 -0700 (PDT)

> < >

> Subject: Re: Re: I'm so mad!!!


> You know, my husband went to the pediatrician before

> all these referrals after I kept going back &

> 'nothin'. He kept asking " Is it normal for him

> to....? " The pediatrician said " I didn't realize this

> fever had been going on so long, and so... he's tired

> like this all the time? " . It was as if it was the

> FIRST time he'd ever heard anything.


> One thing was... my husband just kept asking the same

> questions " Is it normal? " whereas, I'm of course

> thinking like " Duh it's not normal " ... but the magic

> was, he forced the doc to give an answer and more than

> once. Yeah. I'm taking him w/me every time in the

> future. But he couldn't possibly have a scientific

> conversation lol. In fact, I'm going to have him call

> the infectious disease doc monday and ask why they're

> not re-doing any of the labs.


> Great point. Thanks!]


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