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You could try mixing it in Rice Dream frozen treat -

it helps w/ the taste. Also you can mix the powder

into Fleishmann's Light soft margarine (yellow tub

blue lid) and have her swallow the ball of margarine

-then she wouldn't taste it at all.

My kids were on Valtrex a year before the switch to

Famvir. It varies depending on response, and most of

all lab results. Often you'll go up to 3 x a day

prior to switching.

I'd work on making it more palpable, or teaching her

to swallow the pills (how old is she?). My 3 yr old

and 5 yr old (now a yr older) just decided one day to

do like mommy - after I explained that when they

learned to swallow their pills, they wouldn't even

taste it.

I used to crush it, mix it in real cold rice milk (the

juice would work to - put in freezer a few minutes -

the colder, the less taste. Then I drew it up into a

2 Tbsp syringe and shot it into their mouths as they

also swallowed. This spent less time on the taste

buds, quickly washed by a treat. Diet soda may

perhaps wipe out the taste a little better, or

something else tart (lemonade?) or super cold to


But really, working on swallowing the pills makes life

much easier - you build it up with a real positive

tone - " One day you won't EVEN have to taste it -

you'll be able to swallow them - wanna try?? " And

wrapping the pills in margarine is a huge help in

teaching the larger ones to go down, but starting with

the tiny ones builds confidence.

It's awe-inspiring. I can gag on a tiny synthroid,

and my kids take all their pills and capsules in one

swallow! Boy am I grateful to not have to chop. And

my 3 yr old could do it - it's worth a try.

Anything that nasty could cause phlegm just in

response to the assault if it's hanging in the back of

her throat. I've had that happen too.

Good luck!

--- mdfreedberg <mdfreedberg@...> wrote:

> How long do kids typically stay on Valtrex? We just

> moved our daughter's

> dose to 3/4 tablet 2x a day and not even grape juice

> can hide the really

> powerful taste. She's being a great sport about it,

> but I just wanted to

> have some idea of how long this could last. Also,

> has anyone's child had a

> lot of phlegm from the Valtrex? Our daughter is

> convinced the medicine is

> causing her phlegm. Could she be right?

> Thanks for your insight, it's very appreciated.





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My son was on Valtrex for approx 4 months, we then moved to Famvir, which is a

smaller pill and easier to take. I found that removing the blue coating was

helpfull as my son had a allergic rx. to it. He is only 3 and already knows how

to swallow pills as he takes meds 4x's a day. Good Luck


mdfreedberg <mdfreedberg@...> wrote:

How long do kids typically stay on Valtrex? We just moved our daughter's

dose to 3/4 tablet 2x a day and not even grape juice can hide the really

powerful taste. She's being a great sport about it, but I just wanted to

have some idea of how long this could last. Also, has anyone's child had a

lot of phlegm from the Valtrex? Our daughter is convinced the medicine is

causing her phlegm. Could she be right?

Thanks for your insight, it's very appreciated.

Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

opinion of the Research Institute.


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  • 1 month later...
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Valtrex can make the kids feel a bit nauseated. Always give with

food. My son's appetite was better when he got off Valtrex. There

have been may discussions over the years on BMs....try searching the


-- In , " pscan5 " <randi5k@a...> wrote:

> started valtrex and my son is not eating?? any input and also i

> noticed no one talks about bowel movements . which i do not get

> thanks randi

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My girl has been on Valtrex almost 2 months and I did not notice a big

decrease in appetite. It does taste nasty, tho, so could that have

something to do with it? I haven't noticed anything different with her

bms. How long has he been on Valtrex?

>-- In , " pscan5 " <randi5k@a...> wrote:

> > started valtrex and my son is not eating?? any input and also i

> > noticed no one talks about bowel movements . which i do not get

> > thanks randi

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> > > started valtrex and my son is not eating?? any input and also i

> > > noticed no one talks about bowel movements . which i do not get

> > > thanks randi




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We did start slow. She is on iron supps. Is your son? Did you start them

at the same time? Maybe his bm changes have more to do with the iron.

>did you start of slowley i was not told to and i think that the

>problem. are you on iron supp??

> > My girl has been on Valtrex almost 2 months and I did not notice a


> > decrease in appetite. It does taste nasty, tho, so could that


> > something to do with it? I haven't noticed anything different

>with her

> > bms. How long has he been on Valtrex?

> >

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  • 3 weeks later...

We too taught our son to swallow pills. i now buy gelatin capsules

and all meds get cut and put in a gel cap...no taste.

> Hi Everyone,


> I'm new to the group. Just started taking my 8-year-old son Adam


> Dr. G. He has been diagnosed with very high functioning

> autism/Asperger's.


> We just started taking Valtrex, one pill three times a day. It's

> not easy to get him to take it. First of all, it's gigantic so


> hard to swallow. Secondly, after you smash it up, it tastes

> horrible. I mix it with a little soy ice cream and a lot of fat-

> free organic chocolate syrup to kill the taste. I call Adam " my

> little soldier " because he takes the medicine reluctantly with a

> look of disgust on his face.


> My concern is having to put a lot of sweet syrup on it to kill the

> taste. Adam is already overweight and I worry about him getting

> childhood diseases like juvenile diabetes.


> He is on a dairy-free diet too.


> Do you have any recommendations for getting Valtrex down in a " low-

> calorie " yet tasty way?


> Thanks,


> Debbie (proud mother of 2 wonderful sons diagnosed with


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  • 10 months later...
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Thanks to those of you who have given me ideas about how to get the

valtrex down! So far, I've been hiding it in his cookie & then

quickly giving him his drink & another bite... hoping he doesn't chew

the " pill bite " too much. So far, two doses down! He is nonverbal

right now, so trying to explain to him about how to swallow a pill

doesn't seem to be an option right now. It's great to have parents

who have " been there, done that " to gain information/help from!!

Just out of curiosity... anyone care to share how valtrex helped or

effected your kids? This is our first attempt at heleping his immune

system & I know that die off is something that the kids go through.

I'd be interested in hearing your experiences.


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My daughter is not on Valtrex yet but I smash her Dyflucan and give it to her in

Marshmallow fluff. Sheri

The Hacklers <thehacks@...> wrote: Thanks to those of you who

have given me ideas about how to get the

valtrex down! So far, I've been hiding it in his cookie & then

quickly giving him his drink & another bite... hoping he doesn't chew

the " pill bite " too much. So far, two doses down! He is nonverbal

right now, so trying to explain to him about how to swallow a pill

doesn't seem to be an option right now. It's great to have parents

who have " been there, done that " to gain information/help from!!

Just out of curiosity... anyone care to share how valtrex helped or

effected your kids? This is our first attempt at heleping his immune

system & I know that die off is something that the kids go through.

I'd be interested in hearing your experiences.



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Aren't you afraid of feeding the yeast you are trying to kill?


Sheri <eszbi5@...> wrote:

My daughter is not on Valtrex yet but I smash her Dyflucan and give it

to her in Marshmallow fluff. Sheri

The Hacklers <thehacks@...> wrote: Thanks to those of you who have given

me ideas about how to get the

valtrex down! So far, I've been hiding it in his cookie & then

quickly giving him his drink & another bite... hoping he doesn't chew

the " pill bite " too much. So far, two doses down! He is nonverbal

right now, so trying to explain to him about how to swallow a pill

doesn't seem to be an option right now. It's great to have parents

who have " been there, done that " to gain information/help from!!

Just out of curiosity... anyone care to share how valtrex helped or

effected your kids? This is our first attempt at heleping his immune

system & I know that die off is something that the kids go through.

I'd be interested in hearing your experiences.



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  • 6 months later...

Hi Cheryl,

Your son is composing his own language for the first time? I'd definitely say

it's a WOW moment. He said " hot " on his own (with feeling and excitement)

without your prompt and came up with his own language for his favorite drink.

This sounds like Valtrex to me. Your son gets to take the credit though. This

is what he's been capable of all along.

My son had been making steady progress on his own before we started valtrex too,

so I remember having the same question. " Would he have done this on his own

anyway? " After 3 years on Dr. Goldberg's protocol, I don't ask that anymore.

There have just been too many " coincidental " gains with the addition or

adjustment of his medications. I suppose with time you may feel more confident

in your choice too.

Congratulations to you and your son.



Well, we've been on Valtrex for 2 weeks now and I'm hesitant to say

if it's producing gains or if it's just coincidence *but* the

coincidence does seem rather timely. We've gotten receptive and

expressive gains from him in the last 2 weeks. The first day of

Valtrex was only one dose and the second day, he had 2 and he

obviously didn't feel well. He started running a very low grade

fever (99.7) for a couple of days and then that was it. We are now

on the full dose of 1/2 pill 3x/day. I haven't seen any rashes or

any other evidence of him not feeling well since. I don't know if

that's a good thing or a bad thing. I have a hard time saying that

the cognitive gains are *huge* because everything has been so slow

and steady with him that I just don't know if it's something that

would have happened anyway or if it's the Valtrex causing the gains.

He just *seems* like he understands so much more now and I can't be

sure that it isn't just me and wishful thinking. For example, he's

always been able to say " hot " and understood not to touch something

if I say it's hot but he never really seemed to *understand the

concept* hot. He just knew that if I said hot he shouldn't touch it

and he would always repeat hot back to me. He would also say hot

when he knew it was food that he couldn't eat right away and he'd

blow on it if I told him, " it's hot, blow it " . Well, yesterday he

saw the flame on the stove and immediately started smiling and

saying, " hot! " and acting like he shouldn't touch it. This seemed

rather impressive to me! He brought me his cup last night and said

" choco juice " (chocolate soy milk) which I've never heard him say and

it hasn't been something I've even really emphasized him learning.

And to top that off, I have no idea where he even got the term " choco

juice " . He also seems to now understand the concept of " broken " . He

brought me something that was in two pieces that he was trying to put

together (no they don't go together - a bar of soap and an old 4

prong telephone jack!) and said " broken " . He seems to understand

what I'm saying more. Today he was giving his ABA therapist a hard

time and telling her " no " , etc. and I stood him up, got down on my

knees, looked him in the eyes and told him he has to listen to her

and he said, " okay " and turned around and went where she told him to

go. I'm hesitant to call it a *wow* but I don't know if it's just me

being hesitant or if it truly is a *wow* moment. I'm going to give

it another week and see if I continue seeing strong gains before I

commit to it being the Valtrex and not just a coincidence. What do

you guys think? And is it okay that I haven't seen any rashes or

anything? I was kind of expecting rashes as that seems to be the

norm. At what point do the gains level off? Am I expecting too much

to think that if it is the Valtrex, I should continue to see strong

gains throughout the next few weeks?


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Thanks for the replies, everyone. I've definitely come to believe

it's the Valtrex as yesterday he didn't feel well and he has been

running a low grade fever again. Thanks for the encouragement and I

can't wait to see more changes. I'm excited to see what happens when

we start the anti-fungal!


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