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Re: Glutathione therapy An interview with Dr. Perlmutter

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Hi! I haven't been on for a ridiculously long time, but, I was deleting old

e-mails, and, when I saw the subject heading for this e-mail, I stopped dead in

my tracks.

Glutathione Therapy??!! I have CFS/FM, and, my doctor told me recently that she

wants me to start taking Glutathione!! (Enter Twilight Zone music) LOL

Seriously! For years, before it was even suspected that I had CFS/FM, I had

chronic sinusitis, and I was getting horrible sinus infections just about every

year. I had a bout with bronchitis recently, and, while it's mostly gone, it's

still hanging on there just a bit and doesn't want to completely go away. My

doctor (physician) had advised that I start taking Zinc tablets not long ago, as

I apparently had a Zinc deficiency. After getting more bloodwork done, she said

it appeared I had some other type of immune deficiency. (I don't know the

specifics-sorry!) Anyway, she said it wasn't bad enough to make me a candidate

for the " IVIG " , but that she wanted me to start taking Glutathione. Well, I

picked up my bottle of 100mg. Glutathione capsules from The Vitamin Shoppe

yesterday, and, tomorrow, I am going to begin taking it!

I'll let everyone know what happens with it. Happy Holidays to all. :) :)

- H.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All, I did a little googling on Glutathione, and of course, if you are

allergic to milk proteins you should not take it. I totally can’t handle the

whey protein, so I don’t think it would be a good choice for me or anyone

with this sensitivity. Just a caution. Aylwin xox

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Hi Aylwin,

Good catch on that! Thanks.

But what about NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) which is the precursor to

glutatione. Can you take that?

The benefits of increasing the body's production of glutathione are so

great for so many of us, it would be a shame to close down the

possibilities. Please keep looking.



> Hi All, I did a little googling on Glutathione, and of course, if

you are

> allergic to milk proteins you should not take it. I totally can't

handle the

> whey protein, so I don't think it would be a good choice for me or


> with this sensitivity. Just a caution. Aylwin xox


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Hi Debbie, ooh you are a sharp one! I’ll check into the NAC and if it is

available in Canada; the Acetyl-L- Carnitine is not. Apparently Milk Thistle

(herb) provides NAC support too (I just reread the post of the interview

with Perlmutter about glutiathone). Thanks Debbie! TC, Aylwin xox


From: CFAlliance [mailto:CFAlliance ] On

Behalf Of mcsbarrie

Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 4:00 AM

To: CFAlliance

Subject: Re: Glutathione therapy An interview with Dr.


Hi Aylwin,

Good catch on that! Thanks.

But what about NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) which is the precursor to

glutatione. Can you take that?

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Hello Aylwin

Haven't been around since last year.

Just want to say that I tried the glutathione therapy for 3 months and didn't

see any noticeable results. The drawback was the constipation side effect even

with lots of water.

Did you have a good holiday season. It's summer downunder here :)

Take care

" J. Catchpole " wrote:

Hi Debbie, ooh you are a sharp one! I’ll check into the NAC and if it is

available in Canada; the Acetyl-L- Carnitine is not. Apparently Milk Thistle

(herb) provides NAC support too (I just reread the post of the interview

with Perlmutter about glutiathone). Thanks Debbie! TC, Aylwin xox

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Hi ! Great to hear from you. I’m sorry that the glutathione didn’t

help you…it looks like I won’t be able to try it either, because of the whey

protein sensitivity. I would probably get the opposite reaction…who knows,

maybe they would balance out! I may try the NAC/milk thistle.

Here (Canada West Coast) it’s buckets and buckets of rain alternating with

slush, leading to lots of mud mud mud…my poor dog just gets covered with it.

I think we will have another snow dump before we’re through though. So I

envy you your summer - Oh for all the $$ in the world, to fly and follow the

summer! Ah well, spring will be along sooner or later.

I had a quiet xmas that befits my state of health, just with my grown kids

and their dad. Lovely though! I’ve geared down the big production over the

years because it’s just too much for me. Anyway, they are grown and

understand that it is the getting together that is the important part.

How are you doing overall? Still searching for the helpful treatment hey? Me

too. Anyway you TC, Aylwin xox

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