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Hi Rosemary,

My son Calvin (two next month) also took a very long time to get his teeth and

they came in SO slowly. Must be something with PMG. I wouldn't worry about the

dentist yet. You could use a NUK brush to rub her gums and a little toothbrush

to clean her gums. It's good oral stimulation plus keeps them clean, this was

suggested by our speech pathologist. Her head control may get better, it just

does so slowly. Do you have a therapist working with your daughter? It's

important so that you too know how to work with your daughter and help her


Calvin also has had sleep issues and often they were due to epileptic

discharges...basically the brain preparing for seizures. This was found by an


Wishing you the best,

Kara Dedert


To: polymicrogyria

Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 11:01 AM




My daughter is 14 months and still no teeth is this common do i take her to the


ShE also has no head control is getting better at it and still cant sit up . SHE

wiggles all over the floor what can i do to help her with her head controll?

anD LAST I NOTICE SHE HAS Sleeping problems she seems to fight her sleep mostly

at night'

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I just want to remind you that not all PMG kids have feeding issues. My daughter

ate a very normal diet - and her teeth didn't come in until after a year. She

also has enamel issues, partially from the seizure drugs but also just as part

of PMG.  I say if you're worried talk to a doctor that you trust. If you're not

worried, let it go for a little while.

R. Holman

PADI OWSI #193832

Subject: Re: IN GENERAL

To: polymicrogyria

Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2011, 12:09 PM




> My daughter is 14 months and still no teeth is this common do i take her to

the dentist?

> ShE also has no head control is getting better at it and still cant sit up .

SHE wiggles all over the floor what can i do to help her with her head controll?

> anD LAST I NOTICE SHE HAS Sleeping problems she seems to fight her sleep

mostly at night'


Hi and Welcome to the group! I'm relatively new but I have read here that there

are a lot of PMG kids whose teeth do not come in until later. It's just a guess

on my part, but I would think it has a lot to do with them not eating/chewing

therefore not exerting pressure on their gums to help the process along. Brie,

my granddaughter, is 3 months old and her speech and language therapist says

it's important to give them teethers even if it seems like they aren't teething.

She suggests smooth and bumpy teethers or anything (including your fingers) that

has differing textures to provide stimulation for them. I'm sure seeing your

dentist wouldn't hurt anything. Have you seen a speech therapist?

Brie also has trouble holding her head up but she is working with physical

therapy and occupational therapy. She has low tone and needs regular therapy to

help her gain control of her head and trunk as well as to become coordinated

with her hands and arms. Therapy is SUPER important so if you haven't had the

opportunity to start therapy, you should try to get it as soon as possible. Do

you have an Early Intervention Program where you live?

It takes a LOT of work and fighting for what our kids need. It's sad that it

takes so much but if WE don't make a stand for them, then the government,

insurance companies, even their doctors are content to just let things go when

they should be stepping up to help.

I have read on here a lot about sleep disorders so I would recommend you go back

through the messages and see what people said. Brie is so young so right now

it's not a noticeable concern. I pray it never is!

Anyway..hope this helps some. Please feel free to let us know how we can help.


Catrina - Brie'Gram

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One of our physical therapists suggested wearing my son in a carrier as much as

possible to help with neck and trunk strength. I have carried him in a moby or

ergo baby carrier for the last 6 weeks or so and his neck control has improved

considerably. His trunk strength has improved as well. I wear him in the carrier

while grocery shopping or vacuuming or really any time I am out and would have

otherwise carried him in the car seat or stroller. Hope this helps. My best to

you and your family!! :-)

“I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.â€

— Eartha Kitt


> My daughter is 14 months and still no teeth is this common do i take her to

the dentist?

> ShE also has no head control is getting better at it and still cant sit up .

SHE wiggles all over the floor what can i do to help her with her head controll?

> anD LAST I NOTICE SHE HAS Sleeping problems she seems to fight her sleep

mostly at night'



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