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Re: Dilemma on what to do next (sorry-kinda long)

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My guess is that Dr. G wants your son to be seen by a doctor to make sure he

thinks there is an infection present so as not to prescribe antibiotics


Is there another allergy med beside Singulair that the two Drs. could agree

upon? Maybe if you called Dr. G's office you get get a list of " approved "

allergy meds and take it to the pediatrician. Also maybe find out why Dr. G

doesn't want Singulair so you can explain it to your local pediatrician.

That's all I can think of... sorry I'm not much help.


> From: meljackmom <meljackmom@...>

> Reply-< >

> Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 14:12:15 +0000

> < >

> Subject: Dilemma on what to do next (sorry-kinda long)


> If Dr G wanted my son on another antibiotic, why won't he prescribe

> it? Are there diagnostic tests that can be done for sinus infection

> to prove antibiotics are needed? Does anyone have any advice?

> Thanks a bunch-


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I'm not sure re the Singulair - seems like he's used

it in some kids if I remember. But perhaps there's

something in the immune panel that makes that

determination? Seems like someone said it has effects

on TH1 and TH2. I wonder if there's a lab that makes

Dr G make that determination. You'd just have to ask,

I guess, and then let us know. :)

You could accept the rx from your pediatrician and

then 'delay starting it', then you're not quite so in

the middle and having to 'oppose' the other

pediatrician. You can report later that you haven't

started it " yet " because Dr G... And maybe by then

you could have an explanation from Dr G that you can

feel more comfortable with.

I lean with you on the concerns for yeast. The

Omnicef especially can be rough in that area.

Dr G does sometimes rx the antibiotic if you're not

getting results but he wants an observation. You may

have to 'beg' regarding the antifungal switch if you

truly feel that's the problem, but perhaps one more

trial of antibiotics of a different class? Even the

observation of worsening on the antibiotics, much as

you hate to see it, could encourage the switches.

Hang in there - HATE it that you're going thru such a

long drawn out thing. I've been there (may be there

now w/2) with ya!

--- meljackmom <meljackmom@...> wrote:

> I feel stuck between docs and do not know what to

> do.


> We went to local ped who was willing to give him

> antibiotics:

> 1) the 1st round was in 8/1-8/14 Amox for sinus

> 2) the second round was Omnicef 10 days for strep

> 8/29 - 9/7

> 3) the 3rd round was 9/23 - 10/7 Augmentin 14 days

> for sinus

> This was a pink chewable pill that likely had red

> dye in it but

> there were no substitutes.


> Dr G ok'd all of these. Sinus symptoms are mainly

> post nasal drip

> and stuffy head, nose is generally clear. He is on

> Astelin, Nasonex

> and Ah-chew and acidophilus.


> In addition, our local ped also wants us to try

> Singulair. He has

> suggested this to us on many visits because he feels

> all of the

> sinus problems are allergy related. Dr G says No to

> Singulair, and I

> am fine with that. (The other " symptom " I wanted to

> mention was a

> bumpy rash on his face which appeared sometime in

> August, and gets

> better then worse, but is worse now.)



> My son has been acting off for a little over a

> month, trace it back

> to 9/11 when he started to get really irritable,

> still has sinus

> drainage, and he's just " off " . I discussed this

> with Dr G in last

> consult and my concern was he needed to switch

> antifungals....he has

> been on Diflucan since December, 2005. He thought

> it was a good

> idea but wanted my son 100% healthy before the

> switch.


> Well here it is October 11, and my son is still off,

> getting more

> irritable and acting more distacted all of the time,

> still has sinus

> drainage. Dr G's response to our last update was

> that the Augmentin

> did not work and wants us to go back to local ped

> again.


> So here is my dilemma...my local ped wants us to

> start allergy meds

> that Dr G prohibits. Yet Dr G wants me to go back

> and see him for

> sinus infection. I feel more concerned it is a

> yeast issue and

> continuing to throw antibioitcs at it makes it

> worse.


> If Dr G wanted my son on another antibiotic, why

> won't he prescribe

> it? Are there diagnostic tests that can be done for

> sinus infection

> to prove antibiotics are needed? Does anyone have

> any advice?

> Thanks a bunch-







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I agree with you that it sounds like yeast might be the issue, and more

antibiotics will just feed the yeast and make things worse.

The other thing is it could be allergy related. The body creates mucous in

response to allergens, either foods or environmental things. Foods that were

formerly fine might become intolerable following a period of weakened

immunity. This can also exasperate a yeast condition.

Is your son on a really good probiotic? Sometimes the dose needs to be

doubled during antibiotic usage; sometimes a different one altogether is


You *can* try treating yeast using Candidase and/or grapefruit seed extract,

both from the health food store, but they are not approved by Dr. G. And, of

course, using a yeast-friendly (ie. no-sugar/carb) diet.

I feel for you. My son has been sick since mid-August, too. His started off

with uppper respiratory stuff, then he got a pseudomonas infection, and now

he has parasites.

We switched from Nizoral to Diflucan at the beginning of all this. The

die-off was horrible, but the results were awesome.


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Thanks all for your replies. Still not sure of the direction we are

going to go, but our local ped said he did not see any infection.

There are also lots of viruses going around, and without any

definite sick symptoms, you never know what is causing changes.

Thanks again


> ,


> I agree with you that it sounds like yeast might be the issue, and


> antibiotics will just feed the yeast and make things worse.


> The other thing is it could be allergy related. The body creates

mucous in

> response to allergens, either foods or environmental things. Foods

that were

> formerly fine might become intolerable following a period of


> immunity. This can also exasperate a yeast condition.


> Is your son on a really good probiotic? Sometimes the dose needs

to be

> doubled during antibiotic usage; sometimes a different one

altogether is

> required.


> You *can* try treating yeast using Candidase and/or grapefruit

seed extract,

> both from the health food store, but they are not approved by Dr.

G. And, of

> course, using a yeast-friendly (ie. no-sugar/carb) diet.


> I feel for you. My son has been sick since mid-August, too. His

started off

> with uppper respiratory stuff, then he got a pseudomonas

infection, and now

> he has parasites.


> We switched from Nizoral to Diflucan at the beginning of all this.


> die-off was horrible, but the results were awesome.


> Kristy




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