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Re: Re: Am I over reacting?

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Hi Sheri -

I second . And if you have any lab results on

her like low Natural Killer cells or other signs of

reduced immunity, I would explain w/a slight glare

that says " She does not have enough cellular immunity

to fight off a fungal infection, and if you feed her

sugar, you are seriously stressing her immune system.

I KNOW you want to " treat " her, but it will HURT her. "

That simple statement kept my preschool teachers

from EVER giving my child a snack without calling my

cell-phone first to ask if it was ok after they got to

witness another food reaction.

They never deprived him (even though I was a touch

snippity about it that time oops but food infractions

were rough, man!) and always called or had something

he loved and could have on hand.

They genuinely didn't want to be mean, truly wanted to

treat him, and - best of all - the snack also had red

dye in it, so they had the priveledge of watching my

child go psychotic for the first time ever. They

never knew he could do that LOL!! It was awesome - I

can't help but laugh every time I see the expression

on the teachers face after telling me how unimaginably

horrible my child had been that afternoon, and I

simply said " What happened ... did someone feed him

something with red dye in it? "

Anyway - you're not over-reacting. To be sure you

understand the teacher, make sure she understands that

it's not just about food reactions or allergies but

also strict portion control ... (not that you haven't

already). She probably just couldn't stand to watch

her not eat... but teacher needs to understand that

replacing a refused snack will also teach her (very

quickly) that she doesn't have to eat what is offered.

She should instead offer the same snack again later

when she starts acting hungry.

They cannot relate to " sugar being dangerous " - it

sounds to most like the whole food mommas who are

militant about health foods and they simply don't

believe it. But explaining the immunity and the

inability to suppress yeast, not to mention the stress

on the immune system and neurological inflammmation

resulting from chronic immune activation (blah blah

blah just torture the heck out of them lol!) may be

more realistic to them (and scarey).

But it was nice of her to write you the note for what

she did - apparently she does care and take you

seriously - just doesn't quite get it all yet.

--- meljackmom <meljackmom@...> wrote:

> Sheri, I think it is a huge deal. She has a yeast

> problem, and they

> fed sugar to her yeast. I feel this is as big of a

> deal as giving

> her dairy. Maybe letting them know how dangerous

> too much sugar,

> natural sugar included, is to her health and immune

> system will help

> them respect that. Too many people try to apply

> their own rules to

> the situation.....they think she is cranky and needs

> to eat and

> fruit is nutritious.


> We have been on the protocol for 4 years and I am

> just NOW

> understanding/remembering all of the instances of

> yeast problems

> over my son's life that neither I nor 3 different

> specialist even

> recognized. Startling.




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