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RE: minocycoline

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Thanks Jerri for the good post. I didn't know that minocycline was hard on

kids' bones.

You know, it is really easy to get a little " off " on the diet. For

instance, in our town, we had been buying Wonder Bread and then I bought it

from a different store and we ate it. After about half a loaf we realized

it had milk in it. The Wonder Bread from the other store doesn't have milk

in it. Then there are the Duncan Hines cake mixes which were recently

changed and now they have milk in them. Then there are the Mc's

fries... same thing. It's enough to drive a person crazy trying to keep up.

It is SO hard to keep track of it all. My little guy got onto one of his

oppositional jags last night after being so happy all week. I've been

trying so hard to think of what he might have eaten... I can't think of

anything new. It all started because he broke his green crayon at school...

maybe it was just that. Maybe I'll never know. Argh!


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Jerri, what kind of diet are you doing for your son? The Dos & Don'ts diet

or the GFCF (SFEF)? Dr. G told us to eliminate dairy but he can have

margarine which has whey. He also said limited sugars and maybe two slices

of white bread per day (to push protein), plus no tropical fruits, no

berries including cherries and watermelon (although I do cheat and give him

watermelon on occasion), no brown sugar or brown rice (this was causing

reflux like symptoms) and no cinnamon as well and no red or yellow food

dyes. I'm there are other restrictions but I can't think of any right now.

A few years ago (before Dr. G) we put our son on the GFCF diet but we didn't

see any behavioral changes plus it was a very hard diet to maintain. Dr. G

opposes it because of the high starch content.

One thing I can think of is check with your pharmacist to see if the

antibiotic contains any food dyes. After much trial and error we realized

that dyes in the medicine were causing very cranky/confrontational sporadic

behaviors in our son. We had to have even Valtrex compounded.

I hope this helps. Our prayers will be with your son and family!



I had my phone consult this evening with Dr G and just wanted to share

in hopes it might be beneficial to others. First, , I asked Dr G

about minocycline as an alternative antibiotic for us because I had read

an article about it too. He said it is a form of tetracycline and it is

hard on children's bones. I have shared with everyone my recent

struggles with my son and trying to figure out what is going on. I have

been convinced the Eryped and Erythrocin have been the culprit. I wanted

a new antibiotic. Dr G said I may be right but everything in my son's

bloodwork indicates allergies, and that it has to be food. I have been

very tight with the diet except I made a slip buying a spaghetti sauce I

always buy and I grabbed a different variety and it contained milk! Dr G

said this will take 10 to 14 days to clear from the body. His

eosinophils are creeping up to a very unacceptable level. We had them

down to 1 and now they are up to 6! His IGE went way up again and IGM.

All this indicates food. I believe he said. I hope I am not misquoting.

He wants us to go back to the Eryped this weekend and see what happens.

If my son has a reaction to it then he will switch to Keflex. He said

Erythomicin is the least harmful to the body and my son did so well on

it for so long, he doesn't believe this is the culprit. He said you

don't have to switch anti-biotics every six months like other

medications. My son's ASO titers could have started creeping back up due

to not being very consistent with the Eryped. Anyway, bottom line is I

am extremely grateful Dr G is so careful. He doesn't want to switch meds

until he is very certain it is necessary. He really doesn't want to

cause our children any unnecessary harm and I don't believe he is using

our children as guinea pigs, as I have read others accuse him of on this

list. He told me to explain to my son (9) how he has a disease and just

eating the wrong thing has caused him a lot of trouble (all the

detention he has been in lately) and that soon Dr G will have medicines

that will help him with this disease (God help us all,I hope this is for

sure). So that when my son is older he will understand the repurcussions

of eating wrong things. He also reminded me my son's immune system was

cranked up so high when we first started, working way way over time and

it doesn't take much to mess him up. Our last blood tests are getting

similar to our first ones and that is what I have been noticing in his

behavior. He regressed way way back. I'm still on a search as to why and

hoping I can get him as good as he was. I know I fully appreciate the

importance of diet now for my son anyway. I've always not wanted him to

feel neglected but for him it has disastrous consequences. Hope this is

helpful and understandable as I am extremely tired. Thank you, Jerri

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We are on the Do's and Don'ts diet of Dr G's plus all the other things

he asks us to eliminate. It is definitely the most difficult part for

me. We are back on the Eryped which seems to have less of a reaction

than the Erythrocin. Too early to tell anything. I know Dr G switched us

because it was the banana flavored syrup which probably has a yellow

food dye. The Erythrocin is bright pink. I guess I have to wait until

the next blood work to see if the Eryped is doing anything. We are up to

three times day and maybe this will make a difference. My son is still

in his own world most of the time but has been maintaining himself at

school and is smart enough to get the tests done. So for the moment I

guess things are as good as they are going to get. Thank you so much

for your prayers. They mean so much to me, I can't even begin to say how

much. Jerri

golivo@... wrote:

> Jerri, what kind of diet are you doing for your son? The Dos & Don'ts diet

> or the GFCF (SFEF)? Dr. G told us to eliminate dairy but he can have

> margarine which has whey. He also said limited sugars and maybe two slices

> of white bread per day (to push protein), plus no tropical fruits, no

> berries including cherries and watermelon (although I do cheat and give him

> watermelon on occasion), no brown sugar or brown rice (this was causing

> reflux like symptoms) and no cinnamon as well and no red or yellow food

> dyes. I'm there are other restrictions but I can't think of any right now.

> A few years ago (before Dr. G) we put our son on the GFCF diet but we didn't

> see any behavioral changes plus it was a very hard diet to maintain. Dr. G

> opposes it because of the high starch content.


> One thing I can think of is check with your pharmacist to see if the

> antibiotic contains any food dyes. After much trial and error we realized

> that dyes in the medicine were causing very cranky/confrontational sporadic

> behaviors in our son. We had to have even Valtrex compounded.


> I hope this helps. Our prayers will be with your son and family!

> Argie

> minocycoline



> I had my phone consult this evening with Dr G and just wanted to share

> in hopes it might be beneficial to others. First, , I asked Dr G

> about minocycline as an alternative antibiotic for us because I had read

> an article about it too. He said it is a form of tetracycline and it is

> hard on children's bones. I have shared with everyone my recent

> struggles with my son and trying to figure out what is going on. I have

> been convinced the Eryped and Erythrocin have been the culprit. I wanted

> a new antibiotic. Dr G said I may be right but everything in my son's

> bloodwork indicates allergies, and that it has to be food. I have been

> very tight with the diet except I made a slip buying a spaghetti sauce I

> always buy and I grabbed a different variety and it contained milk! Dr G

> said this will take 10 to 14 days to clear from the body. His

> eosinophils are creeping up to a very unacceptable level. We had them

> down to 1 and now they are up to 6! His IGE went way up again and IGM.

> All this indicates food. I believe he said. I hope I am not misquoting.

> He wants us to go back to the Eryped this weekend and see what happens.

> If my son has a reaction to it then he will switch to Keflex. He said

> Erythomicin is the least harmful to the body and my son did so well on

> it for so long, he doesn't believe this is the culprit. He said you

> don't have to switch anti-biotics every six months like other

> medications. My son's ASO titers could have started creeping back up due

> to not being very consistent with the Eryped. Anyway, bottom line is I

> am extremely grateful Dr G is so careful. He doesn't want to switch meds

> until he is very certain it is necessary. He really doesn't want to

> cause our children any unnecessary harm and I don't believe he is using

> our children as guinea pigs, as I have read others accuse him of on this

> list. He told me to explain to my son (9) how he has a disease and just

> eating the wrong thing has caused him a lot of trouble (all the

> detention he has been in lately) and that soon Dr G will have medicines

> that will help him with this disease (God help us all,I hope this is for

> sure). So that when my son is older he will understand the repurcussions

> of eating wrong things. He also reminded me my son's immune system was

> cranked up so high when we first started, working way way over time and

> it doesn't take much to mess him up. Our last blood tests are getting

> similar to our first ones and that is what I have been noticing in his

> behavior. He regressed way way back. I'm still on a search as to why and

> hoping I can get him as good as he was. I know I fully appreciate the

> importance of diet now for my son anyway. I've always not wanted him to

> feel neglected but for him it has disastrous consequences. Hope this is

> helpful and understandable as I am extremely tired. Thank you, Jerri







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Boy, I relate totally to this. The constant trying to figure out what

sets our kids off when they do so well for awhile is a nightmare. All

day it seems my subconscious mind is working and thinking, maybe it's

this maybe it's that....etc. My son recently has had a lot of

sulphuric smelling gas. Gag! I told Dr G this and told him there is

nothing new in the diet, so I don't know what is going on. The email I

got back stated that sulphuric is bacterial. So I guess we are on the

right track with the Eryped hopefully. Thanks for your post. Jerri

Caroline Glover wrote:

> Thanks Jerri for the good post. I didn't know that minocycline was hard on

> kids' bones.


> You know, it is really easy to get a little " off " on the diet. For

> instance, in our town, we had been buying Wonder Bread and then I bought it

> from a different store and we ate it. After about half a loaf we realized

> it had milk in it. The Wonder Bread from the other store doesn't have milk

> in it. Then there are the Duncan Hines cake mixes which were recently

> changed and now they have milk in them. Then there are the Mc's

> fries... same thing. It's enough to drive a person crazy trying to keep up.


> It is SO hard to keep track of it all. My little guy got onto one of his

> oppositional jags last night after being so happy all week. I've been

> trying so hard to think of what he might have eaten... I can't think of

> anything new. It all started because he broke his green crayon at school...

> maybe it was just that. Maybe I'll never know. Argh!


> Caroline







> Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

> the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

> opinion of the Research Institute, the Parent Coalition, or the list




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