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OT: Aunt in Hospital..Doctors don't know what's wrong

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Hi all. I am hoping perhaps some of you may have some insight to

share. My aunt is in the hospital with a machine breathing for her

and a pacemaker making her heart work for her. She had hodgekins and

went through chemo. It came again and she went through radiation.

For the past year since ending her anti fungal and steroids I

believe, she has slowly declined and deteriorated in health. She has

lost weight, has no appetite, can barely speak because her lungs and

the mass around her lungs are so deteriorated. She has sat in the

chair in her living room with no energy to do anything. Doctors have

tested her for everything under the guise of traditional medicine.

She has seen heart doctors, lung doctors, neurologists, everything.

They cannot and do not know what is wrong and can only say this is a

degenerative disease. My mom is in her late 40's and this is her

older sister so I believe she is in her 50's. She is very young. I

tried unsuccessfully to get her to go to an alternative medicine

physician before she was admitted to the hospital. I tried to see if

we could get her tested for yeast and bacteria in the gut. My family

is pretty resistent to this being an issue for my own son and so

they are of course resistent to this being an issue for my aunt.

Obviously no one can give a diagnosis here but I was hoping maybe

someone has some insight and can offer me some educational advice.

Side note: the reason she stayed on the breathing instrument after

putting the pacemaker in is her lung capacity is so deteriorated she

cannot expel CO2 as much as needed without it not backing up in her

system as poison. This latest admit in the hospital was brought upon

because her entire family is ill and of course she was prone to be

effected by it. Please keep her in your prayers!


Aidan 3.4

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