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Re: Re: Body odors when ill

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have you checked her urine for ketones at these times?

stocmom <stocmom@...> wrote: Hey ,

It was me you're thinking of. My daughter gets the ammonia/rubbing

alcohol smell on her breath when she gets sick. Just had it a few

weeks ago, matter of fact. She doesn't get a body odor though, just

her breath and it is very strong. It is usually the first sign of

her being sick, showing up a day or two before the actual " normal "

symptoms. Although there have been times when she'll get the smell

and not seem to develop a full illness, but will show some behavior

changes. It also seems to coincide mostly with viral illnesses where

there is a fever. Dr. Bruce has tested her for kidney issues,

ammonia levels and anything else he could think may cause it - still

no answer. He, Kathy and I have discussed the possibility that it

is yeast overgrowth gone completely amok due to the body getting so

wrapped up in fighting the new illness that the little bit it

normally does to supress the yeast (she is very prone to yeast

infections)is thrown by the wayside for the time being. Because it

is not being controlled at all, it reaches new levels and begins to

ferment and that is what the smell is. THIS IS ONLY A THEORY. We

can't prove it, but it's the only thing we can come up with that

makes sense. I've paid attention to what she's eaten at the time,

how much she's eaten etc., and there is no common factor (full

stomach, empty stomach, vomitting, no vomitting). So it is

definitely one of those odd ish quirks. I've come to appreciate

it somewhat, when she's acting odd all of sudden and I smell the

odor - I know it's just because she's coming down with something.

Any other questions, feel free to contact me or have the other mom

contact me if she'd like.


> Hi -


> I wanted to contact who it was (more than one of you

> guys!) who's child develops very odd body odors when

> they are sick... I seem to remember one was a very

> strong ammonia type smell, and cannot remember the

> other one(s) as well...


> I'm asking for another mom who's daughter is

> having this problem and she wanted to compare some

> notes. Can you contact me off-list? (Or on the

> list-doesn't matter).


> Thanks-



> __________________________________________________


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I've smelled it, too... it was the same fermented smell you have described.

I remember describing it to the nurse at our pediatrician's office as an

" alcohol " smell and she looked at me like I was crazy!


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Same here.and associated poor behavioural issues


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:29 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Body odors when ill

My son also has the strange breath odor when about to be ill.


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The most likely thing to cause these breath changes is ketosis secondary to not

eating. If you test the urine with urostix which you can get from the drugstore,

the urine should test positive for ketones.

<rmwilson@...> wrote:

Same here.and associated poor behavioural issues


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:29 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Body odors when ill

My son also has the strange breath odor when about to be ill.


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Hi, you could collect a urine sample at that moment and send it in to the Great

Plains Lab for a quantitative urine organic acid test and write on the request

what the problem is. Dr Shaw should be able to help.

stocmom <stocmom@...> wrote: Hi,

That was her doctor's initial assumption also, that it was Ketones.

That was ruled out in our case. As I touched on in my initial post

it has occured more frequently on a full stomach when she's eaten

heartily, than when she has an empty stomach. And since this is

almost always the first sign of an illness, nothing in her daily

life (eating, drinking)is changed at that point (except usually

behaviors).I've also had blood drawn while the smell is evident

(once within hours after it started)and we still can't find the

culprit. I'd be interested in knowing if this turns out to be the

cause for any of the others with this issue.

Same here.and associated

poor behavioural issues


> _____


> From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of

> Googahly@...

> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:29 PM


> Subject: Re: Re: Body odors when ill


> My son also has the strange breath odor when about to be ill.

> Gaylen



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Hi -

I always thought the 'fermented' breath smell was the yeast die-off. Other

bad breath has meant that there was a lot of mucus in his throat. Just my 2


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Dr. Steenblock,

Ketosis produces acetone, right? So maybe the acetone could be the odor?

Come to think of it, it did sort of smell like fingernail polish remover

(which contains acetone).


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Yes. that is why I suggested buying a bottle of test strips at the drugstore.

they can measure ketones, protein, specific gravity, nitrites, etc so you can

know alot about what is going on with a simple dip into the urine. ds

Caroline Glover <sfglover@...> wrote: Dr.


Ketosis produces acetone, right? So maybe the acetone could be the odor?

Come to think of it, it did sort of smell like fingernail polish remover

(which contains acetone).


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Yes. that is why I suggested buying a bottle of test strips at the drugstore.

they can measure ketones, protein, specific gravity, nitrites, etc so you can

know alot about what is going on with a simple dip into the urine. ds

Caroline Glover

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How about outright intense B.O. directly from the

armpits only when ill (in like a 6 or 7 yr old...can't

remember her age)?


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Thanks ... I thought that was yours, and

thought I had saved the post for when some possible

explanation appears! lol .

--- stocmom <stocmom@...> wrote:

> Hey ,


> It was me you're thinking of. My daughter gets the

> ammonia/rubbing

> alcohol smell on her breath when she gets sick.

> Just had it a few

> weeks ago, matter of fact. She doesn't get a body

> odor though, just

> her breath and it is very strong. It is usually the

> first sign of

> her being sick, showing up a day or two before the

> actual " normal "

> symptoms. Although there have been times when

> she'll get the smell

> and not seem to develop a full illness, but will

> show some behavior

> changes. It also seems to coincide mostly with viral

> illnesses where

> there is a fever. Dr. Bruce has tested her for

> kidney issues,

> ammonia levels and anything else he could think may

> cause it - still

> no answer. He, Kathy and I have discussed the

> possibility that it

> is yeast overgrowth gone completely amok due to the

> body getting so

> wrapped up in fighting the new illness that the

> little bit it

> normally does to supress the yeast (she is very

> prone to yeast

> infections)is thrown by the wayside for the time

> being. Because it

> is not being controlled at all, it reaches new

> levels and begins to

> ferment and that is what the smell is. THIS IS ONLY


> can't prove it, but it's the only thing we can come

> up with that

> makes sense. I've paid attention to what she's

> eaten at the time,

> how much she's eaten etc., and there is no common

> factor (full

> stomach, empty stomach, vomitting, no vomitting).

> So it is

> definitely one of those odd ish quirks. I've

> come to appreciate

> it somewhat, when she's acting odd all of sudden and

> I smell the

> odor - I know it's just because she's coming down

> with something.

> Any other questions, feel free to contact me or have

> the other mom

> contact me if she'd like.






> >

> > Hi -

> >

> > I wanted to contact who it was (more than one of

> you

> > guys!) who's child develops very odd body odors

> when

> > they are sick... I seem to remember one was a very

> > strong ammonia type smell, and cannot remember the

> > other one(s) as well...

> >

> > I'm asking for another mom who's daughter is

> > having this problem and she wanted to compare some

> > notes. Can you contact me off-list? (Or on the

> > list-doesn't matter).

> >

> > Thanks-

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Dr Steenblock – how then would you treat ketosis?


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:08 AM

Subject: Re: Body odors when ill


That was her doctor's initial assumption also, that it was Ketones.

That was ruled out in our case. As I touched on in my initial post

it has occured more frequently on a full stomach when she's eaten

heartily, than when she has an empty stomach. And since this is

almost always the first sign of an illness, nothing in her daily

life (eating, drinking)is changed at that point (except usually

behaviors).I've also had blood drawn while the smell is evident

(once within hours after it started)and we still can't find the

culprit. I'd be interested in knowing if this turns out to be the

cause for any of the others with this issue.


> The most likely thing to cause these breath changes is ketosis

secondary to not eating. If you test the urine with urostix which

you can get from the drugstore, the urine should test positive for



> <rmwilson@...>

wrote: Same here.and associated

poor behavioural issues


> _____


> From: groups (DOT) <mailto:%40> com

[mailto:groups (DOT) <mailto:%40> com] On

Behalf Of

> Googahly@...

> Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:29 PM

> groups (DOT) <mailto:%40> com

> Subject: Re: Re: Body odors when ill


> My son also has the strange breath odor when about to be ill.

> Gaylen



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