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HHV-6 IgG compared to IgM

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My son had some testing done several weeks ago with Dr G. The HHV-6

Human Herpes Virus 6..the IgG Antibodies showed >1:320 which means it

is positive. Wheras the Human Herpes Virus Type 6 IgM is negative. I

am just wondering whether this is significant and what the difference

is between the IgG to IgM.


3.2 year old

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Hi -

IgM tests positive w/a recent infection - meaning it

will (usually) only test positive at the initial time

that the virus occurs. IgG is the antibodies built

against the virus that I think are responsible for

keeping it suppressed (?), and if a virus

re-activates, then the IgG increases in response to

it. (I'm not 100% certain of how accurately I am

describing this.) As the virus remains suppressed,

the IgG antibodies will still remain present but

reduce some.

How high IgG antibodies go depend on too many factors

to tell you as much as you'd like to know. Like, when

antibodies are real high, it could mean that the virus

has re-activated at a recent time, or it could mean

that the immune system may still be pumping out

antibodies, or that it is having trouble keeping it


Another thing: HHV6 antibodies can be negative despite

the presence of the virus, and sometimes does not

become positive until after an antiviral has been

given and 'pulled' the virus out for the immune system

to recognize. HHV6 has the ability to hide from it.

Say you had a negative HHV6 (my son did), and you

started antivirals anyway due to other markers for

chronic viral infections. Say you recheck titers to

HHV6 several times along the way, and suddenly one

time that test comes up positive and you have a high

IgG and no IgM... that would be a pretty good

indication that it wasn't a recent infection but that

the immune system had not been building antibodies to

it. It happened w/my son, but unfortunately the lab

didn't do the IgM so I didn't have that to take back

to local doctors and say " See? See? " .

There are a lot more possibilities involved, but that

is just one scenario.

In your child's case, the immune system is recognizing

the virus. It isn't necessarily that recent of an

infection if there is a negative IgM. I don't know if

that level of antibodies is high or not, but my son

had that same reading. So if you find out if that's

high, moderate, or common, would you let me know? I'd

appreciate it, as I never actually knew where that

falls. Did Dr G already say if it's high and if he

wants that to come down?

--- aaron2kristie <aaron2kristie@...> wrote:

> My son had some testing done several weeks ago with

> Dr G. The HHV-6

> Human Herpes Virus 6..the IgG Antibodies showed

> >1:320 which means it

> is positive. Wheras the Human Herpes Virus Type 6

> IgM is negative. I

> am just wondering whether this is significant and

> what the difference

> is between the IgG to IgM.


> K

> 3.2 year old








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