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Re: Vitamin B6 for Seizures?

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Hi !  I give our son B6.  He was 2 years, 7 months when I started

giving it to him.  I give him Nature's Way, Vitamin B6, 100 mg Pyridoxine


It is water soluable which is safe for kids.  was having about 5-6

seizures a day.  In November we upped his medication (topomax) by one pill.  A

week later I started the B6.  My the first week of December was down to

1 seizure a day.  Then the seizures stopped.  He has been seizure free for


about a week before Christmas.  Although we did see a couple of quick jerks

yesterday that may have been seizures, we just aren't sure.  I'm not sure if


seizures stopping was because of the B6, the extra pill or something else.  But

I really feel like the B6 has helped tremendously.  Listen to your mommy gut


keep in mind that since it isn't a " medicine " and is natural, it's probably

better than trying a new medication.  Good luck!  Let me know if you do give


to him and see any change. 

Stacey Klim


To: polymicrogyria

Sent: Wed, January 19, 2011 7:00:59 PM

Subject: Vitamin B6 for Seizures?


Has anyone tried giving their child B6 for seizures? How much did you give and

did it help? How old was your child?

My son Ben is now 20 months old and has been having seizures, pretty much daily,

since he was 3.5 months old. We've tried about 8 different medications and are

now on Lamictal - which is ALMOST working. I've tried acupuncture with no

success. Now I'd like to try B6.

Any thoughts?

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We give B6 as a supplement to the Keppra for mood stability. I am unsure about

its affects on the actual seizures but am interested to find out.

We currently give 50mg BID and it helps combat the mood swings she was having

due to the Keppra.


> Has anyone tried giving their child B6 for seizures? How much did you give

and did it help? How old was your child?

> My son Ben is now 20 months old and has been having seizures, pretty much

daily, since he was 3.5 months old. We've tried about 8 different medications

and are now on Lamictal - which is ALMOST working. I've tried acupuncture with

no success. Now I'd like to try B6.

> Any thoughts?


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