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Hard to say at this point really. It certainly sounds like you are very

fatigued, but it also could be so many different things. You could be

anemic for one. Sounds like if your doc won't consider anything else

you need to see another doc that will run some tests and rule out a

bunch of stuff. There is no specific test for CFS, but there are many

tests to rule out things that could be causing the fatigue and that

would get you towards some answers. Good luck. And for heaven's sake,

if you aren't depressed and don't need anti-depressants, then get off

them. I don't know which you take, but generally you need to wean off

them as opposed to stopping all of a sudden.


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  • 9 months later...

Hi. I am also a y patient. You are in great hands! He is very encouraging, but always tells you to "watch those liquid calories!"...Ali

To: SydBand From: jtomulescu@...Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 06:59:10 +1100Subject: RE: Newbie

Hi ,

I was banded by Dr on the 10th of November, everything has gone like clockwork.

The Hills hospital were great and the nurses looking after me were calm and in no rush, really friendly too.

Best of luck during your surgery. I hope yours goes as well as mine did.


-----Original Message-----From: SydBand [mailto:SydBand ] On Behalf Of kez_at_home84Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 9:32 PMTo: SydBand Subject: Newbie

Hey Everyone, My names Karem and I am being banded 1st December by Dr Desmond . Are any of you patients of his? I would love to get yo know you guys and any advice you could give me would be great hehe

Multiple prizes and the ultimate dream beach house! Take a summer road trip with Windows Live Hotmail.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi, I just wanted to quickly introduce myself. My name is Adele and my baby

(twin) was diagnosed with PMG at 7 mos through an MRI. It was probably caused by

a complication during my twin pregnancy.

Thank G-d he is doing really well, he has very mild CP, and doing well with all

of his therapies. He is in PT, OT, Osteopathy, Early Intervention. He has RH so

his right side is a lot weaker but since we started the intensive therapy he is

improving and gettting a lot of function back. His 'limitations' are slight

enough that most people don't notice. but having his twin brother who is

reaching all the milestones, etc is hard at times. The one issue that I can't

wrap around my head is seizures. I was told he has a higher chance of getting

them, but there was no indication that he has had or ever will have them. More

the neurologist wanted me to be educated etc. Since he has reached one years old

they told me that the risk goes down a lot but I still worry. I know it is

normal for a mother to worry but Ican't make myself nuts. I have gone to a CPR,

sent my nanny and husband. We are religious people so we pray and hope for the

best. My doctor says I can't sit and wait for it to happen, because it may never

(Please G-d) Any tips, suggestions, to calm my nerves. A lot of posts on this

forum and another one I am a part of has a lot of kids that have seizure , I am

sure I am not the only one who feels like this and is in the same boat. I know

seizures don't have to be the end of the world but one less problem would be

great :)

Thanks so much,

Adele (Mom of 4 beautiful children)

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This sounds A LOT like my story. I would like to keep in touch to maybe

compare notes?

My twitter name is " @cinnamonflower " or we can always chat over email.

Thanks for sending out this email. By the way, we live in the Washington DC

metropolitan area.

Best Regards,


On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 5:26 PM, RON PHILLIPSON wrote:

> **



> Hi, I just wanted to quickly introduce myself. My name is Adele and my baby

> (twin) was diagnosed with PMG at 7 mos through an MRI. It was probably

> caused by a complication during my twin pregnancy.

> Thank G-d he is doing really well, he has very mild CP, and doing well with

> all of his therapies. He is in PT, OT, Osteopathy, Early Intervention. He

> has RH so his right side is a lot weaker but since we started the intensive

> therapy he is improving and gettting a lot of function back. His

> 'limitations' are slight enough that most people don't notice. but having

> his twin brother who is reaching all the milestones, etc is hard at times.

> The one issue that I can't wrap around my head is seizures. I was told he

> has a higher chance of getting them, but there was no indication that he has

> had or ever will have them. More the neurologist wanted me to be educated

> etc. Since he has reached one years old they told me that the risk goes down

> a lot but I still worry. I know it is normal for a mother to worry but

> Ican't make myself nuts. I have gone to a CPR, sent my nanny and husband. We

> are religious people so we pray and hope for the best. My doctor says I

> can't sit and wait for it to happen, because it may never (Please G-d) Any

> tips, suggestions, to calm my nerves. A lot of posts on this forum and

> another one I am a part of has a lot of kids that have seizure , I am sure I

> am not the only one who feels like this and is in the same boat. I know

> seizures don't have to be the end of the world but one less problem would be

> great :)

> Thanks so much,


> Adele (Mom of 4 beautiful children)





Barbi + @cinnamonflower <http://www.twitter.com/cinnamonflower> +


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Adele, My daughter is 4 left hemi CP and seizures which did not start till 14

months old. Yes the CP part is nearly resolved but the seizures I hate. We are

on the second med and still has break through ones. They are 2 min or less

complex partials seizures. We are learning her triggers but growth seems to be a

big one. We also do a low glycemic diet with no artifical sweetners or coloring

these could be a thing to try.

The epilepsy foundation website is very educational. You can make yourself

knowledgable about types and typical triggers. You could also have the diastat

for an emergency med just in case they start.



Hi, I just wanted to quickly introduce myself. My name is Adele and my baby

(twin) was diagnosed with PMG at 7 mos through an MRI. It was probably caused by

a complication during my twin pregnancy.

Thank G-d he is doing really well, he has very mild CP, and doing well with all

of his therapies. He is in PT, OT, Osteopathy, Early Intervention. He has RH so

his right side is a lot weaker but since we started the intensive therapy he is

improving and gettting a lot of function back. His 'limitations' are slight

enough that most people don't notice. but having his twin brother who is

reaching all the milestones, etc is hard at times. The one issue that I can't

wrap around my head is seizures. I was told he has a higher chance of getting

them, but there was no indication that he has had or ever will have them. More

the neurologist wanted me to be educated etc. Since he has reached one years old

they told me that the risk goes down a lot but I still worry. I know it is

normal for a mother to worry but Ican't make

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Thank you so much for the quick reply. It is nice to know I am not the only one

dealing with this on a daily basis. I really can't complain... Yitzi is doing

amazingly it is his mom (me!) that has some hard days. Cognitively he is

developmentally on track to his twin , for him the most affected is his right

arm especially the fine motor stuff. I am lucky I am well connected and get a

lot of services both government based and private. I am his mother so I worry :)

I want him to have a functioning hand, reach the milestones etc. Walk, etc

Right now he commando crawls, starting to get onto four point independently,

starting to transition tummy to sit alone. Needs to still work on pulling up to

stand etc . Her has come a long way and despite what the MRI shows he is very

functional (physically)

I am curious to hear and share your own story. Twins? RH? Etc

We live in Toronto . Looking forward to hearing from you.


Sent from my iPhone

> This sounds A LOT like my story. I would like to keep in touch to maybe

> compare notes?

> My twitter name is " @cinnamonflower " or we can always chat over email.

> Thanks for sending out this email. By the way, we live in the Washington DC

> metropolitan area.


> Best Regards,

> -Barbi


> On Sun, Aug 21, 2011 at 5:26 PM, RON PHILLIPSON wrote:


>> **



>> Hi, I just wanted to quickly introduce myself. My name is Adele and my baby

>> (twin) was diagnosed with PMG at 7 mos through an MRI. It was probably

>> caused by a complication during my twin pregnancy.

>> Thank G-d he is doing really well, he has very mild CP, and doing well with

>> all of his therapies. He is in PT, OT, Osteopathy, Early Intervention. He

>> has RH so his right side is a lot weaker but since we started the intensive

>> therapy he is improving and gettting a lot of function back. His

>> 'limitations' are slight enough that most people don't notice. but having

>> his twin brother who is reaching all the milestones, etc is hard at times.

>> The one issue that I can't wrap around my head is seizures. I was told he

>> has a higher chance of getting them, but there was no indication that he has

>> had or ever will have them. More the neurologist wanted me to be educated

>> etc. Since he has reached one years old they told me that the risk goes down

>> a lot but I still worry. I know it is normal for a mother to worry but

>> Ican't make myself nuts. I have gone to a CPR, sent my nanny and husband. We

>> are religious people so we pray and hope for the best. My doctor says I

>> can't sit and wait for it to happen, because it may never (Please G-d) Any

>> tips, suggestions, to calm my nerves. A lot of posts on this forum and

>> another one I am a part of has a lot of kids that have seizure , I am sure I

>> am not the only one who feels like this and is in the same boat. I know

>> seizures don't have to be the end of the world but one less problem would be

>> great :)

>> Thanks so much,


>> Adele (Mom of 4 beautiful children)







> --

> Barbi + @cinnamonflower <http://www.twitter.com/cinnamonflower> +

> cinnamonflower.com




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Thank you so much for the practical info!


Sent from my iPhone

> Adele, My daughter is 4 left hemi CP and seizures which did not start till 14

months old. Yes the CP part is nearly resolved but the seizures I hate. We are

on the second med and still has break through ones. They are 2 min or less

complex partials seizures. We are learning her triggers but growth seems to be a

big one. We also do a low glycemic diet with no artifical sweetners or coloring

these could be a thing to try.

> The epilepsy foundation website is very educational. You can make yourself

knowledgable about types and typical triggers. You could also have the diastat

for an emergency med just in case they start.

> Diane



> Newbie


> Hi, I just wanted to quickly introduce myself. My name is Adele and my baby

(twin) was diagnosed with PMG at 7 mos through an MRI. It was probably caused by

a complication during my twin pregnancy.

> Thank G-d he is doing really well, he has very mild CP, and doing well with

all of his therapies. He is in PT, OT, Osteopathy, Early Intervention. He has RH

so his right side is a lot weaker but since we started the intensive therapy he

is improving and gettting a lot of function back. His 'limitations' are slight

enough that most people don't notice. but having his twin brother who is

reaching all the milestones, etc is hard at times. The one issue that I can't

wrap around my head is seizures. I was told he has a higher chance of getting

them, but there was no indication that he has had or ever will have them. More

the neurologist wanted me to be educated etc. Since he has reached one years old

they told me that the risk goes down a lot but I still worry. I know it is

normal for a mother to worry but Ican't make



> ------------------------------------



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