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RE: Therapies - MELANIE

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Hi ,We live in Olney, MD. Riley actually has alot of words--you can

understand her about 75% of the time, although her speech certainly does not

sound " normal " . When she talks, she almost sounds like she is hearing impaired.

Her speech therapist has been working on R's, CH's and V's lately. She also

does cranio-sacral therapy with her once a week. It has been a long road. We

tried sign when she was little but she wasn't very cooperative. She had a

dynamite, but she didn't want to use it-she preferred to write. She will be

getting an iphone for next year when she starts middle school. christina

To: polymicrogyria

From: mspranger@...

Date: Sun, 15 May 2011 14:44:45 -0400

Subject: RE: Therapies - CHRISTINA

Hi -

My son is almost 6 with BP PMG, where are you guys located? Does your

daughter have many words? Just curious what types of things you've done

with the speech therapist.


From: polymicrogyria [mailto:polymicrogyria ]

On Behalf Of doyle531@...

Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2011 12:19 PM

To: polymicrogyria

Subject: Re: Therapies - message to all


My 10yr old also has bilateral perisylvian PMG. Where do you live? She was

diagnosed at 2. I got referrals for a speech therapist right away. She has

had speech twice a week since then. Why are you on waitlists for therapies?

Have you seen a neurologist? Our therapists have all been private.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Re: Therapies - message to all

I'm grandma to is with bilateral perisylvian PMG. She is turning 3 in

July. I am so frustrated as we seem to wait on endless list to start

therapies. We had to fight long and hard to get a referral and eventual

diagnosis from our peditrician. She just tried to tell us that her drooling

was normal, her lack of speech was nothing to be concerned about.... The

left side weakness we saw was invisible to a trained medical eye..... Grrr

sorry for my rants.

My daughter while calling again to see where we were on the list was called

" dragon lady " by the medical staff for being persistent in pursuit of

therapy. I'm a special education teacher and so we do our best and providing

our own stimulation during our " wait time " . I would love a concise list of

available therapies so that we can begin pursuit outside the local medical

profession. I feel we are wasting precious time! I am curious has anybody

used hyperbaric chamber therapy? Please let's pull together and organize

resources for our kids!


On May 15, 2011, at 8:02 AM, " kswinster " <kswinster@...

<mailto:kswinster%40hotmail.com> > wrote:

> Hi all


> The recent discussions have been really useful. Jenna, my 7 month old

daughter has right sided PMG and is currently having a surgery assessment.

She has severe cortical visual impairement (nothing in the left eye,

recently started to pick up lights in the right), early signs of CP, global

development delay and 15-20 seen seizures a day.


> We've started occupational and speach therpy and are due to begin speach

and physio in June with the NHS. I'm paying a private physio every 5 weeks

and hydrotherpy with physio for 20 mins every 2 weeks through a charity.


> I'll get the the reason for my message - We're due at the neurologists (Dr

Ferrie at the LGI) a week on Fri and i'm compiling a list of therapies i've

read about on here or on other sites. As there seem to be alot! Would you

all be interested in creating a document on here listing the therapies we've

tried, what for and how useful it was/is (maybe in one/two sentences).


> Whhat do yout think????


> Katy, mummy to Jenna :-)



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