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I can give you a TON of moral support on this.

My daughter got the largest portion of her success with anti-fungal.

She started on DiFlucan and progressed exactly like Dr. and

Kathy had expected.

After the die off passed, about 10 days-2 weeks after she started on

the maximum dose.

She was clear thinking, the confusion was gone. Her bahavior was

significantly improved as she wasn't confused anymore. We witnessed

a profoundly different child. She was 12 at the time. I had been

homeschooling her for 2 years due to behavior, aggressive tendancies

and overall inability to attend or learn. After the die-off passed

I knew instantly that she could go back to school and she did that

fall(2 monthes later) to a Life skills placement without Autistic

support, OT or a behavior plan and has continued to progress in the

two years that have followed. She is currently moving back to her

home school in a learning support environment.

One thing I should mention is my daugher didn't do well on Nizarol.

Five weeks after die-off period she was getting worse behavior

wise. It has a RARE side effect of this, but from the listmates

here she was an odd case. Just wanted to let you know that.

Hold on and I can't wait to hear from you in a couple weeks.


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