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Re: Mercury levels

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You can get a doctor to give your child a chelating challenge, which

is a high dose of a chelating medicine, and then collect a urine

sample at a specified time. You can do a hair test. This will not

show mercury excretion if your child is mercury toxic...If s/he could

excrete it, there would be no toxicity...You can use Dr.

Cutler's Counting Rules for reading a hair test. These will tell you

if it is likely that your child is mercury-toxic. There's probably a

link to those on this site. If not, e-mail me privately and I will

send them to you.



> Does anyone recommend what to do or where to go to get a

> child's mercury level checked?

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I would start with a hair elements test


I would also get a copy of your child's vaccination administration records

and the weight at each administration and determine how much thimerosal was

received in immunizations.



> Does anyone recommend what to do or where to go to get a

> child's mercury level checked?

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> You can get a doctor to give your child a chelating challenge,


It is dangerous, harmful, inappropriate, and contains no useful


> which

> is a high dose of a chelating medicine, and then collect a urine

> sample at a specified time. You can do a hair test. This will not

> show mercury excretion if your child is mercury toxic...If s/he could

> excrete it, there would be no toxicity...You can use Dr.

> Cutler's Counting Rules for reading a hair test. These will tell you

> if it is likely that your child is mercury-toxic. There's probably a

> link to those on this site. If not, e-mail me privately and I will

> send them to you.


> Janice

> >

> > Does anyone recommend what to do or where to go to get a

> > child's mercury level checked?

Use the hair test link, get a doctor's data hair element profile,

interpret it as described on the link or in my book Hair Test

Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities.

DO NOT do a challenge test!

Andy . . . . . .

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  • 1 year later...
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the response is typical, because our children are poor excreaters. Is

believed that their detoxification pathway is impeded, so any heavy metals they

come in contact with is cumulated.


Nuha Shiblie <nshiblie2002@...> wrote:


I was talking to my daughter's pediatrician the other day about biomedical

treatment and so forth issues hoping to enlist her help for some referrals and

some tests

she said that " we will test here for mercury and if its elevated i will send you

to a specialist. " well, the results were less than normal at .04 where as the

norm is .10 and anything above is elevated mercury

can someone tell me if that means she does not have mercury poising?

My daughter is 33 months pdd.nos

any input?



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Mercury toxicity will only show up in blood very shortly after exposure

because it tends to be stored away in the tissues much quicker than other toxic

metals. If you suspect mercury toxicity, the EPA recommends hair testing and/or

provocative urine testing through a specialist. Since doctors recommend

against directly treating metals toxicity, and this subject tends to cause

strife on the list, I'd recommend that if you want to explore this subject,

you can find much more information on one of the lists that discusses it

regularly like autismmercury or abmd. I'd also be happy to answer any

questions you have off-list.


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  • 3 months later...

Please read the FAQs of this list. Kelmer tests are dangerous and not very

useful. A hair elements test from DDI with counting rules applied will give you

more useful info. If your doctor is doing Kelmer tests, I bet he or she also

prescribes unsafe, high, infrequent doses. Please educate yourself before going

along with this doctor and potentially doing your child further harm. Milk

thistle is good for liver support.



I'm migrating form the gfcf board as we're about to start DMSA. Can <br>

anyone tell me more about my sons Kelmer results? His first test came <br>

back as 99% (said up to 150% was normal) and after two months of <br>

Bentonite it was up to 296%. This is why we're moving to stronger <br>

chelation... what I want to know is- how high is this?<br>

Are we talking off the scale or are these levels routinely seen in our <br>


Also, he's 3years old and will be taking ALA at the same time- do I <br>

need to give him anything else for liver/kidney support during this <br>

time? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Sx<br>



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