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Re: Nissen: Advice needed

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My granddaughter had a g-tube placed a few weeks ago when she was 3 months

old. We talked to our doctors about the Nissen and decided against it. If I

were you, I would definitely ask for the pH probe to be done first and that

was what our docs recommended as well. As you mentioned, the GI study isn't

a true indicator due to the problems of positioning. I think a lot of the

times the docs want to do things in conjunction but it isn't always

indicated. I am of the opinion that less is more unless they can prove that

it is actually necessary. I've heard a lot of cons to the Nissen both since

my granddaughter's issues and in my nursing career. Best to have all the

facts and then you have a true picture of what YOUR baby needs.

Best wishes for you all!

> **



> My son Lachlan is 10 weeks old and has BPP. In approximately 2 weeks, he

> will have a " take down " surgery (he had NEC and perforated) and will also

> have a G-tube placed. My husband and I are being encouraged to consider

> having a nissen done in the same surgery.


> This past week, Lachlan had an Upper GI study and it was determined that

> he has " moderate to severe " reflux. However, the study didn't allow for him

> to be inclined and, from what I've read, the test isn't exactly diagnostic

> anyway. Also, he doesn't appear to brady in relation to his feeds.


> The nissen seems to be more of a precautionary measure. But there are a

> lot of complications that can occur!


> We're leaning toward having a pH probe test done this week and also trying

> medication first. Currently, we only want Lachlan to have a laparoscopic

> nissen if it's shown that he truly needs it.


> Advice, please? We don't want our sweet boy to aspirate and/or develop

> pneumonia, but we also don't want him to have all the complications that

> can occur.




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My son has a regular Gtube but I wanted to share what a friend was told. Her son

does not have PMG but has other issues. They told her he must have a Nissen

placed, that was about 10 months ago. He did have severe reflux but he grew out

of it! I know it's a major surgery and if your little guy needs it, he needs it.

But if it's not definite and they are sure he won't grow out of it or have major

problems until he does... she was really glad she waited.

Good luck with everything.


> My son Lachlan is 10 weeks old and has BPP. In approximately 2 weeks, he will

have a " take down " surgery (he had NEC and perforated) and will also have a

G-tube placed. My husband and I are being encouraged to consider having a nissen

done in the same surgery.


> This past week, Lachlan had an Upper GI study and it was determined that he

has " moderate to severe " reflux. However, the study didn't allow for him to be

inclined and, from what I've read, the test isn't exactly diagnostic anyway.

Also, he doesn't appear to brady in relation to his feeds.


> The nissen seems to be more of a precautionary measure. But there are a lot of

complications that can occur!


> We're leaning toward having a pH probe test done this week and also trying

medication first. Currently, we only want Lachlan to have a laparoscopic nissen

if it's shown that he truly needs it.


> Advice, please? We don't want our sweet boy to aspirate and/or develop

pneumonia, but we also don't want him to have all the complications that can



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