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Re: Infant/toddler bathing solution

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We used a bath seat. It was blue plastic and kept my daughter stabilized and

upright. I've also heard of the bumbo in the tub (maybe with the tray too?) to

keep them sitting. If you can find a chair / seat he will be stable enough. And,

they LOVE water because their limbs are easier to move. Also, do you have a nice

thick bath mat in the tub so when he kicks he isn't hitting tub? It's been

years since I was there, but those are the things I did. I also used towels

sometimes to stabilize behind the bath seat and give her a better fit (kind of

wrapped around her waist to keep her in one place). But if he'd fit in a bumbo

that would not be necessary.

Hope that helps!

Sent from my iPhone

> My son is 13 months and loves the water. He has cp on the right side and isn't

yet sitting unassisted for longer than a few seconds. He's skinny 18 lbs but

very long 31 " . My question is how did or do you bathe your little ones? He's so

slippery and wiggly in the tub that right now I fill it with a tiny bit of water

to let him splash around while lying on his back, which he loves but he always

banging his heels so hard into the tub to splash, it worries me. I try to stand

or sit him in the tub with a deeper water level but it's difficult because he

goes nuts kicking and splashing and I'm always afraid he's going to slip out of

my hands. Any thoughts or suggestions? As always this forum and everyone's

advice and kindness is much appreciated.


> Kim


> Ps- my son has left pmg, diagnosed at 3 weeks.


> “I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.â€

> — Eartha Kitt



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We have been fighting a battle on this too! After my son outgrew the infant

seat, I used his Bumbo. It would have worked great, but he throws himself into

a backwards extension when he is excited and almost threw himself out of it over

the back! So then I got a Safety First Tubside bath seat (google it) and it

worked great but he kept bruising up his knees when he was kicking his legs.

Then we borrowed a specialized bath chair from his therapy center and are

currently using that now. I have never found a " perfect " one for him and always

have to modify what I get. Depending on your insurance you may be able to have

a therapist help you order a special needs bath chair.


> > My son is 13 months and loves the water. He has cp on the right side and

isn't yet sitting unassisted for longer than a few seconds. He's skinny 18 lbs

but very long 31 " . My question is how did or do you bathe your little ones? He's

so slippery and wiggly in the tub that right now I fill it with a tiny bit of

water to let him splash around while lying on his back, which he loves but he

always banging his heels so hard into the tub to splash, it worries me. I try to

stand or sit him in the tub with a deeper water level but it's difficult because

he goes nuts kicking and splashing and I'm always afraid he's going to slip out

of my hands. Any thoughts or suggestions? As always this forum and everyone's

advice and kindness is much appreciated.

> >

> > Kim

> >

> > Ps- my son has left pmg, diagnosed at 3 weeks.

> >

> > “I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.â€

> > †" Eartha Kitt

> >

> >




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My son is turning 2 and about 32 inches long and we have been using a

reclined bath seat that goes into the regular bathtub. Its called " Mother's

Touch Large Comfort Bather " we bought it at walmart for about $20.

Eventually he will grow out of it but its working really well right now.


> **



> Kim,

> We have been fighting a battle on this too! After my son outgrew the

> infant seat, I used his Bumbo. It would have worked great, but he throws

> himself into a backwards extension when he is excited and almost threw

> himself out of it over the back! So then I got a Safety First Tubside bath

> seat (google it) and it worked great but he kept bruising up his knees when

> he was kicking his legs. Then we borrowed a specialized bath chair from his

> therapy center and are currently using that now. I have never found a

> " perfect " one for him and always have to modify what I get. Depending on

> your insurance you may be able to have a therapist help you order a special

> needs bath chair.





> >

> > > My son is 13 months and loves the water. He has cp on the right side

> and isn't yet sitting unassisted for longer than a few seconds. He's skinny

> 18 lbs but very long 31 " . My question is how did or do you bathe your

> little ones? He's so slippery and wiggly in the tub that right now I fill

> it with a tiny bit of water to let him splash around while lying on his

> back, which he loves but he always banging his heels so hard into the tub

> to splash, it worries me. I try to stand or sit him in the tub with a

> deeper water level but it's difficult because he goes nuts kicking and

> splashing and I'm always afraid he's going to slip out of my hands. Any

> thoughts or suggestions? As always this forum and everyone's advice and

> kindness is much appreciated.

> > >

> > > Kim

> > >

> > > Ps- my son has left pmg, diagnosed at 3 weeks.

> > >

> > > “I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.â€

> > > †" Eartha Kitt


> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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Oh my goodness I have the same problem with the bumbo. I still use the

bumbo on occasion in the kitchen sink, but it doesn't allow for a lot of room to

kick and splash. Plus he does the throwing back thing too and hits the faucet or

wall. I am so excited to ask one of his therapists about the bath seat. He loves

the water and I hate that I can't always allow him to fully enjoy it. Plus it's

such a good workout for those low tone limbs of his. It cracks me up the serious

face he gets while kicking and splashing. And i need to put a soft mat

down. Duh, why didn't I think of that?:-) I guess sometimes with this guy I tend

to over complicate things. Thanks so much!!! Happy Holidays!!!

“I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.â€

— Eartha Kitt

> Kim,

> We have been fighting a battle on this too! After my son outgrew the infant

seat, I used his Bumbo. It would have worked great, but he throws himself into a

backwards extension when he is excited and almost threw himself out of it over

the back! So then I got a Safety First Tubside bath seat (google it) and it

worked great but he kept bruising up his knees when he was kicking his legs.

Then we borrowed a specialized bath chair from his therapy center and are

currently using that now. I have never found a " perfect " one for him and always

have to modify what I get. Depending on your insurance you may be able to have a

therapist help you order a special needs bath chair.




> >

> > > My son is 13 months and loves the water. He has cp on the right side and

isn't yet sitting unassisted for longer than a few seconds. He's skinny 18 lbs

but very long 31 " . My question is how did or do you bathe your little ones? He's

so slippery and wiggly in the tub that right now I fill it with a tiny bit of

water to let him splash around while lying on his back, which he loves but he

always banging his heels so hard into the tub to splash, it worries me. I try to

stand or sit him in the tub with a deeper water level but it's difficult because

he goes nuts kicking and splashing and I'm always afraid he's going to slip out

of my hands. Any thoughts or suggestions? As always this forum and everyone's

advice and kindness is much appreciated.

> > >

> > > Kim

> > >

> > > Ps- my son has left pmg, diagnosed at 3 weeks.

> > >

> > > “I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my


> > > †" Eartha Kitt

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

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Thanks Esther! I'm going to check it out. I just tried his old infant bathtub

but he was too long and kept kicking the end of it and sliding too deep into the

water because he just can't stop moving once in the water. But if this one is

larger it may do the trick. Thanks so much!!!

“I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.â€

— Eartha Kitt

> Kim,


> My son is turning 2 and about 32 inches long and we have been using a

> reclined bath seat that goes into the regular bathtub. Its called " Mother's

> Touch Large Comfort Bather " we bought it at walmart for about $20.

> Eventually he will grow out of it but its working really well right now.

> Esther





>> **



>> Kim,

>> We have been fighting a battle on this too! After my son outgrew the

>> infant seat, I used his Bumbo. It would have worked great, but he throws

>> himself into a backwards extension when he is excited and almost threw

>> himself out of it over the back! So then I got a Safety First Tubside bath

>> seat (google it) and it worked great but he kept bruising up his knees when

>> he was kicking his legs. Then we borrowed a specialized bath chair from his

>> therapy center and are currently using that now. I have never found a

>> " perfect " one for him and always have to modify what I get. Depending on

>> your insurance you may be able to have a therapist help you order a special

>> needs bath chair.






>>>> My son is 13 months and loves the water. He has cp on the right side

>> and isn't yet sitting unassisted for longer than a few seconds. He's skinny

>> 18 lbs but very long 31 " . My question is how did or do you bathe your

>> little ones? He's so slippery and wiggly in the tub that right now I fill

>> it with a tiny bit of water to let him splash around while lying on his

>> back, which he loves but he always banging his heels so hard into the tub

>> to splash, it worries me. I try to stand or sit him in the tub with a

>> deeper water level but it's difficult because he goes nuts kicking and

>> splashing and I'm always afraid he's going to slip out of my hands. Any

>> thoughts or suggestions? As always this forum and everyone's advice and

>> kindness is much appreciated.


>>>> Kim


>>>> Ps- my son has left pmg, diagnosed at 3 weeks.


>>>> “I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.�

>>>> � " Eartha Kitt







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Aw, low tone. We had high tone. That may have been the difference. What about

swimming in a warm pool or low set jacuzzi with you??

Sent from my iPhone

> Thanks Esther! I'm going to check it out. I just tried his old infant bathtub

but he was too long and kept kicking the end of it and sliding too deep into the

water because he just can't stop moving once in the water. But if this one is

larger it may do the trick. Thanks so much!!!


> “I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.â€

> — Eartha Kitt




> > Kim,

> >

> > My son is turning 2 and about 32 inches long and we have been using a

> > reclined bath seat that goes into the regular bathtub. Its called " Mother's

> > Touch Large Comfort Bather " we bought it at walmart for about $20.

> > Eventually he will grow out of it but its working really well right now.

> > Esther

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >> **

> >>

> >>

> >> Kim,

> >> We have been fighting a battle on this too! After my son outgrew the

> >> infant seat, I used his Bumbo. It would have worked great, but he throws

> >> himself into a backwards extension when he is excited and almost threw

> >> himself out of it over the back! So then I got a Safety First Tubside bath

> >> seat (google it) and it worked great but he kept bruising up his knees when

> >> he was kicking his legs. Then we borrowed a specialized bath chair from his

> >> therapy center and are currently using that now. I have never found a

> >> " perfect " one for him and always have to modify what I get. Depending on

> >> your insurance you may be able to have a therapist help you order a special

> >> needs bath chair.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>>

> >>>> My son is 13 months and loves the water. He has cp on the right side

> >> and isn't yet sitting unassisted for longer than a few seconds. He's skinny

> >> 18 lbs but very long 31 " . My question is how did or do you bathe your

> >> little ones? He's so slippery and wiggly in the tub that right now I fill

> >> it with a tiny bit of water to let him splash around while lying on his

> >> back, which he loves but he always banging his heels so hard into the tub

> >> to splash, it worries me. I try to stand or sit him in the tub with a

> >> deeper water level but it's difficult because he goes nuts kicking and

> >> splashing and I'm always afraid he's going to slip out of my hands. Any

> >> thoughts or suggestions? As always this forum and everyone's advice and

> >> kindness is much appreciated.

> >>>>

> >>>> Kim

> >>>>

> >>>> Ps- my son has left pmg, diagnosed at 3 weeks.

> >>>>

> >>>> “I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.�

> >>>> � " Eartha Kitt

> >>

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

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We had the same problem.  Our OT finally got us one of these

http://www.rifton.com/products/hygiene/bathchairs/ and thankfully our insurance

carrier paid for it.  Sometimes it is all about how your OT or Doctor writes up

the script for the equipment.  Anyway it has been wonderful for our son (who is

now 3).  Before it took 2 to give him a bath.  Now I can do it by myself and

loves it.  Good luck!





To: Pmg Yahoo Group <polymicrogyria >

Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 5:18 PM

Subject: Infant/toddler bathing solution


My son is 13 months and loves the water. He has cp on the right side and isn't

yet sitting unassisted for longer than a few seconds. He's skinny 18 lbs but

very long 31 " . My question is how did or do you bathe your little ones? He's so

slippery and wiggly in the tub that right now I fill it with a tiny bit of water

to let him splash around while lying on his back, which he loves but he always

banging his heels so hard into the tub to splash, it worries me. I try to stand

or sit him in the tub with a deeper water level but it's difficult because he

goes nuts kicking and splashing and I'm always afraid he's going to slip out of

my hands. Any thoughts or suggestions? As always this forum and everyone's

advice and kindness is much appreciated.


Ps- my son has left pmg, diagnosed at 3 weeks.

“I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.â€

— Eartha Kitt

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