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OT -- Gaylen

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Well said -- BTW, I used to work in PR too!


Googahly@... wrote:

In a message dated 5/17/2006 8:07:45 PM Central Standard Time, isoaa@...


<<What I don't understand, Gaylen is why you are assuming I am bashing

anyone, >>

I wasn't assuming that you, personally, were bashing anyone in particular. I

was just offended by the wording that seemed to belittle parents of autistic

kids as being uninformed and overly desperate.

<< I just can't understand that after all we have been through, all of us

here at @ , why we can't just stick to the protocol, other than

articles or newpapers or top topics of conversation regarding " autism " . >>

That would be wonderful but apparantly others feel the need to routinely post

the same story about the " chelation deaths " . I assume this is to scare

people into not considering chelation. I understand and respect the


that chelation isn't something kids should go through, but disagree with the

methods of trying to scare people about it with an at best semi-related news

story about three drug mix-up incidents.

<<I think we are all too sensitive here. With all the crap we put in our


bodies, why would anyone add to it with IV Chelation, when kids are dying


and right, regardless how safe everyone says it is. That 's my argument.>>

What kids are " dying left and right " ? It's comments like this that I was

talking about when I wrote about " over-dramatizing " things to try to scare

parents. If you have other research that supports that there have been many


directly associated with chelation, then please post them. Otherwise, the

best way to encourage people to investigate the position is to just say


chelation can be harmful so recommends against it. Over-dramatizing the

effects without any research to back it up tends to put off those

investigating both options and make them less likely to consider other things



<<I am struggling with what appears to be .... pointing fingers at certain

individuals. We need to stand as a TEAM IF WE ARE EVER GOING TO BE

SUCCESSFUL IN SPREADING THE TRUTH HERE. We should probably think about keeping


more general other than getting clicky and pal-pal with certain individuals

and NOT with others ..........................................because feelings

can get hurt too!>>

If my post hurt your feelings, I apologize. It wasn't meant as an attack or

pointing fingers or whatever but rather a sharing that parents can be very

offended and turned off when a post alludes to or directly calls them stupid,

desperate, or uninformed. While I copied some of your comments as references to

what I was referring to, my message was meant to speak in general terms

because I have seen and heard similar comments from others, including Dr.


I usually bristle a bit when I hear or read them but ignore them and move on.

However, having worked in public relations and knowing how such a thing can

really turn off the very people you are trying to reach, I thought it would be

worthwhile for me to share my thoughts. Sorry if they were too hormonal -- I

have my chocolate now so will go back to lurking again.


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