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Re: Medicine experiences to share? (long, I'm sorry)

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I hate to mention throwing another med into the mix but Strattera has helped

my 6 year immensely since the start of school this year... Dr. G put him on

Tenex last year (he mentioned that he doesn't like having kids on Strattera

before they are six).

Anyway, the little guy was SO oppositional for months and months... he was

falling asleep before lunch and couldn't concentrate (although the Tenex did

seem to help a little bit except for making him tired and cranky). We

decreased the Tenex and started Strattera and I now have a boy who not only

doesn't wake up cranky... he wakes up bubbling over with joy every morning.

He is rarely oppositional at all. To let you know how oppositional he was

before, I told my husband we couldn't go anywhere because the exorcist

wasn't available to babysit. And I was hardly kidding.

Now he is able to sit still and actually think through his work... his

grades have skyrocketed. He's the most like he was before the whole thing

hit as I have ever seen him.

Just something to consider.


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My son has alot of the same characteristics...the brain going and

the mouth going non-stop. Sometimes repetitive, sometimes not. And

my son gets very upset when others are not following the rules.

He is on Paxil, and I looked over my notes this a.m. and noticed I

wrote back when we switched (from Prozac)in July that he was more

irritable on Paxil, but more social too. On prozac, he was sedate,

happy, but not as social, and increased dose made him hyper by

nightitme. Paxil helped him to have a better wake/sleep cycle. I

even asked Dr G about giving both of these meds together and he

actually is pondering this concept.

We have not changed the Tenex dose in a long time, but I recall it

doing good things for sensory issues, better focus and attention.

We also give Wellbutrin SR....this was the result of the spect scan

showing hot spots in the frontal lobes. This too helped with focus

and being less distracted.

Have you considered trying some of the yeast treatments, like Kristy

mentioned in another thread? Like grapefruit seed extract, or

caprylic acid? I wonder if these are OK for kids.

Feel free to call or email too.


--- In , <thecolemans4@...>



> Hi all-


> It's time for me to pursue meds (again) for my son.

> He's in detention again for pinching this time. I've

> asked before for Paxil and the ped at the time had

> declined but now it's time to get pushy I suppose.


> I wanted to compare what meds were successful for some

> - my memory has left me.


> My son's primary issues that would benefit from meds

> are getting too angry in reaction to what he

> mis-perceives. He thinks people are laughing at him

> and making fun of him even if they are not (although

> they have and do). He threatens, yells, and scares

> kids throughout the day at school... of course he

> really dislikes just about all of them, so they're not

> exactly liking him back. Overall a negative

> experience for all of the class. (Teacher is good - I

> like her fine and know she is not at fault here.)


> This problem is not going away, and he says he cannot

> help it. I believe him, see it at home, but he simply

> controls himself better in this less stressful

> environment. Discipline has been in place on this for

> over a year - I don't believe the fault lies there.


> The other problem is he talks incessantly (except at

> school it's not so much), and if he's not talking,

> he's thinking thinking thinking so much that he cannot

> always process what he's supposed to be doing (don't

> we all? lol). I guess it's similar to OCD in some

> ways and I can relate, but it does feel a bit

> different than what I have w/PANDAS. And the topic

> matter is strange - wanting to modify motors and

> engines (from a 7 yr old perspective), and asks

> questions constantly. Also, he lectures on and on

> about how his engine (himself, because he's not a

> person, doesn't have lungs, stomach, brain, etc 'cause

> he's a computer) is running, etc etc etc. There's

> very little time in his brain for other thoughts. And

> if there are other thoughts, they tend to be negative.


> He's also now having trouble controlling hyper spells

> - gets carried away and knows he's going lose

> something but can't stop.


> Also, he freaks out at the sight of the bottom of

> anyone's feet (even pictures in ads like of babys)

> like it hurts - he'll flinch and tighten up and start

> keening yelling " Feet! Feet! " . We initially thought

> it was a control thing but it's not. He's really

> repulsed and it's just like 'fingers on a chalkboard'.


> I feel some of this could be biological, and foods and

> yeast could be involved as well, but sensory problems

> are bad too and diet changing isn't going great right

> now - but I'll continue to work on that. Yeast isn't

> going to be treated any time soon I can assure you,

> but of course I'm trying to manage diet. He is

> currently on antibiotics and I see no changes in the

> thought processes, and I think I already would be

> seeing a subtle change if his turning was really OCD

> related. I could be wrong. That's not the point

> right now anyway - gotta see how a relationship w/a

> new pediatrician is going to pan out for now.


> So I wanted to find out if someone else has seen

> improvements in the areas I've addressed based on any

> particular meds. Dr G had had him on Paxil and Tenex

> which had him bright but had not addressed the

> misperceptions. I think it's going to be very hard to

> identify what is going to be helpful and that it's nto

> going to be a 'quick fix', but I'd appreciate input so

> much.


> Thank you, and I'm sorry for the long post but there's

> probably no better place to ask.




> __________________________________________________


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Thats so good about the Straterra. We tried it and my son went

hyper crazy. But many peds are more willing to try this med on kids

so I say it is definietly worth a trial.


> ,


> I hate to mention throwing another med into the mix but Strattera

has helped

> my 6 year immensely since the start of school this year... Dr. G

put him on

> Tenex last year (he mentioned that he doesn't like having kids on


> before they are six).


> Anyway, the little guy was SO oppositional for months and

months... he was

> falling asleep before lunch and couldn't concentrate (although the

Tenex did

> seem to help a little bit except for making him tired and

cranky). We

> decreased the Tenex and started Strattera and I now have a boy who

not only

> doesn't wake up cranky... he wakes up bubbling over with joy every


> He is rarely oppositional at all. To let you know how

oppositional he was

> before, I told my husband we couldn't go anywhere because the


> wasn't available to babysit. And I was hardly kidding.


> Now he is able to sit still and actually think through his work...


> grades have skyrocketed. He's the most like he was before the

whole thing

> hit as I have ever seen him.


> Just something to consider.



> Caroline


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Hi Caroline -

Actually that drug's name just keeps popping into my

head, so I wonder if there's a secret message being

beamed in. :) jk

BTW - thanks for hysterical laugh - exorcist wasn't

available to babysit! I could've fallen in the floor,

and I'll have a better day because of it! :)

I will certainly keep this in mind, and for my

youngest, too, who's such a sweetie but having a

horrible time paying attention and listening in school

- so much that he just doesn't even want to go. Now

the fatigue is lifting, eye contact is mostly back,

and they're not going to be as patient w/ him now. :)

Thanks for mentioning it, because I was wondering why

I keep thinking about it.

--- Caroline Glover <sfglover@...> wrote:

> ,


> I hate to mention throwing another med into the mix

> but Strattera has helped

> my 6 year immensely since the start of school this

> year... Dr. G put him on

> Tenex last year (he mentioned that he doesn't like

> having kids on Strattera

> before they are six).


> Anyway, the little guy was SO oppositional for

> months and months... he was

> falling asleep before lunch and couldn't concentrate

> (although the Tenex did

> seem to help a little bit except for making him

> tired and cranky). We

> decreased the Tenex and started Strattera and I now

> have a boy who not only

> doesn't wake up cranky... he wakes up bubbling over

> with joy every morning.

> He is rarely oppositional at all. To let you know

> how oppositional he was

> before, I told my husband we couldn't go anywhere

> because the exorcist

> wasn't available to babysit. And I was hardly

> kidding.


> Now he is able to sit still and actually think

> through his work... his

> grades have skyrocketed. He's the most like he was

> before the whole thing

> hit as I have ever seen him.


> Just something to consider.



> Caroline





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