Guest guest Posted January 3, 2006 Report Share Posted January 3, 2006 A society is judged on how it cares for its weakest members; the elderly, children, and animals. How are we doing folks? Kathy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 4, 2006 Report Share Posted January 4, 2006 ----Original Message Follows---- From: JOSKAT95@... >A society is judged on how it cares for its weakest members; the elderly, >children, and animals. How are we doing folks? Kathy The responsibility of making sure no one is left behind in basic needs (shelter, food, healthcare) falls on our society - which through democratic processes should be met at all levels of our government. We are the government, whether state, federal or local. If 'us' doesn't want to do it, we won't do it at any level of government. A certain sector have convinced some Americans it is 'us' against the 'government'. This ideal has degraded to a greed is good philosophy and the that government is the problem. Add the many politicians that are bought by corporate America through campaign donations and the result is legislation that is transforming the U.S. from a democracy to a plutocracy where the rich rule. There is no 'us' versus 'them' (any level of government). If those in political power aren't working for 'us' they need to be removed from a position of power that is not serving the 'us' of this country. We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both - Supreme Court Justice Louis B. Brandeis And today we do not have both. The richest 1 percent of Americans now have more income that the bottom 96 million. The richest 1 percent owns nearly half the country's wealth. The top 10 percent owns 80 percent of the wealth. The Census Bureau reports the gap between rich and poor is the largest in 75 years, just before the Great Depression. Last year, for example, another one million Americans were added to the poverty role that now totals 37 million of our citizens. As the number of people in poverty rises, so does the number of billionaires in this country, over 225 and increasing. The 2005 Human Development Report (HDR) that is issued annually by the United Nations and covers all 191 Member States shows the U.S. ranks 10th among the world's nations in the category that combines health quality, education, and standard of living. In the category of life expectancy the U.S. ranks 29th. In the poverty index involving the richest 18 countries, the U.S. ranks at the bottom in 17th place. This is a disgraceful condition in the world's richest country and a betrayal of the hard-fought struggles for democracy and equality waged in past decades by American workers. Cheryl ------------------ Let's resolve to lift up the faltering American Dream American economy losing ground to foreign innovation By HOLLY SKLAR The American Dream doesn't need to go on a diet in the new year. It's been shrinking for years. We are becoming a nation of Scrooge-Marts and outsourcers — with an increasingly low-wage work force instead of a growing middle class. Even two-paycheck households are struggling to afford a house, college, health care and retirement. The American Dream is becoming the American Pipe Dream. " The vast majority of American workers (70 percent) think the American Dream has been or will be harder for them to financially achieve than it was for their parents' generation, " according to the Principal Financial Well-Being Index. We are living the American Dream in reverse. The hourly wages of average workers are 11 percent lower than they were back in 1973, adjusted for inflation, despite rising worker productivity. CEO pay, by contrast, has skyrocketed — up a median 30 percent in 2004 alone in the Corporate Library survey of 2,000 large companies. Median household income has fallen an unprecedented five years in a row. It would be even lower, if not for increased household work hours. Americans work more than 200 hours more a year on average than workers in other rich, industrialized nations. We are breaking records we don't want to break. Record numbers of Americans have no health insurance. The share of national income going to wages and salaries is the lowest since 1929. Middle-class households are a medical crisis, outsourced job or busted pension away from bankruptcy. The congressional majority voted the biggest cut in history to the student loan program at a time when college is more important, and more expensive, than ever. Public college tuition has risen even faster than private tuition, jumping 54 percent over the last decade, adjusted for inflation. Our shortsighted government, beholden to powerful campaign contributors and lobbyists, is cutting rungs from the ladders of upward mobility while cutting taxes for the superwealthy. That's not the American Dream. Contrary to myth, the United States is not becoming more competitive in the global economy by taking the low road. We are in growing hock to other countries. We have a huge trade deficit, hollowed-out manufacturing base and deteriorating research and development. The infrastructure built by earlier generations has eroded greatly, undermining the economy as well as public health and safety. Households have propped themselves up in the face of falling real wages by maxing out work hours, credit cards and home equity loans. This is not a sustainable course. The low road is like a " shortcut " that leads to a cliff. We will not prosper in the 21st century global economy by relying on 1920s' corporate greed, 1950s' tax revenues, pre-1970s' wages and global-warming energy policies. We will not prosper relying on disinvestment in place of reinvestment. We can't succeed that way any more than farmers can " compete " by eating their seed corn. As BusinessWeek put it in a special issue on China and India, " China's competitive edge is shifting from low-cost workers to state-of-the-art manufacturing. India is creating world-class innovation hubs, and its companies are far better performers than China's. " The United States will not succeed by shifting increasingly from state-of-the art manufacturing and world-class innovation hubs to low-cost workers. Contrary to myth, many European countries are better positioned for the future than the United States, with healthier economies and longer healthy life expectancies, greater math and science literacy, free or affordable education from preschool through college, universal health care, less poverty and more corporations combining social responsibility and world-class innovation. Among the world's 100 largest corporations in 2005, just 33 are U.S. companies, while 48 are European. In 2002, 38 were U.S. companies and 36 were European. CEO-worker pay gaps are much narrower at European companies than American. The United States dropped from No. 1 to No. 5 in the global information technology ranking by the World Economic Forum, whose members represent the world's 1,000 leading companies, among others. The top four spots are held by Singapore, Iceland, Finland and Denmark, with Sweden No. 6. Instead of pretending the problem is overpaid workers and accelerating offshoring, we need to shore up our economy from below and invest in smart economic development. Let's make that our New Year's resolution for the American Dream. Sklar is co-author of " Raise the Floor: Wages and Policies That Work for All of Us " ( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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