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RE: Second Medication: Lamotrigine - To control epileptic seizures

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, Nisha is going through about the same thing. Her neuro increased the

keppra and said if that does not work we will add lamictal. Know that you are

not alone.


Second Medication: Lamotrigine - To control epileptic


Dear All,

In an attempt to control my seizures, the neurologists are adding lamotrigine

(Lamictal) to my regime of Keppra. I wondered what everyone/anyone knew about

this medication - side effects, effectiveness etc. The last 4 months I've had a

substantial increase in my seizures (for me). I've been averaging 3-4 a month

now. When I first began having seizures, 3 years ago, I used to go up to 4

months or more without one. Also, has anyone else found that Keppra just

doesn't work for them? I read online, and it seems to be a " wonder " drug for

seizure control, but in my case, I seemed to be better off all medication! Not

to mention medication side effects: moodiness, sleep maintenance problems, slow

thought process at times.

I do hope I get control of this soon, and reapply myself to building a more

productive life again, ... work etc. It has been frustrating. It seems though

that I am getting a new neurologist (for those who know my story already).

From what I have been seeing, I seem to be the o

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Lamitcal-- My son has been on this medicine the longest....about 8 years

now. Make sure you go up slowly on this medicine keeping a look out for any

type of rash. If you do get a rash, contact your neuro immediately as it

could be dangerous. Lamictal is also used to help with mood which to me is

a bonus.

My son takes Lamictal along with Trileptal. His seizures are not

controlled. He still has approximately 2 every 7-11 days.

Good luck.

Donna (mom to Trevor, 15 yrs old moderate BPNH-PMG)

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Keppra did not work for my son either. It's very individual what meds will

work for someone. Sam's seizures were well controlled for many years on

Tegretol. When he hit his teens his seizures increased and we have tried a

number of medications since then, though we haven't used Lamictal.

Currently we have pretty good control with Tegretol and Depakote (he's gone

about a month and a half without one). Sam is 20 years old.

I hope you soon find a medication that works for you. Unfortunately, it's

kind of a trial and error process.

Best wishes,


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