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Recovery and thanks to Warren and

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After posting my son's story, I had an email from a member of the list who sent

me this comment, " I truly wish that more parents would respond about how well

their children are doing. I have been on this list for over 3 yrs. the same

very few parents respond about how well their children are doing. as far as I

know, you are the only one who child is " considered recovered " . I just wanted

to thank Warren and for sharing their stories. And who is always

there to help others through this nightmare.

I know there are many kids out there who are recovered who want to forget the

pain the Autism has caused and move on. I truly understand this. I have also

gone away and then came back to the list. Also the A-Word has a very negative

connotation and first and foremost we must protect our children. In my case,

even when I told people that my kid was born with Autism and is recovered, they

assume I am not telling the truth or he was misdiagnosed. Why would anyone set

their kid up for that kind of reaction? So I monitor the list and write

articles in hopes that someone with a kid believes and does what is necessary to

save their child.


P.S. Doris hang in there. You are a wonderful mother and it is sometimes hard

to keep going. Recovery is not overnight and a very slow process of ten steps

forward, three steps back. Even my son who has been well for years, recently

had a problem. His antiviral meds he has been on forever stopped working. I

took him to see Dr. G (after many years of managing this with another doctor)

and a switch to Famvir did the trick. Dr G is the best and after a massive

search across the country when my son was little, the only one I found who truly

knows his stuff. As much as I sometimes get upset with having to wait a long

time for Dr. G because he always runs late, he is worth the wait.


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In a message dated 1/8/2006 12:06:02 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

hindssite@... writes:

After posting my son's story, I had an email from a member of the list who

sent me this comment, " I truly wish that more parents would respond about how

well their children are doing. I have been on this list for over 3 yrs.

the same very few parents respond about how well their children are doing. as

far as I know, you are the only one who child is " considered recovered " . I

just wanted to thank Warren and for sharing their stories. And

who is always there to help others through this nightmare.

I know there are many kids out there who are recovered who want to forget

the pain the Autism has caused and move on. I truly understand this. I have

also gone away and then came back to the list. Also the A-Word has a very

negative connotation and first and foremost we must protect our children. In


case, even when I told people that my kid was born with Autism and is

recovered, they assume I am not telling the truth or he was misdiagnosed. Why


anyone set their kid up for that kind of reaction? So I monitor the list

and write articles in hopes that someone with a kid believes and does what is

necessary to save their child.


Dear Marcia,

This is an important point and one we all have to be reminded of. I pray

to God if my son continues to improve that I will never wander away from the

community that gave me such strength. My son will probably go to college,

and I hope he mentions Autism in his admissions essay. It will be his choice,

but I want him to know about his past and be proud.


Rye New York

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