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Re: essential oils/weekend/cleanse

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I wrote:

>Yesterday, DH and I did a 1 day cleanse with apple juice (prune juice

> in the

> morning, olive oil 3 x, water throughout.) It went very well (was DH's

> first) but I experienced something very strange around mid-afternoon -

> namely, indigestion. The juice and water seemed to sit in my stomach. I

> don't understand why that had happened...perhaps I was too physically

> active

> yesterday or something. Not sure. Could this have been a detox

> symptom? I

> looked on the list of detox symptoms but didn't see 'indigestion'.


> Regards,


> Holly


Don wrote:

" Hi Holly,

How much olive oil did you take? What did you have for supper the night

before or for your last meal before the cleanse? Sounds to me like

things kind of got slowed down there. Could be from the oil (depending

on how much you took) or from your last meal (depending on what you

ate). Or maybe a combination of both. I really don't believe that being

physically active would cause this as that usually stimulates digestion.

How much prune juice did you drink and did you have a BM afterwards? I

have never heard of anyone getting indigestion from doing a juice

cleanse but that doesn't mean it can't happen.

Lots of things can affect the digestion. Any negative emotion will

affect your digestion. That is why one should never eat when one is

angry, depressed or any of the other negative manifestations of

emotions. These emotions will literally stall your digestion leaving any

food in your stomach to ferment or putrefy.

Take the time to look back and examine the day from when you awoke and

see if you can spot any out points in your day that may have contributed

to it. Phone calls, bad news, reading the newspaper or watching TV. I

have every confidence that you will find the answer if you look hard

enough. Maybe meditate on the question and see what comes up. "


Hi Don,

We took 1 tablespoon olive oil in morning, another at noon, and a third late

afternoon. I don't think Saturday's supper was to blame - homemade stew

with mung bean sprouts, mushrooms, kale, carrots...some organic sesame seed

bread along with it.

The BM's were normal both yesterday morning and this morning (had prune

juice again this morning)...BTW, the indigestion had disappeared by early

evening and I felt fine upon waking but it was puzzling/disturbing there for

awhile and so I'm glad I asked about it. Upon reflection, I experienced

some feelings of guilt and fear in the afternoon. Guilt stemming from the

fact that I've been on an extended vacation (of sorts) and fear that I

really must get back to work soon or fall further behind. Crazy, huh? (I've

been taking things at a much slower pace in general since the beginning of

summer.) This week is going to be a busy one around here and I think that

that thought was also simmering on the backburner. World events often have a

way of shaking me up and so I did not read the paper yesterday but I seemed

to have done it myself. You know, these are really old 'tapes' and I thought

they'd faded away but they have not. No, they have not. Still, it's a good

thing to pin them down and 'see' them. I thank you for asking the above



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