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Help with sample

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If he's potty trained during the day, have you tried waking him up a few

hours earlier than he usually wakes up on his own to see if just shifting his


can help you get the first urine of the day?


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I am an avid reader of this group and all of you have helped so much

with the big things...now I need help with a small thing.

My 4 year old is being tested by an immunologist and needs a first

morning urine sample. He is potty trained in the day, but still wears

pull up at night. We are trying a peds urine collection bag at night,

but it always comes open. Since we are spending a lot on this test, I

want the best sample possible. Until we get this sample he is completly

off all supplements etc. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.


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Since he is potty trained, maybe you could use a urine collection container

that I have seen which fits onto the toilet seat... it looks like an upside

down hat (in fact, the nurses called it a " hat " at the urologist). It might

work if you woke him up and took him to sit on the potty a couple of hours

before it's time to wake up (before he goes in the pull up). Then you could

just dump it into the collection jar.

Another idea is just to put the urine bag on him in the wee (no pun

intended... OK, maybe there was ;) hours of the morning so that maybe it

would stay on long enough to hold the sample. Also... make sure his skin is

REALLY, REALLY clean and very dry when you stick the bag on... it'll help it

stay better.

I would do whatever it takes to avoid using a catheter... it was pretty

traumatic for one of our little guys when they used one in the emergency

room once.

Good luck!


> From: ajmakmom <kanaga4@...>

> Reply-< >

> Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 17:23:20 +0000

> < >

> Subject: Help with sample


> I am an avid reader of this group and all of you have helped so much

> with the big things...now I need help with a small thing.


> My 4 year old is being tested by an immunologist and needs a first

> morning urine sample. He is potty trained in the day, but still wears

> pull up at night. We are trying a peds urine collection bag at night,

> but it always comes open. Since we are spending a lot on this test, I

> want the best sample possible. Until we get this sample he is completly

> off all supplements etc. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.


> Thanks,







> Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

> the original author(s), and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

> opinion of the Research Institute and/or the Parent Coalition.



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Hi -

I would get a man to 'model' collecting a sample, and

laugh hysterically like it's just sooooooo funny to

" go " in a cup. Then, at bedtime, remind him of how he

gets to 'go' in the cup if he wakes up dry. I'd also

try waking him early and try to get him to 'go' then.

Or, you could just not wake him up, and stick his hand

in some warm water. :)

--- ajmakmom <kanaga4@...> wrote:

> I am an avid reader of this group and all of you

> have helped so much

> with the big things...now I need help with a small

> thing.


> My 4 year old is being tested by an immunologist and

> needs a first

> morning urine sample. He is potty trained in the

> day, but still wears

> pull up at night. We are trying a peds urine

> collection bag at night,

> but it always comes open. Since we are spending a

> lot on this test, I

> want the best sample possible. Until we get this

> sample he is completly

> off all supplements etc. Any suggestions would be

> GREATLY appreciated.


> Thanks,







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