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You do have his name right first of all... I'm sure you'll get more (and better) responses but in my experience, what makes him so great is that he is an expert in this subject. His wife nearly died of this illness and the protocol he uses is what saved her life. He treats each patient as an individual - not as "you have this, take this". He examines everything and prescribes what YOU need as an individual. Plus, it helps that he's so humane and caring.Jul wrote: Hi all,I know a number of you love this doctor in Lubbock (do I have his nameright?) but I'm not sure I've ever seen why. What is it about himthat makes him so great for thyroid? I'm still thinking about goingto see him this summer.Thanks!Jul

Imelda Macias

Get your own web address. Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

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Oh, this'll be fun...

You did just great, Imelda!

He is also Hypo himself and takes Armour.

He's treated between 1500 and 2000 thyroid patients.

And I'll be in his office on April 11.

OK, next...


>> Hi all,> > I know a number of you love this doctor in Lubbock (do I have his name> right?) but I'm not sure I've ever seen why. What is it about him> that makes him so great for thyroid? I'm still thinking about going> to see him this summer.> > Thanks!> > Jul>

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You might want to go to the home site and do a search on Dr R. and Dr . Here is a link http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Texas_Thyroid_Groups/messages You might need to sign in.


From: Texas_Thyroid_Groups [mailto:Texas_Thyroid_Groups ] On Behalf Of Imelda MaciasSent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 4:51 PMTo: Texas_Thyroid_Groups Subject: Re: Dr

You do have his name right first of all...

I'm sure you'll get more (and better) responses but in my experience, what makes him so great is that he is an expert in this subject. His wife nearly died of this illness and the protocol he uses is what saved her life. He treats each patient as an individual - not as "you have this, take this". He examines everything and prescribes what YOU need as an individual. Plus, it helps that he's so humane and caring.Jul wrote:

Hi all,I know a number of you love this doctor in Lubbock (do I have his nameright?) but I'm not sure I've ever seen why. What is it about himthat makes him so great for thyroid? I'm still thinking about goingto see him this summer.Thanks!Jul

Imelda Macias

Get your own web address.Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

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> You might want to go to the home site and do a search on Dr R. and Dr . Here is a link > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Texas_Thyroid_Groups/messages You might need to sign in. Yeah, I did that. Went back over 10 pages worth but it seemed just a bunch of messages about people making appointments to see him or others recommending him or him moving his office. But nobody has ever said *why* they like him other than he " just gets it. " Well...gets what exactly? Thyroid? Adrenals? Hormones? All of the above? I can't sit at the computer very long at a time lately so searching back far enough for worthwhile information has been hard. I guess I'm just looking for a little more detail on the guy before I make the trip out there. Does he understand that Armour shouldn't be dosed by TSH? Does he think just because your frees are " in range " that you're " fine " ? Stuff like that I guess is what I'm looking for. I don't know. It's just a long trip to make when I already don't feel good to not know much about the guy. :)

Thanks everyone for the info I've been given so far. Jul

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Your answer is: He gets it all.

Many of us travel great distances at great expense and inconvenience to see him.

Personally, I was way too sick to go doctor shopping, completely non-functioning, no quality of life, thought I was dying.

Most of us have been jerked around by other 'doctors' who either implied or told us outright that thyroid wasn't our problem.

There is no quick fix, it takes a long time to get well. I'm still working on it.


> > > You might want to go to the home site and do a search on Dr R. and Dr> . Here is a link> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Texas_Thyroid_Groups/messages You> might need to sign in.> > Yeah, I did that. Went back over 10 pages worth but it seemed just a bunch> of messages about people making appointments to see him or others> recommending him or him moving his office. But nobody has ever said *why*> they like him other than he "just gets it." Well...gets what exactly?> Thyroid? Adrenals? Hormones? All of the above? I can't sit at the computer> very long at a time lately so searching back far enough for worthwhile> information has been hard.> > I guess I'm just looking for a little more detail on the guy before I make> the trip out there. Does he understand that Armour shouldn't be dosed by> TSH? Does he think just because your frees are "in range" that you're> "fine"? Stuff like that I guess is what I'm looking for. I don't> know. It's just a long trip to make when I already don't feel good to not> know much about the guy. :)> > Thanks everyone for the info I've been given so far.> > Jul>

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I know I have posted several providing information about myself and 2 daughters. I don't know how far back the search will go.

He definitely does not ONLY use the TSH. When I started treatment last summer, I was very ill but my TSH was also very normal at about a 1. He used basal temperatures, medical history, symptoms and physical exam to confirm that I was most definitely hypothyroid. I was also hypoadrenal. It is very difficult to find a doctor that treats adrenals unless you have very severe case.

It is my understanding from conversations that I have had with him that using the basal temperatures, symptoms, physical exam and labs together is how he continues your dosing...not just the labs.

I started seeing him last summer, I was so ill that I would have stayed in bed and slept all day if I could have. Instead, I took my kids to school, etc but the entire time was thinking "if I can just get this done, I can go back to bed". I was so sick that I thought I had ovarian cancer. I had terrible IBS, GERD that did not respond to treatment (I was sleeping sitting up and still waking up with vomit in my mouth. I think my GI tract was so slow from lack of thyroid that everything was backing up), abdominal bloating, myxedema, a skin condition that looks like eczema on my shins that were raw and bleeding from scratching (pretibial myxedema) present for several years, my extremities were swollen, PMS, terrible feet and shoulder pain. I could not think. To do the most basic functions for my job, I felt like I was trying to solve a very complex algebra problem. I was gaining weight even though I was eating very low carb (gained 50-60 pounds in the year prior to starting treatment). I am sure there is more.

In the first set of labs he also identified that I was very deficient in B vitamins. He started me on a prescription form called Metanx.

So I am now on Armour, compounded hydrocortisone and Metanx. I am usually able to make it through the day without a nap. If I do lay down, sometimes just relaxing for 15-30 minutes refreshes me. If I do fall asleep it is for about 45 minutes and I am ready to go. My IBS resolved almost immediately. No shoulder and feet pain anymore. I think clearly. My PMS almost completely resolved in about a month...now I am the slightest bit irritable before it was quite severe. I stopped gaining weight and have probably lost about 10 pounds.

I have had thyroid symptoms since I went through puberty. I am almost 43. All these years, the doctors labeled me as psychosomatic and gave me antidepressants (almost all of which gave me an additional set of symptoms. When I complained about the symptoms most of docs would say those were in my head too). I feel like Dr R. actually got to the root cause of the problem.

If you do a search on "khanson93065", should be able to find my post about my two daughters in the past month to six weeks. The title was something like update.

I wish you good health in whatever decision that you make.


From: Texas_Thyroid_Groups [mailto:Texas_Thyroid_Groups ] On Behalf Of JulSent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 7:31 PMTo: Texas_Thyroid_Groups Subject: Re: Dr

> You might want to go to the home site and do a search on Dr R. and Dr . Here is a link > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Texas_Thyroid_Groups/messages You might need to sign in. Yeah, I did that. Went back over 10 pages worth but it seemed just a bunch of messages about people making appointments to see him or others recommending him or him moving his office. But nobody has ever said *why* they like him other than he "just gets it." Well...gets what exactly? Thyroid? Adrenals? Hormones? All of the above? I can't sit at the computer very long at a time lately so searching back far enough for worthwhile information has been hard. I guess I'm just looking for a little more detail on the guy before I make the trip out there. Does he understand that Armour shouldn't be dosed by TSH? Does he think just because your frees are "in range" that you're "fine"? Stuff like that I guess is what I'm looking for. I don't know. It's just a long trip to make when I already don't feel good to not know much about the guy. :) Thanks everyone for the info I've been given so far. Jul

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Sorry I have not had a chance to respond on this question until now. is willing to look beyond the test scores. And when he does look at tests, he is looking for optimal for you, not just anywhere in range. He understands adrenals and S*E*X* hormones and prescribes bio-identical hormones. His background includes working as a researcher and teacher in steroid biochemistry at UT Southwestern in Dallas. I mainly see him for those other hormones. As a diabetic and a survivor of breast cancer, I did not want to entrust myself to one of the local yokels. knows what he is doing. He tests things like ferritin, B12, magnesium. He has helped a lot of folks who have not been able to get help elsewhere, especially those with auto-immune thyroid disease. He has protocols that reduce antibodies. I make a point of asking him about all of my health problems, because he just knows more than any other doc I have ever seen. The downside of seeing him is that he is in a solo practice. If he has an emergency, you might just have to wait an hour or two. That has only happened to me once. But I know not to cut my connections too close. Jul wrote: > You might want to go to the home site and do a search on Dr R. and Dr . Here is a link > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Texas_Thyroid_Groups/messages You might need to sign in. Yeah, I did that. Went back over 10 pages worth but it seemed just a bunch of messages about people making appointments to see him or others recommending him or him moving his

office. But nobody has ever said *why* they like him other than he "just gets it." Well...gets what exactly? Thyroid? Adrenals? Hormones? All of the above? I can't sit at the computer very long at a time lately so searching back far enough for worthwhile information has been hard. I guess I'm just looking for a little more detail on the guy before I make the trip out there. Does he understand that Armour shouldn't be dosed by TSH? Does he think just because your frees are "in range" that you're "fine"? Stuff like that I guess is what I'm looking for. I don't know. It's just a long trip to make when I already don't feel good to not know much about the guy. :) Thanks everyone for the info I've been given so far. Jul

The fish are biting.

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Thanks Jan! This is very helpful!! :)Jul

Sorry I have not had a chance to respond on this question until now.

is willing to look beyond the test scores. And when he does look at tests, he is looking for optimal for you, not just anywhere in range. He understands adrenals and S*E*X* hormones and prescribes bio-identical hormones. His background includes working as a researcher and teacher in steroid biochemistry at UT Southwestern in Dallas. I mainly see him for those other hormones. As a diabetic and a survivor of breast cancer, I did not want to entrust myself to one of the local yokels. knows what he is doing.

He tests things like ferritin, B12, magnesium. He has helped a lot of folks who have not been able to get help elsewhere, especially those with auto-immune thyroid disease. He has protocols that reduce antibodies.

I make a point of asking him about all of my health problems, because he just knows more than any other doc I have ever seen.

The downside of seeing him is that he is in a solo practice. If he has an emergency, you might just have to wait an hour or two. That has only happened to me once. But I know not to cut my connections too close.

Jul wrote:

On 4/4/07, Kim Hanson <

khanson93065@...> wrote:> You might want to go to the home site and do a search on Dr R. and Dr . Here is a link >

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Texas_Thyroid_Groups/messages You might need to sign in. Yeah, I did that. Went back over 10 pages worth but it seemed just a bunch of messages about people making appointments to see him or others recommending him or him moving his

office. But nobody has ever said *why* they like him other than he " just gets it. " Well...gets what exactly? Thyroid? Adrenals? Hormones? All of the above? I can't sit at the computer very long at a time lately so searching back far enough for worthwhile information has been hard. I guess I'm just looking for a little more detail on the guy before I make the trip out there. Does he understand that Armour shouldn't be dosed by TSH? Does he think just because your frees are " in range " that you're " fine " ? Stuff like that I guess is what I'm looking for. I don't know. It's just a long trip to make when I already don't feel good to not know much about the guy. :) Thanks everyone for the info I've been given so far. Jul The fish are biting.

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Thanks for posting all of that Kim. This is great info and helps me out a lot in my decision. JulOn 4/4/07, Kim Hanson <

khanson93065@...> wrote:

I know I have posted several providing information about myself and 2 daughters. I don't know how far back the search will go.

He definitely does not ONLY use the TSH. When I started treatment last summer, I was very ill but my TSH was also very normal at about a 1. He used basal temperatures, medical history, symptoms and physical exam to confirm that I was most definitely hypothyroid. I was also hypoadrenal. It is very difficult to find a doctor that treats adrenals unless you have very severe case.

It is my understanding from conversations that I have had with him that using the basal temperatures, symptoms, physical exam and labs together is how he continues your dosing...not just the labs.

I started seeing him last summer, I was so ill that I would have stayed in bed and slept all day if I could have. Instead, I took my kids to school, etc but the entire time was thinking " if I can just get this done, I can go back to bed " . I was so sick that I thought I had ovarian cancer. I had terrible IBS, GERD that did not respond to treatment (I was sleeping sitting up and still waking up with vomit in my mouth. I think my GI tract was so slow from lack of thyroid that everything was backing up), abdominal bloating, myxedema, a skin condition that looks like eczema on my shins that were raw and bleeding from scratching (pretibial myxedema) present for several years, my extremities were swollen, PMS, terrible feet and shoulder pain. I could not think. To do the most basic functions for my job, I felt like I was trying to solve a very complex algebra problem. I was gaining weight even though I was eating very low carb (gained 50-60 pounds in the year prior to starting treatment). I am sure there is more.

In the first set of labs he also identified that I was very deficient in B vitamins. He started me on a prescription form called Metanx.

So I am now on Armour, compounded hydrocortisone and Metanx. I am usually able to make it through the day without a nap. If I do lay down, sometimes just relaxing for 15-30 minutes refreshes me. If I do fall asleep it is for about 45 minutes and I am ready to go. My IBS resolved almost immediately. No shoulder and feet pain anymore. I think clearly. My PMS almost completely resolved in about a month...now I am the slightest bit irritable before it was quite severe. I stopped gaining weight and have probably lost about 10 pounds.

I have had thyroid symptoms since I went through puberty. I am almost 43. All these years, the doctors labeled me as psychosomatic and gave me antidepressants (almost all of which gave me an additional set of symptoms. When I complained about the symptoms most of docs would say those were in my head too). I feel like Dr R. actually got to the root cause of the problem.

If you do a search on " khanson93065 " , should be able to find my post about my two daughters in the past month to six weeks. The title was something like update.

I wish you good health in whatever decision that you make.


From: Texas_Thyroid_Groups [mailto:Texas_Thyroid_Groups ] On Behalf Of JulSent: Wednesday, April 04, 2007 7:31 PMTo: Texas_Thyroid_Groups Subject: Re: Dr

On 4/4/07, Kim Hanson < khanson93065@...

> wrote:> You might want to go to the home site and do a search on Dr R. and Dr . Here is a link > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Texas_Thyroid_Groups/messages

You might need to sign in. Yeah, I did that. Went back over 10 pages worth but it seemed just a bunch of messages about people making appointments to see him or others recommending him or him moving his office. But nobody has ever said *why* they like him other than he " just gets it. " Well...gets what exactly? Thyroid? Adrenals? Hormones? All of the above? I can't sit at the computer very long at a time lately so searching back far enough for worthwhile information has been hard. I guess I'm just looking for a little more detail on the guy before I make the trip out there. Does he understand that Armour shouldn't be dosed by TSH? Does he think just because your frees are " in range " that you're " fine " ? Stuff like that I guess is what I'm looking for. I don't know. It's just a long trip to make when I already don't feel good to not know much about the guy. :) Thanks everyone for the info I've been given so far. Jul

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Most of us have been jerked around by other 'doctors' who either implied or told us outright that thyroid wasn't our problem. Been there, done that! lol

There is no quick fix, it takes a long time to get well. I'm still working on it. Definitely understand that. It's been over a year now and I'm worse now I think sometimes than before I was diagnosed!!!


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Simply stated, Dr. saved my life. :-)


> Hi all,


> I know a number of you love this doctor in Lubbock (do I have his


> right?) but I'm not sure I've ever seen why. What is it about him

> that makes him so great for thyroid? I'm still thinking about going

> to see him this summer.


> Thanks!


> Jul


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  • 9 months later...


I was wondering if someone could tell me how much a first visit and

labs would cost at Dr . I did a search and the search came back

with someone saying $163 for the office visit and $550 for labs. I

think this is old though and would like a more recent figure. I am

thinking of switching over to him so I can get more of what I need and

more testing done. If I can swing it since I dont have insurance right


I would call them but I know alot of offices dont like to discuss fees

over the phone.

Does anyone know if they are willing to work out any type of payment

arrangements? Are all the test done in his office or does he send you

out to a lab?


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Those numbers do not sound right. I think it is a lot more than that without insurance. It also depends on what labs he wants to order for you. Call the office and ask.

>> Hi, > > I was wondering if someone could tell me how much a first visit and > labs would cost at Dr . I did a search and the search came back > with someone saying $163 for the office visit and $550 for labs. I > think this is old though and would like a more recent figure. I am > thinking of switching over to him so I can get more of what I need and > more testing done. If I can swing it since I dont have insurance right > now. > > I would call them but I know alot of offices dont like to discuss fees > over the phone. > > Does anyone know if they are willing to work out any type of payment > arrangements? Are all the test done in his office or does he send you > out to a lab? > > Thanks,> >

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As far as I know they expect payment when services are rendered. I don't think they will have a problem discussing fees over the phone, as they didn't with me. I would suggest you call them as all insurance coverages are different. The first lab must be done at his office, after that you can do it locally.

Hi,I was wondering if someone could tell me how much a first visit andlabs would cost at Dr . I did a search and the search came back

with someone saying $163 for the office visit and $550 for labs. Ithink this is old though and would like a more recent figure. I amthinking of switching over to him so I can get more of what I need andmore testing done. If I can swing it since I dont have insurance right

now.I would call them but I know alot of offices dont like to discuss feesover the phone.Does anyone know if they are willing to work out any type of paymentarrangements? Are all the test done in his office or does he send you

out to a lab?Thanks,

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