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Re: Re: Tics: PANDAS or Diflucan/

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Hi Donna -

I've never been able to tell by timing if a med/dye is

a problem. It seems a bit different than food

reactions, which I AM able to tell somewhat by

timing... except soy... soy and dyes are the two

things that seem to take at least a few days to build

up, then it takes about 3 days after removing it to be

back to normal. That's just in my kids. There's very

few things I can actually tell right away. I've

always had to eliminate and re-add at least 3 times

and see a very clear difference before I will say " yes

he's reacting to that " . If I just 'suspect'

something, I will limit it, and occasionally test it

by being out for a few days. It's really hard to

tell, because now my son is getting a small amount of

soy lecithen in a treat he is rewarded with at school,

and I cannot tell that it is doing him any harm,

whereas in the past, he would go totally psychotic,

and if that happened, I would KNOW he had soy and

scour the cuppard to find out what I unwittingly had

introduced... and I would always find it. Now, it's

not so obvious and certain anymore.

(LOL I think that was the long way of saying " I don't

really know " . :))

--- princesspeach <donnaaron@...> wrote:

> Hey, ,


> One more question --


> If a kid is reacting to a dye in the medication,

> would the behaviors

> die down somewhat after a few hours, or would they

> be pretty much

> ongoing? I don't see any particular " spike " in tics

> and twitches

> after taking meds, nor do I see them subsiding as

> the hours go by.


> Donna






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Donna you can get Diflucan compounded at Friendly Hills Pharmacy in Whittier

CA...562 698 0909 - costs $75 for 30 x 125 mg ...they will UPS it to you

...local in the LA area costs about $8. Your pharmacy should be able to get

the chemical...its Fluconazole,

Re: Tics: PANDAS or Diflucan/

Hmmmm...well, thanks for your insight anyway, ! LOL...

The throat culture came back today. Negative. I honestly don't think

there's any infection going on; I'm beginning to think he's reacting

to something in those new generic Tenex pills. The tics started right

around the same time he started taking those. Ironic, since I'm the

one who posted so blithely earlier about how it wasn't *that* much

coloring in those new pills and probably " most " kids wouldn't have a

problem with it! :-) Maybe it's a filler or something other than the

coloring, because the Diflucan has never bothered him.

I was able to track down some of the white " football " Guanfacine

tablets from our regular pharmacy's warehouse. Where did you find the

colorless generic Diflucan? I contacted a local compounding pharmacy,

but they said they are not able to compound Diflucan because they are

not able to get it in chemical form.



> > Hey, ,

> >

> > One more question --

> >

> > If a kid is reacting to a dye in the medication,

> > would the behaviors

> > die down somewhat after a few hours, or would they

> > be pretty much

> > ongoing? I don't see any particular " spike " in tics

> > and twitches

> > after taking meds, nor do I see them subsiding as

> > the hours go by.

> >

> > Donna

> >

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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I used to get our dye-free Diflucan compounded at Rancho Park

Compounding Pharmacy in L.A. They accepted my Blue Cross, too. (310)



Re: Tics: PANDAS or Diflucan/

> Hmmmm...well, thanks for your insight anyway, ! LOL...


> The throat culture came back today. Negative. I honestly don't think

> there's any infection going on; I'm beginning to think he's reacting

> to something in those new generic Tenex pills. The tics started right

> around the same time he started taking those. Ironic, since I'm the

> one who posted so blithely earlier about how it wasn't *that* much

> coloring in those new pills and probably " most " kids wouldn't have a

> problem with it! :-) Maybe it's a filler or something other than the

> coloring, because the Diflucan has never bothered him.


> I was able to track down some of the white " football " Guanfacine

> tablets from our regular pharmacy's warehouse. Where did you find the

> colorless generic Diflucan? I contacted a local compounding pharmacy,

> but they said they are not able to compound Diflucan because they are

> not able to get it in chemical form.


> Donna





>> > Hey, ,

>> >

>> > One more question --

>> >

>> > If a kid is reacting to a dye in the medication,

>> > would the behaviors

>> > die down somewhat after a few hours, or would they

>> > be pretty much

>> > ongoing? I don't see any particular " spike " in tics

>> > and twitches

>> > after taking meds, nor do I see them subsiding as

>> > the hours go by.

>> >

>> > Donna

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >



>> __________________________________________________


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Hmm... I never experienced a problem with a filler.

Usually the kids I heard of who had real bad problems

with fillers were those terribly allergic to things

like cornstartch, and they had significant problems

with all meds, not just one or two.

Also, when my son first started Diflucan, the

improvements were so staggering that any negatives

were completely overshadowed. It seems like it was a

while before I had switched to the dye free, and only

then did I notice the absence of some problems, which

I can't remember but may discover when I get the past

records in order.


--- princesspeach <donnaaron@...> wrote:

Maybe it's a filler or

> something other than the

> coloring, because the Diflucan has never bothered

> him.



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