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does anyone have any RECENT info about this Dr. or these tests? I have tried a


different treatments to no avail. Any info about him would be greatly


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I don't think it is political. It comes down to the fact that she has a

special needs child and some feel like she is choosing her career over her


I personally, do not. So, people are going to continue to comment on it for

a while. Jen

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Sorry, but I have to agree here! I spend most of my email time

deleting the political messages. :)


in Ohio


> Could we take the political discussion to another venue and get

back to

> being a support group and information source for our

> children/grandchildren with Apraxia? I am so tired of looking at


> daily digest with only one or two messages on topic.


> Agree to disagree and get on with the important function for which


> group was formed.


> Thanks!


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Try searching for this:

High Gamma E Tocopherol


Re: [ ] Re: Please

I agree also....

I still am waiting for someone to answer my question about which vit. E they

bought at the Vitamin shop sale. I didn't want to waste money on the wrong one..

I also have been deleting the political messages.

Nana Barb

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Thanks ,

What would we do with out you. By the way my shipment of EFA and EPA came the

other day. You have fast service. My granddaughter was up to 2 EFA's and my

daughter added the EPA yesterday and today. I watched her tonight and she was

just talking away, well allot was just singing some of her new words like "

BABY, BABY, BABY.... " She is also saying two and three word sentences.. BYE BYE

PAPA...Hi Papa, Pop Please...all clear...yea...

She has really come along way in the last few months. Still has a long way to go

but she is on her way..

When will be the best to add the VIt. E? She just started the 1 EPA with the 2

EFA's so should we just stick with that for awhile.

Thanks again for taking the time to help us all

Nana Barb

[ ] Re: Please

Hi Nana -or just click here to see what it looks like

http://www.vitaminworld.com/pages/file.asp?PID=1111 & CID=781 & CPID=2112


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Re: [ ] Re: Please

I agree also....

I still am waiting for someone to answer my question about which vit. E they

bought at the Vitamin shop sale. I didn't want to waste money on the wrong one..

I also have been deleting the political messages.

Nana Barb

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I do not think she chooses her career over her kids. She is one of the lucky

people who incorporate their family life with their work. s he said

she nursed her baby at work. I know people who worked and took care of their

kids. Some of them are authors, accountants, childcare providers. It is

difficult but possible.

**************It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel

deal here.


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High Gamma Tocoperol - Vitamin E (fr. the Vitamin Shoppe) is what I use...

I agree also....

I still am waiting for someone to answer my question about which vit. E

they bought at the Vitamin shop sale. I didn't want to waste money on the

wrong one.


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i just ordered that one online from vitamin world.  It seems Sisu, who I had


able to buy locally, discontiued theirs and my local health food store isn't


to order vitamin world products yet.



mom to 8 years old

Re: [childrensapraxiane t] Re: Please

I agree also....

I still am waiting for someone to answer my question about which vit. E they

bought at the Vitamin shop sale. I didn't want to waste money on the wrong one..

I also have been deleting the political messages.

Nana Barb


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