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Re: Mycoplasma and antibiotic trials - Donna

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Hi Donna

For mycoplasma pneumonia, you wouldn't necessarily see

much sign of illness, as it's another opportunistic

bacteria that can take up chronic infection. You

WOULD, however, likely hear at least some wheezing on

a chest exam. I was misdiagnosed with asthma and was

treated without any positive results for several

years, and one day during a phone consult, Dr G said

" , that's a mycoplasma cough... get you some

doxycycline " , and I did. I had free, clear lungs for

the first time in my memory! (I just love that man!)

As far as your doctor wanting positive signs for

infection, unfortunately, sometimes the only way to

rule it out is a trial. Strep can take up in the

upper respiratory tract and not be caught in a throat

culture. I wouldn't be surprised if it can take up in

the GI tract, either... I mean, we swallow it, right?

Don't know if that's true - it's usually group B in

the gi tract, and I don't think there's any connection

with it and pandas or tics.

The period of time when I was a child and had the most

severe onset of PANDAS was when I was in the 4th grade

after a string of infections from 2nd and 3rd grade (I

don't remember those years). I never missed a day of

school or had any symptoms of illness the entire year.

I 'appeared' healthy as a horse. And it seems in my

experience that it was the asymptomatic infections (no

sore throat or red or swollen tonsils) that always

triggered my worst episodes.

If he's congested with a cold, maybe you'll " get

lucky " and he'll have to have antibiotics in follow

up. If that happens, just make sure that whatever he

takes is good for targeting strep. And I don't care

who says Omnicef is supposed to be good for strep (I

hear different sides from different doctors)... it

doesn't touch the symptoms.

Hope that helps. I don't want to worry you... just to

remind all that symptoms can hide, and you absolutely

can have strep and a negative throat culture. Only

titers and antibiotic trials can truly rule out strep.

--- princesspeach <donnaaron@...> wrote:

> If he had pneumonia, he would show signs of being

> sick, wouldn't he?

> He looks and acts healthy, and his ped didn't want

> to give him an

> antibiotic until the throat culture comes back

> because he shows no

> obvious signs of a bacterial infection -- clear

> chest, clear ears,

> normal-looking throat, etc. I noticed a *little*

> bit of congestion

> today, but we're having " allergy " weather right now.



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