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Re: sackie Virus

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Yes, this is the form of coxsackie that our doc thought Gracie might

have, but I am doubtful since she has absolutely no

sores/blisters/rashiness anything in her mouth. And her throat and

tonsils were reddened today, so I'm leaning more towards scarlet fever,

but we won't know until her strep culture comes back.

Anyway, thanks for the input!!

" Anne . " wrote:

> ,


> When I was a senior in HS, I worked at a Nursing Home. I had just

> gotten my orthodontic braces back on.. and we had a patient that had

> Shingles... which is from the same virus that causes chicken pox.

> The nurses knew that she had it, but didn't bother to tell any of us

> that did all the personal care stuff. It was the patient that told

> us.


> But because I had just gotten my braces back on, they hurt, and my

> hands kept going to my mouth... I did wear gloves to cares, & such.

> And I also washed my hands millions of times. But I got this

> infection in my mouth! In the mouth it is called Herpangina... it was

> kind of like chicken pox, they hurt, and having my braces break every

> bubble in my mouth, just about drove me bonkers.


> Herpangina is caused by a virus known as the " sackie virus "


> It went away on its own, just like chicken pox, and shingles do. I

> drank liquid lidocaine the entire time, to numb up my mouth from the

> sores caused by the infection, and then by my braces opening them all

> the way up.... they bled lots once open!


> Just thought that was interesting since I knew the Herpangina thing,

> but I didn't know it was caused by the sackie Virus (didn't even

> know sackie Virus existed!... so that may also be why!)


> Love Always,

> Anne

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  • 5 years later...

We are still looking for that missing piece, too, now and I've been stewing

about sackie. If I understand correctly, it's not a herpes virus, so it

would need a different antiviral. I Googled up some info on Cocksackie

antivirals and it seems that there is some success with them according to

some camps.

I always wonder about a virus my son had when he was a baby... He was sooooo

sick for over a week... we called the pediatrician but they told us what to

do over the phone and we never went in. We sat and held him for the entire

Christmas break that year... he was so miserable and uncomfortable. Of

course, he was too little to tell us what was bothering him. I wonder what

that virus was and if that was the big trigger for him, although I believe

he had issues (at least his hypotonia) before that.

I know one of my kids probably had " Hand, foot, and mouth disease " at one

point (I think we saw the blisters), which is a form of Cocksackie.... can't

remember which kid it was, though! It's highly contagious, though, and you

can have it and have no symptoms, so I guess I'd never know who really had

it without titers.

Anyway, this is something I don't believe we've ever done labs for.


> From: Barb Katsaros <barbkatsaros@...>

> Reply-< >

> Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2006 22:53:23 -0800 (PST)

> < >

> Subject: RE: sackie Virus??? (long, sorry)


> I don't think we had that test to see if my kids got

> it. I bet kutapressin helped it. Altho, my son

> didn't improve much on it. Dr. G and I are still

> trying to find out what his " missing piece " is.

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Maybe I need to look up RSV and learn about it. The bummer is that I don't

really remember what all of my son's symptoms were, it was so long ago. I

think I'll look back through his medical history and read the nurse's notes

from then. I've always wondered what hit him then.


> From: Argie Olivo <golivo@...>

> Reply-< >

> Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2006 09:05:00 -0800

> < >

> Subject: RE: sackie Virus


> Hi Caroline,


> got RSV virus when he was about 7 months old. I'm not sure if we

> could get him tested to see if maybe that had something to do with his

> immune problems, but he was sick for about 2 weeks with it.

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Thanks, Most of our () kids are on an acyclovir med anyway (Valtrex or

FamVir) and in some cases Zovirax where Valtrex and FamVir are not


Re: sackie Virus

Someone asked what anti-viral the doctor has prescribed. It is

Acyclovir, aka Zovirax.


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Don't forget there are other common viruses that are

also known to be latent and often continue chronic

infection in an immune-stressed person. I've heard of

that happening with West Nile Virus (without the

encephalitis), and another common virus whose name I

can't remember, but that my kids had over the summer

and haven't been quite right since.

Seems it also started with a C... I'm going to have to

look back thru their records. I remember reading

about it at the time, thinking... " Great. Just

great! " . I had forgotten this until the most recent

discussion, and I'm going to ask to have it tested

for, since my youngest is running a low grade temp on

and off for months, now.

--- Caroline Glover <sfglover@...> wrote:



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